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Emotional Intelligence
Vivian Tseng, Matt Palmer, Jonathan Fouk
Group #41
Some people find it harder to communicate their
emotions with others
Provide an interface for them to identify their
emotions and communicate it clearly with others
Wearable Device on Wrist
o Similar to watch
o Speech Processing and Classification
o Sensors
o Digital Signal Processor (DSP)
o Display
High Level Block Diagram
Block Diagram: Data Collection and Processing
Block Diagram: User Interface
Block Diagram: Power System
o 3.3V ± 0.2V
o 1.7V ± 0.1V
o 0.1Vpp Voltage Ripple
at 100 mA
o 500 mA Charge
o 100 mA maximum
o Charge LiPo Battery
Microphone and Audio Amplifier
o 30 dB Gain
o Output Impedance of
400 Ohm
o Filter transition band
from 8k to 10k of -30 dB
o Less than 1 ms of Time
Delay for all Passband
o Output Offset of 1.65V
Simulation Results Frequency Sweep
Simulation Results Outputs
Power, Microphone, and IO Implementation
Temperature Sensing
o Thermistor
o Input to Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) pin of
microcontroller (MCU)
o Calculate temperature on MCU
Heart Rate Monitor
o Analog Front End Chip
o Use Green LED and Photodiode to collect data
o Communicate to Microcontroller through Serial
Peripheral Interface (SPI)
o Calculate beats per minute on MCU
User Interface
Two Display methods decided by the user
o LCD screen display
 Connected to the Microcontroller
and display the determined
o LED lights display option
 Different LED colored lights
showing your emotion
USB Charging
Feature Extraction
Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients
▪ take Discrete Fourier Transform of signal
create Mel filterbanks
take the log of filterbank energies
take Discrete Cosine Transform of log filterbank energies
Feature Extraction
Feature Extraction
Support Vector Machines (SVM)
▪ Finds maximum distance plane
between 2 or more classes
Multi-class Problem
▪ More than two classes of emotions
▪ One vs One strategy
Cross correlation method
▪ Split dataset into v subsets of equal size
▪ test each subset against trained group of
other subsets
▪ For each distinct emotion, accuracy ~41%
Classify by valence and arousal
▪ valence = positivity of feelings
▪ arousal = excitability of feelings
▪ only voted for one class
Problem: Unequal training sets
After equalizing training set
▪ valence accuracy ~ 63%
▪ arousal accuray ~ 75%
Digital Signal Processor
Pulls in speech data from microphone
o Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
o Feature Extraction
Sends data through Serial Peripheral
Interface (SPI) to MCU
o MCU performs classification on
speech and biosensor data
Determine correct emotion from speech with higher than 65% confidence rate
Display module working
o LEDs and LCD
Temperature Sensor (ADC to MCU)
Amplifying circuit for microphone
Power charger and converter
Future Steps
Fix SPI communication between modules
Replace Microcontroller Launchpad with surface mount microcontroller
Add feature extraction to DSP
Extensive testing with different users
Re-design IOBoard and Controller Board
o Design Wearable Package
Implement with Sensitive Microphone
o Adjust OP-AMP gain
o Speech signal processing
o Circuit design
o Power system design
o Use less surface mount for prototyping
o Have access to speech databases
o Expanded soldering and design skills
Thank you!