Transcript ppt

MDC-II LVL-1 Trigger
Khaled Teilab
for the
MDC Trigger Team
Why do we need MDC Trigger?
Current Trigger is based on multiplicity in META
Problem: Tracks have META hit but no MDC
Information –> Events are useless
: include MDC information in the trigger
decision -> Gives about a factor of 2 more
MDC Trigger Implementation
Particles crossing any drift cell produce
a signal on field/cathode planes
Signal is collected at the HV input to
the chamber (HV filter box)
Problem: Large capacitance –> low
signal/noise ratio
stable chambers
short drift times (40 – 160 ns)
Status Cyprus Meeting
Used field plane readout
Used analog summing of amplified
55-75% efficiency at the working point
65-85% efficiency at 1790V (40V above
working point)
New Scheme
Rossendorf: New HV filter boxes for cathode
Wolfgang: New discriminator board
Amplified cathode signals are first
discriminated then summed to define
Sergey: Improved amplifier
No improvement in S/N due to correlated
Minimized time delay
Wolfgang: Alternative amplifier
high amplification
short rise time
short life time
Properties of Amplifiers
Amplification ~ 120
Delay ~ 55ns
Rise time ~ 65ns
Input impedance 50Ω
Amplification ~ 20000
Delay ~ 45 ns
Rise time ~ 40ns
Input impedance 1kΩ
Not reliable: trips can kill
Typical Signals
Positive signals come from
Sergey's amplifier
Negative signal comes from
Wolfgang's amplifier
Each signal is for a different
cathode plane
Main Problem: Noise
Noise 3 times higher than
electronic noise is observed
Repetition rate: 5 MHz
Noise increases if HV
connectors are plugged in
Pulser connection to the field
planes was introducing noise
Pulser connection is removed
Due to noise: reduced
efficiency (trigger threshold)
Cosmics Results using Sergey's Amplifier
based on Offline Analysis
Efficiency at the HV working point about 60%
at the same voltage Wolfgang's amplifier showed roughly about
25% more efficiency (needs verification)
Efficiency at 1790V about 80%
MDC-Trigger Signal is 50-150ns earlier than TOF coincidence signal
Different Multiplicities
Digital summing is implemented
Cathode readout doesn't provide advantages in S/N due to
correlated noise and larger capacitance
Timing is no longer crucial
We have a perfect amplifier from Sergey
We still have too high noise
Current efficiency is not yet satisfactory
Currently looking for grounding/shielding problems
A new dedicated filter designed by Wolfgang will be tested soon
If succeeded in reducing noise we can reach more than 90%
efficiency for multiplicity I at 1790 V
During the test run this month we will check trigger efficiency in
beam and hadron/lepton ratio.