Transcript Data types

Barrel RPC Conditions Database
It will hold all data describing the running conditions of the
• Main part of the conditions data will be necessary for physics
event reconstruction
• Other data will be used for error tracking
It is a “trait d’union” between online and offline data
What does that mean for Barrel RPCs ?
What we are dealing with
4 layers of muon detectors: in the barrel RPC+MDT
In each layer 12 sectors:
In each sector: 2 RPC chambers for RB1 and RB2
1 RPC chamber for RB3 and RB4
… for a total of 480 chambers
RPC system numbers
• area covered: 2400 m2
• number of RPC chambers: 480
• number of strips: ~75.000
• number of front-end cards: 4.700
Each chamber has associated with it its story: construction DB
Some of these data will have to be uploaded to conditions DB
Data types (just a first hypothesys): substantially four kinds:
”Geometric” constants
Environmental conditions
Running conditions
“Historical” informations
“Geometric” data
Main (and primary) task: pass from raw data to tracks
Raw data from RPC: hit address
• Chamber ID (2 bytes) and Fired Strip ID (1 byte)
Needed: geometry of the Chamber
From the point of view of fired strip information, RPCs chambers
come into 10 main “flavours”, plus some variations (chimneys),
differing in dimensions and strip pitch.
Maybe necessary to keep track also of the service position (i.e.
for noise studies) …then a factor 2 more types (left and right)
Actually, due to the presence of pre-loaded bars, almost all
chambers are different …
“Geometric” data
Hit address
Immediate association in the “local”
reference system
To pass from local reference system to CMS reference system, a
point and three angles needed (from alignment?)
In the barrel RPCs are “solidal” with MDT, so this part of the code
could be common?
Precision needed: hit information has the spatial resolution of the
strip dimension, order of cm
Reasonable to reach an order of mm accuracy
Environmental conditions
Essentially temperature, pressure, humidity, needed for correct
calibration of the system
Temperature measured: 1 per Chamber (external)
1 per Front-end board
Humidity measured: 1 per gas crate (internal)
1 per CMS (external)
Pressure measured: 1 per CMS
Informations from the gas system: operating conditions, gas flow
rate, percentage of recirculation
Hopefully more or less stable: no need to update constants frequently
Running conditions
Basic information: was the chamber on?
… Each chamber is divided in 2 or 3 DoubleGaps, so needed one
information per DG … (maybe, in particular cases, one per SG?)
Operation HV: 1 per chamber, maybe 1 per DG
On front-end electronics: low voltage, threshold on input signals
Possible failures (for instance)
Front-end: broken boards
Strips: “dead” or noisy strips
These should be the direct logging of a diagnostic online system
Running conditions
It is an open issue, how often, and in which way, runs dedicated
to calibration and measuring of subdetector performance will take
In this case, do we want also to keep track of a rough performance of
the detector (important for estimating the trigger efficiency)?
…Moreover, the information coming from RPCs will be fed into
dedicated pieces of electronics (link and trigger boards) to generate
1st level muon trigger
Informations related to connection topology, and problems in
these deviced
“Historical” informations
Probably useful if one wants to track possible sources of error, or for
a better calibration, without accessing the construction DB
For instance:
• measured resistivity (even at the level of bakelite sheets)
• measured efficiency (or noise) before installation, useful to keep
track the need for a different operating voltage or
threshold value
Conclusions and open issues
At the moment we can define (more or less precisely) the kinds
of data we want to keep in the conditions DB
…more feedback needed from people making reconstruction
and simulation analysis
Given the data types, frequency of data refreshing in the DB can be
Given the main task of this detector (generate a 1st level muon
trigger) needed more feedback from the trigger community
To define how these data can be trasferred (from construction,
geometry, etc.) to conditions DB … format, syntax …