Transcript Document

Subject: The study of Zener
diodes, parameters, characteristics
and dynamic resistance.
Zener diodes
General description:
Stabilitron (Zener) diodes are designed to stabilize
or reduce voltage. It is a special kind of diode
which permits current to flow in the forward
direction as normal, but will also allow it to flow
in the reverse direction when the voltage is above
a certain value - the breakdown voltage known as
the Zener voltage.
Zener diode
a) breakdown voltage - UZ
b) breakdown current - IZ
c) forward bias voltage UF
d) reverse current IR
e) the dynamic resistance whose value changes with
the change of voltage stability
f) Temperature ratio voltage stabilization factor aUz.
Zener diode
The V-I characteristics
UZ – breakdown voltage
UF – forward voltage
IR – reverse current
Zener diode
Examples of Zener diode stabilization
Zener diodes are used to regulate voltage across small circuits. Zener diodes are often used as stable references
for more advanced voltage regulator circuits
Current-voltage characteristic of a zener diode
The project is realized with the finance support of
the European Commission within the
"Longlife learning program".
The presentation was made as a result of the Leonardo da
Vinci project titled "Your future career prospects" carried out
in "Zespół Szkół Zawodowych" no 3 in Katowice
between 2011 and 2013.
The publication reflects the standpoint of the authors only and
neither the European Commission nor the National Agency
bear responsibility for the essential contents included in the
presentation and for the way of using the enclosed
Thank you for your
Krzysztof Krzebietke
Łukasz Brożyna
February 2012