Days 17 and 18 October 31 and November 5, 2012

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Transcript Days 17 and 18 October 31 and November 5, 2012

PSYC 1120
Day 17 and 18
10/31 and 11/5
Film clip: Life’s lessons
Complete grade school
Review stages to date
Distribute Test #3
• Film:
Families and Children
• Children raised in the same households by the
same parents do not necessarily share the
same home environment.
• Changes in the family affect every family
member differently (e.g. depending on age
and/or gender).
• Most parents respond to each of their children
Family Function
• Family function: The way a family works to
meet the needs of its members. Children need
families to:
1. provide basic material necessities
2. encourage learning
3. help them develop self-respect
4. nurture friendships
5. foster harmony and stability
Family Structure
• Family structure: The legal and genetic
relationships among relatives living in the
same home; includes nuclear family, extended
family, stepfamily, and so on.
– Nuclear family – no more than two generations
• Parent(s) and children
– Extended families – various generations with
diversified family ties (aunts, uncles,
grandparents, cousins, in-laws, etc.)
Family Trouble
• Dysfunctional family: A family that does not
support all its members
• Three factors increase the likelihood of
1. Low Income
2. Instability
3. Low Harmony
Low Income
• The crucial question to ask about any risk
factor (e.g. poverty, divorce, job loss,
eviction) is whether or not it increases
the stress on a family
– The family-stress model contends that the
adults’ stressful reaction to poverty is
crucial in determining the effect on the
• Children in middle childhood prefer
– Upsetting changes include moving to a new
home, being sent to a new school, and
changes in the family structure
– Adults might not realize that these
transitions affect schoolchildren
• Children feel a need for harmony
– Parents who habitually fight are more likely
to divorce, move, and otherwise disrupt the
child’s life.
– Remarriage of divorced parents is often
difficult for children due to jealousy, stress,
and conflict.
– Children frequently suffer if parents
physically or verbally abuse each other.
The Peer Group
• Culture of children: The particular habits,
styles, and values that reflect the set of
rules and rituals that characterize
children as distinct from adult society.
– Fashion
– Language
– Peer culture
Bullies and Victims
• Bullying: Repeated, systematic efforts to
inflict harm through physical, verbal, or
social attack on a weaker person.
• Bully-victim: Someone who attacks
others and who is attacked as well
– Also called a provocative victim because he
or she does things that elicit bullying, such
as stealing a bully’s pencil
• Why?
– motivated by anger, revenge or frustration
– entertainment or because they are bored
– torment others and bolster one’s own ego
• Preventing cyberbullying
– Educating the kids about the consequences (losing
their ISP or IM accounts) helps. Teaching them to
respect others and to take a stand against bullying
of all kinds helps too.
Cyber bullying
• Nebraska Law:
L.B. 205, 2008: R.R.S.
Nebraska 121A.069579-2,137
Grounds for long-term suspension, expulsion, or mandatory
reassignment, subject to the procedural provisions of the
Student Discipline Act, when such activity occurs on school
grounds, in a vehicle owned, leased, or contracted by a school
being used for a school purpose or in a vehicle being driven
for a school purpose by a school employee or by his or her
designee, or at a school-sponsored activity or athletic event
Successful Efforts to Eliminate
• The whole school must
be involved, not just
the identified bullies.
• Intervention is more
effective in the earlier
• Evaluation of results is
Morality in Middle Childhood
Lawrence Kohlberg (1963): Described stages of
morality that stem from three levels of moral
reasoning, with two stages at each level
1. Preconventional moral reasoning: Emphasizes
rewards and punishments
2. Conventional moral reasoning: Emphasizes social
3. Postconventional moral reasoning: Emphasizing
moral principles
Criticisms of Kohlberg
• Kohlberg ignored culture and gender.
• Kohlberg’s levels could be labeled personal
(preconventional), communal (conventional),
and worldwide (postconventional)  family is
not included.
• The participants in Kohlberg’s original
research were all boys.
• Carol Gilligan – reworked Kohlberg’s ideas in
“Women’s Ways of Knowing”
Review sequence of puberty
Compare development of boys to
development of girls
Consequences of growth spurt
Sequence of Puberty:
Initial appearance of pubic hair
Growth of the testes and penis
First ejaculation
A peak in the growth spurt
Voice deepening
Beard development
Completion of pubic hair growth
Sequence of Puberty:
Beginning of breast development
Initial pubic hair
The growth spurt
Widening of the hips
Completion of pubic hair and breast
Need for sex education
Where do children/teens get
their information?
Allgeir study: most
informative source
Allgeir results
• School courses
• Mother
• Printed matter (books, pamphlets, Internet,
• Peers
• Father
• Boy Friend or Girl Friend
Adolescent Egocentrism
• Fables and Illusions
–Personal Fable
–Illusion of Invulnerability or
Invincibility Fable
–Imaginary audience
• Peer pressure
Freud -- genital stage
Erikson -- identity versus role
Relationships with Parents
Conflicts with Parents
• Parent–adolescent conflict typically peaks in early
adolescence and is more a sign of attachment than
of distance
• Petty, peevish arguing, usually repeated and ongoing.
• Although teenagers may act as if they no longer need
their parents, neglect can be very destructive.
Relationships with Parents
Do You Know Where Your Teenager Is?
Parental monitoring: Parents’ ongoing awareness of
what their children are doing, where, and with
– Positive consequences when part of a warm, supportive
– Negative when overly restrictive and controlling
– Worst: Psychological control - a disciplinary technique in
which parents make a child feel guilty and impose
gratefulness by threatening to withdraw love and support
Identity versus Role Confusion:
– Erikson’s term for the fifth stage of
development, in which the person tries to
figure out “Who am I?” but is confused as
to which of many possible roles to adopt.
– A consistent definition of one’s self as a
unique individual, in terms of roles,
attitudes, beliefs, and aspirations.
Identity achievement:
– Erikson’s term for the attainment of
identity, or the point at which a person
understands who he or she is as a unique
individual, in accord with past experiences
and future plans.
Not Yet Achieved
Role confusion (identity diffusion):
– A situation in which an adolescent does not seem
to know or care what his or her identity is.
– Erikson’s term for premature identity formation,
which occurs when an adolescent adopts parents’
or society’s roles and values wholesale, without
questioning or analysis.
– An adolescent’s choice of a socially acceptable
way to postpone making identity-achievement
decisions. Going to college is a common example.
Four Areas of Identity Achievement
1. Religious Identity
2. Gender Identity
– Gender identity: A person’s acceptance of the
roles and behaviors that society associates with
the biological categories of male and female.
– Sexual orientation: A term that refers to whether
a person is sexually and romantically attracted to
others of the same sex, the opposite sex, or both
3. Political/Ethnic Identity
Four Areas of Identity Achievement
4. Vocational identity: Rarely achieved until
age 25 for at least four reasons:
a. Few teenagers can find meaningful work.
b. It takes years to acquire the skills needed for many
careers (premature to select a vocation at age 16).
c. Most jobs are unlike those of a generation ago, so it is
unwise for youth to foreclose on a vocation.
d. Most new jobs are in the service or knowledge sectors
of the economy. To be employable, adolescents spend
years mastering literacy, logic, technology and human
Practical Cognition
Adapting -- to the
environment -- individual
attempts to accommodate
behavior to the situation
Shaping -- individual
attempts to change the
Practical Cognition
Selection -- individual
opts to escape the
do exercise on practical
cognition; discuss
Review of Stages
• Test over Chapters 7 – 10 will be distributed
on Monday 11/5 and will be due Nov. 12.
• Begin reading about adulthood