Transcript Topic 6

Topic 6:
Discussion: Mon 9/17 & Wed 9/19
Homework Due: Mon 9/21
Questions for homework
What are the benefits of our political
decision-making process?
 Where does the process fail us?
EXPLAIN your answers.
 Due Friday, September 21
Political Decision-Making
Who decides?
Competing interests (potentially)
 science
 ethics
 economics
may point to conflicting conclusions
 multiple
options with varying impacts
 uncertainty
 multiple routes to similar results
 no moral values attached
 no economic impact
 uncertainty
 some
things are difficult to assign hard
numbers to
 externalities
 no moral values attached
 competing
ethical systems & viewpoints
different value systems
 economic
impact may not be not
 scientific validity may not be considered
Modes of governing
Single decision-maker
 Group decision-making
 one-person,
 representative democracy
winner take all
 apportioned
 consensus
What is the best approach to group
decision-making? Why?
Each group takes one mode:
 Single
 one-person, one-vote
 winner take all representatives
 apportioned representatives
 consensus-building
The Illinois 2008 Budget - spring
Gov B
 we
need health care coverage
 pay for it with gross receipts tax
 we
need to pay for our current
commitments first
 gross receipts tax is DOA
The Illinois 2008 Budget - summer
Gov B
 no
health care coverage = no budget
 budget
with details (atypical)
 no new revenue, no new health-care plan
Gov B
 line-item
vetoes & reductions
 I’ll use the excess $$ to start my health-care
The Illinois 2008 Budget - fall
 House:
we will override vetos
 Senate Pres: I won’t call it for a vote
 House: we’ll have hearings
Wed., Sept. 26, 2008, 6:00 pm
 Appropriations
Committee hearing
 budget comments
For Wednesday
Review the budget & cuts
 Are the cuts good or bad?
Consider this
 Does
a new health care plan to cover the
uninsured outweigh other items?
 Does the state need to raise more money
or stay within current limits?
Questions for homework
 What
are the benefits of our
political decision-making process?
 Where does the process fail us?
your answers.
 Due Friday, September 21
Are the cuts good or bad?
Consider this
 Does
a new health care plan to cover the
uninsured outweigh other items?
 Does the state need to raise more money
or stay within current limits?
Does a new health care plan to cover
the uninsured outweigh other items?
Does the state need to raise more
money or stay within current limits?
For the committee
Which cuts are we concerned with?
 Which cuts are OK? Why?
What do we think about health care?
Does the state need more revenue?
Why? OR Why not?
Questions for homework
What are the benefits of our political
decision-making process?
 Where does the process fail us?
OR: Written testimony for committee
EXPLAIN your answers.
 Due Friday, September 21