Chapter 13 - Bond Wetherbe
Transcript Chapter 13 - Bond Wetherbe
Chapter 13
Security and Ethical
Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Objectives
Identify several ethical issues regarding how the use of
information technologies in business affects
employment, individuality, working conditions,
privacy, crime, health, and solutions to societal
Identify several types of security management
strategies and defenses and explain how they can be
used to ensure the security of business applications of
information technology.
Propose several ways that business managers and
professionals can help lessen the harmful effects and
increase the beneficial effects of the use of
information technology.
Section 1
Security, Ethical, and Societal Challenges of IT
I. Introduction
Use of IT in business poses security
challenges, ethical questions, and
societal challenges
The Nexus of IT, Ethics, Security, and
Safety – we must consider the impact
technologies have on society
II. Ethical Responsibility of Business Professionals
As a business professional you have the
responsibility to promote Ethical (what does
that mean???) use of IS in the workplace
Business Ethics – ethical questions that are part of
daily business decision making
Ethical Use of Technology – the use of technology
raises its own ethical questions
Ethical Guidelines – many firms have specific
guidelines for ethical computer and Internet use by
II. Ethical Responsibility of Business Professionals
Security, Ethical, and Societal Aspects of IT Use
II. Ethical Responsibility of Business Professionals
Categories of Ethical Business Issues
Enron Corporation: Failure in Business
What were some of the unethical practices at
What two issues does the article suggest about
Why would Enron (or any) executives engage
in such activities?
How can people be encouraged to follow
acceptable ethical/moral business practices?
III. Computer Crime – using a computer to
do something illegal
Hacking and Cracking
Hacking – obsessive use of computers,
unauthorized use of networked systems
Cracking (black hat or dark-side hacker) – malicious
or criminal hacker
Cyber Theft – many computer crimes involve
theft of money; many firms do not reveal that
they’ve been victims due to bad publicity
Cyber-terrorism – causing physical, real-world
harm or severe disruption of infrastructure
The Online Crusade Against Phishing
What is phishing?
Why is phishing dangerous?
What is the challenge for law enforcement?
Why does Warner see phishing as a personal,
moral challenge?
III. Computer Crime – using a computer to
do something illegal
Cyber-Warfare – actions by a nation-state to
cause damage or disruption to another nationstate
Unauthorized use at Work – time and resource
theft, this can be a very wide range of actions,
many firms have written policies for
(im)proper use of computers and IT resources
Software Piracy –unauthorized copying of
Theft of Intellectual Property – any
infringement of copyrighted materials
Leaving Your Job? Don’t Take Anything
with You
What is an “orphaned account”?
Why are they dangerous?
Why do people take data with them when
they leave an organization?
How many firms monitor or track these
What threats does this pose to the firm?
III. Computer Crime – using a computer to
do something illegal
Computer Viruses and Worms – insert
destructive routines into computer systems to
cause damage
Adware and Spyware
Adware – allows Internet advertisers to display ads
without the consent of the user
Spyware – uses the network connection without
the user’s knowledge or permission, collects and
distributes information about the user
Survey: E-mail and Internet Abuse Can Get
You Fired
How many firms have fired workers for misuse
of e-mail and the Internet?
What actions may be considered inappropriate
use of e-mail/Internet?
How do firms prevent this behavior?
How do firms monitor employee behavior?
Do firms inform employees of monitoring?
Music Piracy: The Long War
IS music piracy a recent phenomenon?
What is a copyright? Why is it an important
legal issue?
How do feel about downloading music? Is it
right or wrong? What ethical/moral issues
does it raise?
What are the business/property issues raisd by
downloading music?
Oldies but Goodies: Old Threats That Just
Won’t Go Away
What is malware?
What is the difference between a virus and a
Why should malware concern businesses?
Why do old viruses and worms still proliferate?
What can a business do to encourage users to
be more careful about malware?
ommtouch: Trends in Internet Threats
Describe each of the threats listed.
What are the results of these threats to
How can you promote a business culture of
caution toward these and other threats?
IV. Privacy Issues
IT can store and retrieve information
affecting the privacy of the individual
Privacy on the Internet – the Internet
gives users a feeling of anonymity while
making them vulnerable to privacy
Computer Matching – profiling
Identity Theft: As Easy as Stealing a Check
What is Identity Theft?
What data does a check hold that criminals
can use?
How many fraudulent checks are written every
What precautions can you take to prevent
identity theft?
IV. Privacy Issues
Privacy Laws – many countries regulate
collection and use of personal data
HIPAA – health related privacy laws
Sarbanes-Oxley – standards for publicly held firms
Computer Libel and Censorship – what can and
cannot be said (legally) online
Spamming – indiscriminate sending of unsolicited
Flaming – extremely critical, derogatory, vulgar
V. The Current State of Cyber Law
A very wide range of legal and political issues,
VERY controversial
VI. Other Challenges
Employment Challenges – impact of IT on
employment is a major ethical concern
Computer Monitoring – using a computer to
monitor productivity in the workplace, or to
monitor behavior in public
Challenges in Working Conditions – IT can
eliminate monotonous tasks, and create some,
Challenges of Individuality – one concern is the
effect of IT on a person’s individuality
VII. Health Issues
IT raises a variety of health issues
Ergonomics (Human Factors Engineering)
– designing healthy work environments
that are safe and comfortable
VIII. Societal Solutions
IT can have many beneficial effects on
Section 2
Security Management of
Information Technology
I. Introduction
The number one problem with e-commerce is
security; the Internet was developed for
interoperability not impenetrability
II. Tools of Security Management
Goal of Security Management –
accuracy, integrity, and safety of all
information processes and resources
Top Executives Agree: Information Security
Is a Top Priority
What are the reasons for executive
support of IS/IT security?
What is a breach disclosure law?
Why would a firm not want consumers
to know about a security breach?
What are the costs of a breach (both
dollar and non-dollar costs)?
III. Inter-Networked Security Defenses
How so you balance the need for security with the
need for access?
Encryption – using a mathematical algorithm to
encode a message before transmission and
descramble it for reception
Firewalls – a hardware or software gatekeeper that
keeps unauthorized transmissions out of a system
Denial of Service Attacks – using zombie/slave
computers to overload another system with large
volumes of service requests
E-Mail Monitoring – firms watch employees use of
III. Inter-Networked Security Defenses
Public Key/Private Key Encryption
WhiteHat Security: “Black Box Testing”
Mimics Hackers to Discover Vulnerabilities
What do most attacks exploit today?
What service does WhiteHat sell?
How might a vulnerability re-appear?
Is this an ethical/moral approach to
As If Phishing Wasn’t Enough: Denial of
Service Attacks
How big is online crime today?
What is a Phishing scam?
What is a Denial of Service attack?
Why would someone want to create a
denial of service attack?
Why would a CEO resist taking necessary
steps to solve a denial of service attack?
BNSF Railway: Well Balanced Web-Use
Why is extensive use of the Internet a
concern for BNSF?
Why is the BNSF Internet Policy
important? What does it emphasize?
What information do the Cyfin reports
contain and why are they important?
Why is employee monitoring a risk
management obligation?
IV. Viral Defenses
Antivirus software
The Future of Antivirus
What is a computer virus?
What is a signature-based antivirus?
What other tools are used to add to
strength to the antivirus approach?
Why do people still like the old
V. Other Security Measures
Security Codes – login IDs and passwords
Backup Files – duplicate files of data or
Security Monitors – monitor systems for
unauthorized use, fraud, and destruction
Biometric Security – measure/verify an
individual’s physical traits
V. Other Security Measures
Computer Failure Controls – preventing
computer failure or minimizing its effects
Fault-Tolerant Systems – providing
backup components in case of a system
Disaster Recovery – getting a system
running again after a disaster
What If the Internet Went Down … and
Didn’t Come Back Up?
What would the effects on your personal
life be if the Internet went down?
What changes would there be to the
businesses that you use every day?
Where would you go for information and
What other daily-use items would be
unavailable to you?
VI. System Controls and Audits
Information System Controls – assure
accuracy, validity, and propriety of IS
Auditing IT Security – IT security should
be periodically examined
Georgetown University: All Systems Go
What new strategy did GU address?
What effects did this have to IT?
What are the most significant risks to
the university?
What political and cultural issues had to
be addressed?
How do they address “Risk”?