Garlic Mustard Common Buckthorn Japanese Knotweed

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Service Learning
Scott Lausten
Geography 125
My Service Learning partner was the Milwaukee County Park
and Rec. Department.
History of the Milwaukee County Parks
Our park system has been a source of pride for the communities of
Milwaukee County in southeastern Wisconsin. With over 140 parks
and parkways totaling nearly 15,000 acres, our parks offer many
places for recreational enjoyment for citizens and visitors.
Our park system began with the creation of The Milwaukee County
Park Commission on August 20, 1907. Although parks had already
been established within the limits of the City of Milwaukee by the
City Park Commission, the visionary new County Park Commission
had a much broader goal for the park system.
Early Commissioners thought of a park system that would form a
"green belt" or series of scenic drives and parks circling the county.
Parks were located in outlying areas to allow for population
expansion. Commissioners selected land not only for its natural
beauty and interest, but also for its fitness for various forms of
active recreation.
Mission Statement
Milwaukee County Department Parks, Recreation and Culture,
an operating unit of Milwaukee County Government, provides
quality of life experiences to Milwaukee County residents. This is
accomplished through environmental and community
stewardship and through the operation and maintenance of
parks and facilities by a reliable, diverse and well-trained
workforce/management team. Efficient, effective, and affordable
recreational opportunities are provided by the department, often
in collaboration with the community and designed to meet the
diverse needs of its residents.
The purpose of my service learning project was to do research
on 3 invasive species. Once I was done with the research I was
to develop a sign for each one that could be placed within the
Milwaukee Parks system.
3 Invasive
Notes on Garlic Mustard
In our areas, seeds lie dormant for 20 months prior to
germination, and may remain viable for five years.
Seeds germinate in early April. First-year plants appear
as basal rosettes in the summer season. First-year plants
remain green through the following winter,
erects biennial, 12"-40" tall, forming large, dense mats, first year plants an evergreen, basal
rosette; stems mostly un-branched, hairless
white, 4-parted, 1/3" wide, petals rounded at the top, narrowing towards the base; flowers a
short, terminal cluster (raceme) of stalked flowers; blooms April-June
long, thin, 4-angled pods, both horizontal and pointing upward
alternate, coarsely toothed, stalked, strong garlic smell when crushed; lower kidney
shaped, upper triangular
partial shade, shade; moderate moisture to moist; woods, woods edges
to eradicate, hand pull, bag-up and remove if flowering; herbicide in early spring or late fall
with glyphosate
Garlic mustard is an exotic species introduced from Europe by early settlers for its
supposed medicinal properties and for use in cooking.
It is widely distributed throughout the northeastern and Midwestern U.S. from Canada
to South Carolina and west to Kansas, North Dakota, and as far as Colorado and Utah.
In Wisconsin, the plant is currently concentrated in the southeastern and northeastern
counties, although distribution records indicate its presence is nearly statewide
Notes on Common Buckthorn
Plant: erect, perennial, to 20' tall tree, dark bark marked with lenticels
Fruit: blue-black berry
Leaf: dull green, toothed edges
Both common and glossy buckthorns are tall shrubs or small trees reaching 20-25
feet in height and 10 inches in diameter.
Most often they grow in a large shrub growth form, having a few to several stems
from the base. The shrubs have spreading, loosely-branched crowns. Their bark is
gray to brown
Common buckthorn flowers from May through June . The fruit
ripens August through September.
Seedlings establish best in high light conditions, but can also germinate
and grow in the shade.
Notes on Japanese Knotweed
It grows in a variety of habitats, in
many soil types, and a range of
moisture conditions. Of particular
concern is its tendency to invade
valuable wetland habitat and line
the banks of creeks and rivers
where it often forms an
impenetrable wall of stems,
crowding out native vegetation
and leaving banks vulnerable to
erosion when it dies in winter.
It is also found along roads,
railroads, utility pathways, and
strip-mining areas. In addition to
spreading by rhizomes and seed, it
is often spread by streams, by
transportation of fill dirt, or
through roadside plowing.
A perennial that grows to heights of 5-10 feet in large clones
up to several acres in size. The arching stems are hollow
and bamboo-like, a reddish-brown to tan color; they die,
but remain upright through the winter. Mature leaves are
3-5” wide and 4-9” long, lighter on the lower surface, and
egg to spade shaped; young leaves are heart-shaped. Lacy 2
inch long clusters of tiny greenish-white flowers are
produced in late summer and held upright at the leaf base.
Japanese knotweed reproduces occasionally by seed, but
spreads primarily by extensive networks of underground
rhizomes, which can reach 6 feet deep, 60 feet long, and
become strong enough to damage pavement and penetrate
building foundations.
Attempting to remove Japanese knotweed by pulling or digging is ineffective due to its
extensive roots; it may even promote further spreading if pieces of the plant are not
disposed of properly.
Herbicide application has been effective, when the entire clone is treated repeatedly.
Purpose of Signs
The purpose of developing signs of invasive species
for the park system is to make the public aware of
what each invasive species is. Also, how to identify
these invasive species in public areas and in or near
one’s own yard.
The Milwaukee County Park and Rec. wants the
public to know about these invasive so that the
invasive can be controlled at a local level.
If the public has a good knowledge of these invasive
at a local level. In turn it should spread to other local
communities and then to a regional or national level.
For the organization to solve environmental issues, the signs for
invasive species are produced. This process and advertisement
is crucial for the public to be aware of these all-encompassing
Some limitations that could cause a hindrance on a project such
as my own, is the illegal removing of these signs, as well as
public park users that don’t pay attention.
In this case, acting locally is the most extreme one needs to act
upon. To be aware, courteous and conscious of the invasive
species will benefit not only the parks, but those whom use the
park systems.
Milwaukee County Park and Rec. does a “Weed out” in early
spring to help the public be aware and to control these
invasive plants.
Created By: Scott Lausten
Visual Of
Created By: Scott Lausten
Visual of Common Buckthorn
Created By: Scott Lausten