Transcript Toxicology

Plant Toxicity
Frequency of Plant Exposure by Plant Type
Capsicum (pepper plant)(5374 exposures)
Philodendron (4061)
Holly (3441)
Euphorbia sp. (poinsettia) (3296)
Dieffenbachia (dumbcane) (2141)
Non Toxic Plants
African violet
Boston fern
Crab apple
Snake plant
Christmas cactus
Corn plant
Easter Lilly
Jade plant
Prayer plant
Velvet plant
Toxic Plants
 One of the most frequent poisonings reported to
poison control centers
 69% of plant exposures reported to poison control
centers involved children > 6 yrs.
 15,000 people a year poisoned by plants
 Account for 5-10% of calls to poison control
 Incidence is increasing
 Toxicity's can also occur when plants have been
treated with herbicides, insecticides or fertilizers
Toxic Plants, cont.
 Almost any plant can cause nausea, vomiting and
intestinal cramping
 Not all parts of a plant are always toxic and the
toxic principle may be present only during certain
times of the year
General management of a Plant
poisoned patient
 Treat all cases of plant ingestion as potentially
toxic until shown otherwise
 First try and ID the plant, try to get actual plant
if possible
 Time is on the side of the patient, determine
when exposure happened.
 Determine how much was ingested.
 Call poison control center
General management of a Plant
poisoned patient
 Demulcent therapy - ice cream, milk, egg
 Observe patient for clinical signs
 If indicated induce vomiting - syrup of Ipecac
 Activated charcoal should be given
 Cathartics hasten removal of remaining
Common Poisonous Plants
Arum family
 Most common toxic plant exposure reported in the
US. And a very common plant in homes and
public places
 Members of the Arum family:
 caladium
 dieffenbachia - dumbcane
 philodendron
 Contain calcium oxalate crystals
 Used for variety of purposes: punishing slaves,
treating gout, impotence and frigidity
Signs, Symptoms and Treatment
 Non soluble needle like Ca++ oxylate crystals are
found in all parts of the plant, stalk produces most
severe reaction
 Biting into the plant causes
 pain and irritation to the mucous membranes of the
mouth and intense salivation
 edema when they contact lips, tongue, oral mucosa
 choking
 Treatment
 supportive care and demulcents (milk)
Split leafed
Christmas plants
 American Holly
 Mistletoe
 Poinsettia
American Holly
 Berries are toxic, contain Ilicin
 Clinical signs
Nausea, severe vomiting, abdominal pain,
 Treatment - Ipecac, activated charcoal
 Berries are toxic , contain B-phenylethylamine
and tyramine
 Clinical signs
acute gastroenteritis, cardiovascular collapse,
nausea, vomiting, respiratory difficulty, delirium,
hallucinations, death
 Treatment - Ipecac, activated charcoal, transport
 Non toxic
 contains a latex sap which can be
slightly irritating to mucous
 Treatment - give demulcents
Cardiotoxic Plants
Contain cardiac glycosides
Lilly of the valley
Cardiotoxic plants
 First used by Egyptians as emetics and for
heart aliments
 Toxicity occurs usually after consuming
teas or consuming parts of the plant
 More than 200 naturally occurring cardiac
glycosides have been Ided.
 Mech of Action - bind to cell membrane and
inhibit the Na/K pump.
Cardiotoxic plants
 Clinical signs:
 tachycardia
 V fib
 Toxic exposure is rare
 AAPCC reports in 1998 - 2,553 exposures (out of 2.24
million exposures to toxic substances)
 Mortality is rare - 1998 AAPCC reported one death
 Most common age of exposure is children under the age of
6 years (72.5% of exposures)
 Very toxic plant, common ornamental
 Clinical signs
GIT irritation, vomiting, abdominal pain,
diarrhea, hyperkalemia, AV block, cardiogenic
 Treatment - Ipecac, activated charcoal,
 Rhododendron, Bird of paradise
 contain andromedotoxin
 Treatment - Ipecac, activated charcoal,
Castor Bean
Castor bean
 Contain phytotoxins - ricin - inactivated by heat
during the production of castor oil
 seeds are the most toxic part of the plant, 2-4
seeds could be fatal in adult
 Clinical signs
nausea, violent vomiting and diarrhea, burning
sensation in the mouth, hemolysis, renal failure,
 Treatment - Ipecac, activated charcoal, transport
 Leaves are toxic, contain oxalic acid, heating
does not destroy the toxic principle
 Stems are edible
 Clinical signs
abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, headache,
muscle cramps, tetany, renal failure
 Treatment - Ipecac, activated charcoal, transport
Rhubarb, stem
Datura stramonium
Jimsonweed Toxicity
 Plant alkaloids are metabolites that have a nitrogen
containing chemical ring
 This plant has a history of hallucinogenic use and has
been connected to sorcery, witchcraft and native
medicine dating back to 1500 BC
 Marc Anthony’s military troops were neutralized and
defeated after ingesting this plant
 318 cases reported to AAPCC with 2 deaths
 Toxicity manifests as classic anticholinergic posioning
Jimsonweed Toxicity
 toxic agents - solanaceous alkaloids, atropine,
hyoscyamine and scopolamine
 highest concentration of active agents is in the
seeds (0.1 mg atropine per seed)
 As little as 1/2 tsp. of seeds has caused death from
pulmonary arrest
 handling the seeds or leaves and rubbing the eyes
can cause mydriasis
 Seeds can be made into a tea
 Reports of smoking the leaves of the plant
Jimsonweed toxicity, cont.
 Clinical features:
 tachycardia, dry flushed skin, dry mucous
membranes, mydriasis, blurred vision,
hyperpyrexia, urinary retention,
confusion, disorientation, loss of short
term memory, ataxia, visual and auditory
hallucinations, psychosis, death
Jimsonweed toxicity, cont.
 “Mad as a hatter, red as a beet, dry as a
bone, blind as a bat and hot as a hare”
 Treatment
maintain airway
do not induce vomiting and defer
administration of activated charcoal unless
prolonged transport time is anticipated
thorn apple,
angel’s trumpet
Jimsonweed, flowers
Jimsonweed, seed pod
 AKA Inkberry, pigeonberry
 Roots and leaves are the most toxic, fruit is
mildly toxic
 Toxic principle is a resinous material and a
water soluble saponin
Poke weed
 Clinical signs
produces a burning sensation in the mouth, GI
cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, visual disturbances,
diaphoresis, salivation, prostration, can be fatal
 To prepare pokeweed your must boil the
leaves twice to remove the toxic principle
 Treatment - Ipecac, activated charcoal,
Pokeweed, Ink berries
Pokeweed, Ink berries
Poison Ivy
 All portions of the plant, even the smoke from
burning leaves
 Toxic principle - an oily oleoresin called
 Urushiol can be transmitted from person to
person or other vehicles by direct contact
Poison Ivy
 50-70% of US population is susceptible
 Poison ivy east of the Rockies, poison oak
west and poison sumac in the south east.
 Clinical signs
severe allergic contact dermatitis 12-24 hours
post exposure, blistering, inflammation, and
vesicle formation
Urushiol penetrates skin and binds to
membrane lipids within 10-20 minutes of
Poison Ivy, cont.
 Treatment:
avoid contact, wash affected area with soap and
rinse with alcohol, repeat
2 tbsp. Epsom’s salt/cup of water, sponge onto
the affected area and allow to dry, 2-3 times/day
Electronic itch stopper
Tecnu cleanser
corticosteroids, topically and orally
histamine blockers
Poison Ivy, cont.
 Treatment: cont.
calamine lotion
zinc oxide ointment
baking soda paste (one tablespoon of baking
soda to one teaspoon of water)
baths in oatmeal soap or medicated oatmeal
based products like Avenno.
Zanfel - binds to urushiol
Ivy Block - a pre-exposure preventative
Poison Ivy, cont.
 Treatment: cont.
If you were exposed to the smoke of burning
poison ivy, oak or sumac and you believe you
may have breathed in the fumes, you need to
seek medical treatment immediately.
Some people can have life threatening reactions
from inhaling urushiol vapors into their lungs.
In some states, it is illegal to burn poison ivy
due to the health risks it represents.
Toxicodendron, Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy
“Leaflets of three,
let it be”
Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy
 Other urushiol containing plants:
cashew nut shells - exposure to unroasted
cashew nut shells can cause a reaction, roasting
inactivates the allergen.
mango tree - mango fruit skin can cause
reactions in sensitive individuals
ginkgo tree
Mushroom Toxicity
Mushroom toxicity
 1999 AAPCC reported 8996 mushroom
exposures, 2930 treated in a hospital and 6
 5976 of these ingestions were in children > 6
 Amanitin phalloides accounts for 90-95% of
all fatalities from mushroom poisoning in
North America
Mushroom toxicity
 Never eat any wild mushroom
 Etiology - consumption of raw or cooked
 Cooking, canning or freezing WILL NOT
render toxic mushrooms non toxic
 Clinical Syndromes - usually acute onset of
signs and symptoms
Categories of Mushroom Toxicity
 I) Protoplasmic poisons - destruction of cells
 Signs and Symptoms
Stage I - first 6-24 hrs., severe abdominal pain,
severe diarrhea
Stage II - 24-48 hrs., apparent recovery , cellular
destruction is occurring in the kidney and liver
Stage III - 3-5 days post ingestion, liver and
kidney failure, death can occur 4-7 days post
 Treatment - induce vomiting, transport
Examples of Mushrooms which
cause protoplasmic poisoning
Amanita phalloides
 Contain a mixture of heat stable
cyclopeptides including:
amatoxin - accounts for the lethality
Amanita phalloides
Amanita phalloides
Categories of Mushroom Toxicity, cont.
 II) Neurotoxins
contain compounds which cause neurological
signs and symptoms, convulsions,
hallucinations, excitation, depression, spastic
Examples of Mushrooms which
cause Neurologic signs and
Inocybe sp.
Inocybe sp.
Inocybe sp.
Inocybe sp.
Psilocybe sp.
Psilocybe sp.
Categories of Mushroom Toxicity, cont.
 III) Gastrointestinal irritants
cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping,
 Examples: green gill, gray pink gill, etc.
Green gill
 These large, common mushrooms often
appear in fairy rings on suburban lawns,
commonly called toadstools.
 They cause violent gastrointestinal upset.
 Is parasol-shaped and has a cream or tan,
scaly cap, a large ring on the stem and
cream-colored gills which turn dingy green
with age.
Green gill, cont.
 As its name suggests, it is the only
mushroom with a greenish spore print. Size
4" to 12" tall, 2" to 12" in diameter.
 This mushroom is found in summer and
fall, on the ground in lawns, pastures and
Green gill, green spored
Categories of Mushroom Toxicity, cont.
 IV) Disulfiram-like compounds
generally non toxic and produce no clinical
signs unless alcohol is consumed within 72
hours of eating them.
 Example - inky cap mushroom
Inky cap mushroom
Diagnosis of Human toxicity
Clinical testing
Outbreaks are not very common
Usually isolated cases - seen in people who
go out picking mushrooms
 Patient management - induce vomiting, give
activated charcoal, seek medical help