Chimpanzee description

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Chimpanzee Facts
Species= Pan Troglodytes
Scientific Name= Pantroglodytes
Average Life Span=45 years old
Average size=1.7 meters
Average weight=70 kg
Chimpanzee description
Chimpanzees are very hairy, posses long arms, and are
very similar to humans possesing 99% of the same DNA
humans have. Chimps walk on all fours and occaisanally
on their two feet. Chimpanzees have a thick dark fur coat
that is usually is infested with ticks.
Special adaptations to survive in an chimpanzees habitat
•During night they make nests about 9-12 meters in trees
•Males hunt cooperatively for baby monkeys and bush pigs
•They also can be taught sign language
•Some chimps have been seen using twigs to extract termites from their
•Some chimps use wood and stone tools to open their nuts
Chimps habitat
•Chimps have been found in 21 African nations
•Only 10 African countries have more than 1,000 chimpanzees
residing there (from
•Chimps are on the endangered species list and are
threatened to extinction due to poachers
•Chimps are mainly found in rainforests and savannahs in
•Chimps are omnivores eating both meat and vegetables
•Chimps eat mainly fruit but also leaves flowers bark and honey for
the herbivore part of the diet
•Chimps eat baby monkeys, bush pigs, termites, and birds for the
carnivore part of the diet
•Termites are 5% of the chimpanzee diet
•Females spent twice the amount of time of eating insects than
males do.
•Chimps main predators are leopards and humans
•Some ways humans are predators are that they cut down parts of the
forest, poach them for their hide, and keep them as pets
•Leopards tend to attack chimp babies during night time to not wake up the
group they are in
Chimpanzee Groups
•Chimpanzees live, hunt, and sleep together throughout there lives
• 40 to 60 chimps usually live together along with 6 to 7 chimps in a
smaller group
•These groups are called a tribe
•Chimps spend a lot of time grooming each other
•Chimps communicate together vocally, with gestures, and facial
Chimpanzee behavior
•Some chimps will kill recklessly only eating half of their prey
•Chimps tend to fallow how their parents acted
•Chimps usually live in Rain Forests and in the Savannah to
escape the cold weather
•Chimps hunt in groups to help with a kill and to get more food
The names of male and
female species
•Chimps do not have different names
Interactions with
•Recently there has been an attack on a 55yr. Women in
Connecticut that was visiting her friend that owned a chimps
•Chimps are usually the main attraction at Zoos
•Chimps can sometimes be pets to owners although they are wild
Endangered chimp species
•Chimps are endangered due to humans cutting down forests and
•Leopards stalk and eat them
Other interesting Facts
Chimps are the only types of monkeys that don’t have tail
They have opposable thumbs and toes that help them grasp things
a male chimps never leave their community they were born onto