morgan - ayalabme3

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Plant Life
Morgan Hart
Brinson Memorial Elementary School
Mrs.Ayala’s 3rd grade class!
Needs of a plant!
A plant needs
sun,water,air and soil.
If the seed has none of
these things then it will not
grow. If it has all of the
things it needs then it will
Leaves are the part that
grows off the stem. Most
plants have many leaves.
Leaves help plants get the
air and light they need.
Leaves come in many
different shapes.
Roots are like an anchor
for a ship. It holds the
plant down like in the
anchor. Roots suck up
minerals and water from
the soil.
Stem and flowers!
A stem is what helps the
flower petals grow. A
petal is a piece of a flower.
Some flowers smell.
There are different kinds
of flowers.
Parts of a plant!
The parts of a plant are
stem,leaves,flowers and
roots. Together they
make up a plant.
What's your favorite
part of a plant?
An orange or an apple has seeds in
them. If you plant the seed they will
grow into an apple tree or an orange
Types of plants!
There are more than 350,000 kinds
of plants. My favorite kinds of plants
are roses. I also like tulips.
How Seeds Travel!
Animals, wind and water all spread
seeds. It looks like the seeds are
flying but they really aren't.
Animals eat seeds for example
How Plants Are Helpful!
• Plants are helpful to people because they give us fruit to eat. They give us
air. Also trees help us get oxygen from the sky.
Kelps Story!
• Hi, i am Kelp! I float in the ocean! Once open a time I was
floating in the ocean. All the sudden a shark came and ate me. It
was like racing my own baby kelp brother. My squishy stem was like it
had a mind of its own. I couldn’t control my roots or leaves. Finally
the shark spit me up. Then I ran home to eat some milk and kelp
My Wordle!