Transcript Gypsy Moth

Integrated Pest Management
IPM is an approach on pest management. It is
environmentally sensitive and is effective.
IPM has the advantage to most other management
IPM stays away from harmful pesticides, which
help farms have healthier, organic crops.
Scouting / Monitoring
Detecting the presence of the pest, the type of pest, and how many pests. To
make short term IPM decisions require field observation.
Identifying the pest and learning about it. Ex: natural enemies, harmful or not
Pest Situation Assessment
Determining the need for pest control. Cost used to control pest vs. cost of
damage caused by pest
This is the action step of IPM. After all the planning, this is when you carry out
the pest management strategies.
Looking back to see if IPM worked. Compare the pest activity through the
process. What went right? What went wrong? What would you do instead if
you did this again?
Biological Control
The pest often have natural enemies, but when they are non-native, then we bring their
original enemies from where the pest came from. Disease-causing bacteria, viruses, or
fungi are also used to kill pests.
Chemical Control
This is often the last tactic considered, because it uses pesticides. Natural or organic
pesticides are usually more healthy.
Physical / Mechanical Control
Traps, barriers, and physical removal are used to reduce or get rid of pests. Some
examples are using pheromone to trap pests, spraying water to knock of pests, etc.
Cultural Control
Cultural Control happens in the beginning, when the plants are planted. It deals
with what types of plants go where, how to plant the plants, and how to take care of
the plants.
Genetic Control
Plants are genetically manipulated to be more resistant to pests, such as diseases,
fungi, and bugs.
How Gypsy Moths Got Here
The Harm They Do
Gypsy moths are non-native to
Pennsylvania. They moved from
Europe to Massachusetts in 1869 when
Leopold Trouvelot wanted to make
silk. Unfortunately, some caterpillars
escaped, and the gypsy moth started
taking over. The Gypsy moth was first
discovered in Pennsylvania in 1932.
Gypsy Moths defoliate millions
of acres of trees annually. When they
are larva, they eat a tree’s leaves
night and day. Gypsy moths prefer
white, chestnut, black, and red oaks,
but they can eat most types of trees.
Deciduous trees take a little over a
year to defoliate, but an infested
conifer takes just one season.
Egg – Female moths lay eggs
on houses, vehicles, trees, and
other structures. The eggs
hatch in PA when it is above
60 degrees Fahrenheit
Larva – Young larva eat day
and night. They prefer
deciduous trees. Older larva
eat only at night to avoid
predators. Older larva eat
Pupa – Larva become Pupa
in PA from around midJune to early-July.
Adult – Adult gypsy moths don’t
eat and only live for about a week.
Female moths can’t fly, but males
can. Females attract males with a
special chemical called
pheromone. After mating, females
lay their eggs about a day later.
Female gypsy moths are white
with small brown markings.
Females are much larger than male
Male gypsy moths have large, feather-like
antennae. The antennae are used to sense
female pheromone. Their wings are light
brown with dark brown markings.
Gypsy moth pupae are found
in bark crevasses or even on
leaves. Most caterpillars
weave silk cocoons, but
others just hang from
branches, or leaves.
Older gypsy moth larva have
5 pairs of blue dots and 6
pairs of red dots on their back.
They have thick hair. Young
gypsy moth larva are black or
Gypsy moth eggs are a
mustard yellow color. The egg
masses can have up to 1200
eggs in them. The hair like
covering around the eggs may
offer some protection.
Chemical Control- These organisms are used to kill gypsy moths
Calosoma sycophanta or forest
caterpillar hunter- only eat
older gypsy moths
Entomophaga maimaigaonly kills certain families of
cater pillars
Nucleopolyhedrosis virusonly kills gypsy moth
Chemical Control – This is often the best way when the gypsy moth population is
extremely high. Choose insecticides that have…
•Bacillus thuringiensis
Physical / Mechanical Control – This is used when the gypsy moth population is
low or moderate.
• Burlap Banding – traps that provide shelter for caterpillars. All the caterpillars
found in the burlap sack are destroyed in detergent solution.
• Search for female gypsy moths and put them into detergent solution. ( you can
do the same with egg masses)
• Use pheromone to attract and trap males.
Cultural Control – There are a few basic ways to get rid of gypsy moths
•Plant trees that gypsy moths don’t like, such as ash, butternut, black walnut, locust,
sycamore, yellow poplar (tulip tree), ferns, mountain laurel, redbud and rhododendron
•Keeping your plants healthy – healthy plants resist gypsy moth attacks better.
•Taking away any unused objects in the yard. These objects can become gypsy moth
caterpillar shelters.