IPM Overview - USAID: Africa Bureau: Office of Sustainable
Transcript IPM Overview - USAID: Africa Bureau: Office of Sustainable
IPM Overview
Smart pest control tactics
you can use
IPM tools
Monitor, monitor, monitor & predict
Traps using pheromones & pesticides
Biological control with parasites or predators
Microbes like fungus, bacteria, virus
Plant resistance to pests by leaf hairs, spines,
plant chemicals, tough tissue, bad taste
• Plant extracts like neem
Monitor leaf roller moth populations
with pheromone traps
Checking the pheromone trap
Yellow sticky trap monitors for
aphids in cabbage
Hedgerow flowers planted to
encourage parasites that eat pests
Tomato fruitworm larva eats tomato
Parasitic wasp stings tomato
fruitworm larva
Intercrop French beans & insectrepellant cilantro
Crop rotation reduces disease
innoculum: corn to beans
Prune out (sanitation) diseased
powdery mildew branches
Predatory mite eats red mite of apple
Peristenus wasp parasitizing an
green peach aphid
Lysiphlebus wasp emerging from
aphid mummy
Minute Trichogramma wasps
attacking moth eggs
Ladybug eating San Jose scale
Big-eyed predator bug eats tomato
fruitworm egg
Spined soldier bug eats Colorado
potato beetle larva
Lacewing adult and larva eat green
apple aphids
Mantids eat pests but are also killed
by pesticide over-spraying
White grub attacked by Bacillus
NPV Virus kills a webworm
moth larva
Cabbageworm infected by virus
Hairy & sticky potato variety that
traps aphids
Phytophthora root & stem rot
susceptible and resistant plants
Coddling moth damage to apple
Coddling Moth Mating Disruption Pheromone
Dispenser in Apple Orchard
Grinding Neem leaves in Mali
Neem extract
Spraying Neem leaf extracts to
control bean pests in Mali
Farmer Mazen greenhouses in
Cover plants for protection
Constant monitoring for pests
Spot treatment on small pest areas,
not on entire crop
Daily attention to the crop
Constant monitoring for pests
Fruits of Mazen’s hard work