Transcript Slide 1

Plant Test Review
Which structure regulates gas
exchange during the processes of
photosynthesis and respiration?
Which of the following
characteristics could help short
plants survive in areas with limited
A Broad leaf surfaces
B Brightly colored flowers
C Thick stems
D Shallow roots
Some mesquite trees have deeper roots
than any other plant in the desert. How are
deep roots an adaptation for survival in the
A. Deep roots can protect the tree from
B. Roots encounter cooler conditions far
below the desert surface.
C. Roots can extend great distances to
reach water.
D. Deep roots interact with beneficial
bacteria below the surface.
Cacti grow slowly compared to most other
plants. The fact that cacti keep their stomata
closed for much of the day can help explain
this growth characteristic. Which of these
best explains the advantage of keeping
stomata closed during the day?
A. It limits water loss through transpiration.
B. It conserves oxygen produced in
C. It recycles carbon dioxide within plant
D. It protects plant tissues from predators
Which of the following
leaf types is most likely
to help a plant survive in
an arid habitat?
Compared to annual rings of trees that have
experienced years of sufficient rainfall, the
annual rings of trees that have experienced
a dry period will?
A. Be thick
B. Be thin
Species of the genus Toxicodendron, which
includes poison ivy and poison oak, produce
a gummy oil that causes a severe itchy rash
in some animals. This substance is part of
the Toxicodendron species’—
A. defense mechanisms
B. nutritional processes
C. support system
D. clinging ability
Plant leaves have a waxy covering called a
cuticle. When some plants are stressed by
lack of water, their cuticle increases in
thickness. What does this action
A Alternation of generations in plants
B Structural response to the environment
C Differentiation of vascular tissue in plants
D Genetic mutation induced by the
Which biome would you most
likely find a plant with these
Some plants have waxy coating on
leaves to prevent water loss. What
type of environment do these
plants most likely grow in?
Which of these structures protects
the leaf from drying out?
Plants growing towards
a light source is what
type of response?
Plants that grow away from a
stimulus is an example of ….
Positive or negative tropism
Plants can bend toward
a light source due to
plant hormone called?
Plant growing away from
pull of gravity is what
type of response?
2 major groups of plants
Hint: 1 has a transport
system the other doesn’t
Xylem allows plants to?
Phloem allows plants to?
Name 2 forces that aid in water
transport throughout the plant?
A. Gravity and Air pressure
B. Capillary action and Transpiration
C. Transpiration and Air pressure
D. Capillarity and Polarity
Which of the following is
a nonvascular plant?
A. Tree
B. Shrub
C. Flower
D. Moss
Cell walls of plants are
made of?
A. Phospholipids
B. Chitin
C. Cellulose
D. Chlorophyll
Group of plant that uses pollen
as means for sexual
reproduction and its seeds
develop on the surface of the
reproductive structure?
Name 2 seed producing
External pollinating
Self pollinating
Name the 3 female
reproductive structures in a
flowering plant?
Stigma, style, and ovary
Anther, filament, and ovary
Anther, style, and ovary
Stigma, filament, and style
What are the male and female
What is the function of a root?
Anchor and absorption of water
Holds leaves and branches
Where in a plant does
photosynthesis take place?
Name the 3 main types of cells
in a plant?
A. Geotropism. Thigmotropism, and
B. Dermal, vascular and ground
C. Roots, stems and leaves
D. Parenchyma, collenchyma and
What is the function of a
Let oxygen and carbon dioxide
enter and exit
Conduct photosynthesis
Help the leaves grow
Produce sugar
Cells around the stomata that
react to stimulus are?
Parenchyma cells
Cheek cells
Sclerenchyma cells
Guard cells
The photograph to the right shows an
area of the root where cell division
takes place. Cells that are
undifferentiated and increase the
length of the root are found in the
A. epithelium
B. apical meristem
C. dermal tissue
D. ground tissue
The area marked A is home to epidermal
cells. Epidermal cells found on the top of a
A. tend to be covered with thick, waxy layers
B. Tend to contain many chloroplasts
C. Tend to contain pores called stomata
D. Tend to have thin, hair-like extensions
The areas marked C and D are home to
root hair cells. Root hair cells….
A. absorb water and nutrients from the soil
B. are coated with a thick, woody layer
C. contain many chloroplasts
D. tend to live for a long time
The flower of a plant usually
contains two types of specialized
cells, vegetative cells and germ
cells. Germ cells…
A. tend to contain pits in their cell walls
B. die when they are mature
C. produce gametes such as egg cells
D. do not contain any water
The diagram below represents root epidermal
cells. The major function of the structures
labeled X is to
A. Increase the surface area for absorption of
B. Absorb complex food particles for transport
to the leaves
C. Transport carbon dioxide from the roots to
the leaves
D. Move food particles into the phloem
The underside of a leaf contains tiny pores
called stomata. These pores
lie next to specialized guard cells. The
structure of the specialized guard cells and
the stomata do not help the plant to….
A. release water during transpiration
B. capture pollen for sexual reproduction
C. absorb carbon dioxide for photosynthesis
D. enable the flow of nutrients from roots to the
rest of the plant
The leaves of a plant are dotted with
openings known as stomata. When open,
stomata allow the plant to exchange gases
and allow moisture to evaporate. This
helps draw water from the roots up into
the plant. These activities allow the plant
A. maintain homeostasis
B. decompose organic matter
C. produce light energy
D. synthesize minerals
An acacia tree has many compound
green leaves. These leaves grow
because the tree receives necessary
minerals collected by….
A. The reproductive system
B. The root system
C. The excretory system
D. The nervous system
A buttercup produced a small, dry fruit. The
buttercup did not get enough water and died.
Its fruit fell on the ground and began to rot. A
clump of Bermuda grass used its root system to
absorb nutrients from the buttercup fruit.
Which of the Bermuda grass’s systems then sent
the nutrients from the buttercup fruit to its
A. The integumentary system
B. The excretory system
C. The vascular system
D. The reproductive system
A horsetail opened stomata in its leaves to release
oxygen. The horsetail then took in carbon dioxide to
create energy. The horsetail used some of the energy
that it created to produce strobili, cone-like structures
that contain spores. When the horsetail used the
energy from its leaves to produce strobili, the vascular
system of the plant worked in conjunction primarily
A. The excretory system
B. The reproductive system
C. The immune system
D. The root system
Xylem and phloem tissues make up the
transportation system of vascular plants. Vessel
elements and tracheids are the cells which
make up the xylem. In land plants, the xylem
functions to
A. move water and dissolved minerals down to
the roots
B. move water and dissolved minerals upward
from the root
C. move food to the surface of the leaf
D. move food to the root tips
The bitterfoot plant, a desert plant, has developed
fewer and smaller stomata than what is found in
plants in other regions. In addition, the stomata of
bitterfoot open mainly at night. The most likely
reason for this adaptation is…
A. to decrease the chance of being seen by potential
B. to allow room for more food storage
C. to decrease the amount of water lost through
D. to increase the amount of heat absorbed by the
leaves during the daytime