Lesson PowerPoint - Lewiston Independent School District #1

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Transcript Lesson PowerPoint - Lewiston Independent School District #1

Structures of Life
Growing Plants
FOSS Structures of Life, TESLA Science Notebooks
All living organisms have identifiable structures and
characteristics that serve different functions in growth, survival,
and reproduction.
Guiding Questions
• What is germination?
• What conditions do plants need in order to
• What is the life cycle of our plants?
Engaging Scenario
“ The scientists at TESLA are very pleased with the information we have
learned so far about seeds. They also liked the information we learned
about seeds being able to grow just in water. Now they are wondering
what would happen to the seeds and seedlings if we just left them in
the water. Will they continue to grow?
They have sent us some materials and printed information that may
help us. They also need us to keep accurate records and labeled
drawings in our science notebooks so we can share what we learned
about growing seedlings in water.
What do we need to investigate?
What is the problem that needs to be solved?
Focus Question:
“Discuss with your group what we need to investigate and record it as
the FOCUS QUESTION. This is the problem we are going to investigate
and solve.”
What will happen to the seedlings…
if we leave them in water to grow?
Now that we have a focus question, discuss with your group what you
think a possible answer might be. Record your prediction in your scientist
notebook and be ready to share your ideas with the class.
I think that the seedlings will __________________________________
if we leave them to grow in water because…
Part I: Seedlings
Today we are going to begin by examining a seedling that we
planted in our sprouters and comparing it to the example of the dry
seed we started with. We need to take a very close look at both
the seeds and seedling.
Word Wall: Seedling
A young plant that has grown from a seed.
Comparing Seeds and
We need to:
• Compare the size of the seed and seedling.
• Compare how the seed and seedling feel.
• What are the differences between the parts (structures) that you can
Why are they different?
Properties and Structures of Seeds and Seedlings
Background Knowledge
Early growth is called germination. During this time the plant uses
food stored in the cotyledon, main part of the seed. You can often
see the cotyledon still attached to the young seedling. Growth is a
characteristic of living things.
Background Knowledge
There are some significant differences between the seeds and
seedlings we observed.
The seeds swell and split open
The seed coats fall off
Seedlings develop roots
Seedlings develop a stem and leaves
Compare different types of seedlings from the minisprouters:
• Not all seeds germinate and grow the same
• Some seeds grow faster
• Some basic structures are different
Quick Write:
One new thing I learned about seedlings today was…
Part II: Hydroponics
Today we are going to plant our seedlings in water, not soil, to help us
answer our class focus question.
Growing plants in water is called hydroponics.
Hydro means water.
We are going to place our seedlings in special containers that float in the
water. This will also provide our young plants with support since the
roots will not be anchored in soil
Background Knowledge
Will water alone be enough for our plants to survive?
What do plants need to grow?
light, water, nutrients
Plants need nutrients that they normally get from the soil.
Nutrients are essential for all living organisms. There are very few
nutrients in plain water so we are going to add one 2-ml spoonful
of nutrient powder to each hydroponic container.
Making Observations
Each group needs to select 3 of their healthiest been seedlings and
place them in one side of a hydroponic holder. The containers should
be placed in an area of the room with lots of light.
Hydroponic Observations
Seed Type:
• Make a labeled sketch of your seedlings in the hydroponic container and
record specific observations you observe.
Making Observations
Each week for the next 8 weeks we will:
• Check and refill the water level
• Measure the height of our plants as they grow or don’t grow
• Record observations and labeled drawings
• And report new findings to the class
After 3-4 weeks we need to add another nutrient solution.
1-ml spoon to 2 or 3 liters of water
We need to be very careful when we handle the seedlings. We don’t want to
twist or pull on them.
Measuring a seedling with a string and transferring this measurement to a
ruler or growth chart is easier on the plant.
Part III: Life Cycles
Today we are going to start our lesson by dissecting bean pods from our
plants. You need to make a labeled drawing and record observations as
your final observation in your scientist notebook.
Hydroponic Observations
Seed Type:
Part III: Life Cycles
What did you find inside the bean pods?
beans or seeds
Have you seen beans like this before?
they are like the ones we put in our sprouter
What do you think would happen if we put these seeds in a sprouter?
they will germinate or sprout
If the seeds germinate or sprout, what kind of plant would grow?
bean plants
If those plants made seeds, what kind of seeds would they produce?
Part III: Life Cycles
With fruit and seeds growing on our plants, our bean adventure is right
back where we started. Our plants have produced a fruit that contains a
seed that can be used to grow new plants.
We have observed the complete
life cycle of a bean plant
Part III: Life Cycles
What else goes through a life cycle?
Plants and animals are living organisms; They are living things
that go through a pattern of growth called a life cycle.
Growing Plants
Making Meaning:
How are seedlings alike? Different?
What do healthy plants need to grow?
Do plants need soil to grow?
What is the life cycle of the bean plant?
From what part of the plant does the seed pod develop?
Claims and Evidence:
Based on what you have learned from your investigation of growing
plants, you need to record some claims and evidence statements in
your science notebook… Your evidence must be based on your data
and observations!
I claim that…
I know this because…
Possible Examples:
I claim that a bean plant goes through a life cycle of...
I know this because…
I claim that plants need __________________________ grow.
I know this because…
• What did you learn…?
• What really surprised you…?
• What new questions do you have…?
• What would you like to know more about…?