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Transcript Wk12-LS6-Plantsx

Life Science
Week 12
Mrs. Rubright
 God created and sustains thousands of plant species.
 There are over 300,000 species of plants.
 All plants have several things in common
 Plants make their own food
 Plant cells have cell walls outside of their cell membranes
 Plants reproduce with a two-part life cycle
 Sporophyte – spore producing phase
 Gametophyte – gamete producing phases
 Nonvascular plants
 Plants that don’t have vessels to transport materials
throughout the plant
 Mosses and liverworts are nonvascular plants
 Vascular plants have vessels to transport material
throughout the plant
 Vascular plants can be as small as violets or as large as
oak trees
 Vascular plants can be divided into two groups
 Those that do not produce seeds
 And those that do
 Ferns and mosses do not produce seeds. They reproduce
using spores
 A spore is a small reproductive cell that can develop into
an adult without fusing with another cell
 Plants that produce seeds are also divided into two groups
 Plants that produce seeds but not flowers
 Plants that produce flowers
 Plants that produce seeds but not flowers are called
 There are four groups of gymnosperms:
 Cycads
 Ginkgoes
 Gnetophytes
 Conifers
 Cycads are tropical gymnosperms that look like palm
 Leaves grow in clusters on top of the trunk.
 Seeds develop in cones
 The only living species of Ginkgoes is the ginkgo tree
 Fan shaped leaves with a forked, branching pattern of
 Trees are either male or female
 The seeds which only grow on female trees have a very
bad smell
 There are many varieties of Gnetophytes
 Large, leathery leaves
 Seeds develop in cones
 The welsithshia species can live to be 2000 years old
 Conifers are the most common type of gymnosperm
 We usually, incorrectly, just call them all pine trees
 Seeds develop in cones
 Usually have needles
 Plants that produce seeds in flowers are called
 These plants produce seeds in protective seed
cases called fruit
 Not all fruit is the kind that we eat
 All agriculture crops, garden flowers and broad-
leaved shrubs and trees are angiosperms
 Plants with seeds can also be classified according to their
 Annuals complete their life-cycle in one growing
 Biennials complete their life-cycle in two growing
 Perennials live through many growing seasons
 All plants have the same basic needs in order to live
 Soil
 Sun
 Water
 Carbon Dioxide
 Space
 Correct Temperature
 Soil provides minerals and
 Soil anchors the plant and
holds water around it
 Humus, partially decayed
plant or animal matter,
naturally mixes with pieces of
rock to create soil.
 Most plants make food through photosynthesis
 Sunlight (energy)
 Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
 Water (H20)
 Mainly, in the leaf.
 Space and Temperature are also important to plants
 Crowded plants grow smaller and die faster than plants
that have room to grow
 Each plant species has an ideal growth temperature
 This can vary with the plants age.