Transcript PPT

Concept 2:
Analyzing the Processes of
 Refer to pg 83-92 in Holtzclaw, Ch 10 in Campbell and
media resources
 Refer to pg 297-299 in Holtzclaw, Lab Inv 5 in Lab Manual
Try This!
 Where does the biomass of a tree primarily come from?
A. Oxygen
B. Water
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Light
E. Fertilizer
Try This!
 Where does the biomass of a tree primarily come from?
A. Oxygen
B. Water
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Light
E. Fertilizer
Try This!
An acorn grows into an oak tree. The main source of the
additional mass present in the oak tree is:
a. Water from the soil
b. Minerals from the soil
c. CO2 from the air
Try This!
An acorn grows into an oak tree. The main source of the
additional mass present in the oak tree is:
a. Water from the soil
b. Minerals from the soil
c. CO2 from the air
(Chapter 10)
You must know:
 The summary equation of photosynthesis including the source
and fate of reactants and products
 How the leaf and chloroplast anatomy relates to photosynthesis
 How photosystems convert solar energy to chemical energy
 How linear electron flow in the light reactions results in the
formation of ATP, NADPH, and O2
 How chemiosmosis generates ATP in the light reactions
 How the Calvin cycle uses the energy molecules of the light
reactions to produce G3P
Photosynthesis – The Basics
CO2 + H2O → C6H12O6 + O2
1) Light Reactions “photo”
2) Calvin Cycle “synthesis”
The Light Reactions
 Light energy excites electrons in chlorophyll
 Removal of electrons from H2O
 Formation of O2
 Electron Transport Chain
 Reduction of NADP+ to NADPH
 Proton Motive Force
 ATP Synthase to produce ATP
Try This
 Unlike in cellular respiration, the proton motive force
generated by the light reactions in photosynthesis
happens in three ways… Can you remember the three
1. Electron transport chain powering the active transport of H+
into the thylakoid space
2. H+ produced in the thylakoid space from the splitting and
oxidation of water
3. Removal of H+ from stroma during the reduction of NADP + to
The Light Reactions
 Light energy excites electrons in chlorophyll
 Removal of electrons from H2O
 Formation of O2 (leaves stomata as a gas)
 Electron Transport Chain
 Reduction of NADP+ to NADPH
 Proton Motive Force
 ATP Synthase to produce ATP
The Light Reactions
 The whole point was to transfer light energy to chemical
energy in the form of:
 electrons in NADPH
 Why?
 To power carbon fixation in the
Calvin Cycle…
The Calvin Cycle
 CO2 enters as a gas through the stomata (openings) of
the leaves
 Through the power of NADPH and ATP, CO2 gets
converted into an organic compound: a 3-carbon sugar
called glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P)
 Can be converted to glucose, sucrose, starch, etc…
Try This!
 Which experiment will
produce 18O2?
Exp 1
Exp 2
Try This!
 Which experiment will
produce 18O2?
Exp 1
Exp 2
Watch Bioflix!
Next Class…
 Adaptations to hot, arid climates…
 CAM plants and C4 plants
 Practice
 Try #12 – 15, 17-19, 21-22 p. 91-92
 Go over Comparison Charts
 Try animation activities (Campbell Online)
 Read about CAM plants and C4 plants
 P. 88-89 Holtzclaw
 P. 200-202 Campbell
 Activity: Photosynthesis in Dry Climates (Campbell Online)