Vegetable - British Council Schools Online

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Transcript Vegetable - British Council Schools Online

Learning Question:
Can I identify different types
of vegetables?
• By the end of this lesson I will be able
Identify different vegetables.
Know the categories of vegetables - tuber,
root, bulb, leafy & stem.
Categorise vegetables by their type.
LO: Can I identify the difference between fruit and vegetables?
What are the different categories of vegetables and you can identify
a vegetable in each category?
Fruit is a
structure of a
plant that
contains its
Grown on a
woody plant,
with the
exception of
you may say a
vegetable is the
edible stems,
leaves, and roots
of the plant.
LO: Can I identify the difference between fruit and vegetables?
What are the different categories of vegetables and you can identify
a vegetable in each category?
How many Vegetables you can you think of in 2
minutes? This is to be done on your own, no
peaking and cheating!
We are now going to go round the room and you are
going to name a vegetable.
Make sure you are listening as if you repeat a
vegetable you are out.
If you can’t think of a new vegetable you are out.
Are you ready?
LO: Can I identify the difference between fruit and vegetables?
What are the different categories of vegetables and you can identify
a vegetable in each category?
Can you identify what type of vegetable the
following images are?
1. Tomato
2. Carrot
3. Lettuce
5. Celery
6. Potato
4. Onion
In groups using the cards identify each vegetable and put into
categories. COPY
down into your books
V is for Vegetable
Vegetables are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals and fibre.
They should be an essential part of our daily diet.
Tubers grow underground and we
eat the root of the plant
eg. potatoes, parsnip
Leafy vegetables are plants
leaves that you eat
eg. lettuce
Root vegetables are also vegetables
that we eat the root of but they have a
stem or stalk above ground
eg. carrots, ginger
Stem vegetables are edible
stalks of plants
eg. celery
Bulb vegetables grow
underground with shoots growing
above ground eg. garlic, spring
• Some vegetables are fruits. These
vegetable contain seeds and are ideal
for stuffing. Eg tomato, avocado, bean.
Hey my name is
Silvester Carlo
You can call me Sid
What am I?
I am so confused!
Yes I know WOW
I am sweet-corn!
Which category of vegetable do I come from?
I am Vegetable
Fruit and Grain – maize
Am and
I a vegetable?
LO: Can I identify the difference between fruit and vegetables?
What are the different categories of vegetables and you can identify
a vegetable in each category?
Question bounce
One person will give you a vegetable
category and you have to state a vegetable
in that category.
They select another pupil and give them a
category for them to name a vegetable
You can be sneaky and say a fruit.
LO: Can I identify the difference between fruit and vegetables?
What are the different categories of vegetables and you can identify
a vegetable in each category?
Can you identify what category each of the
vegetables are from?
1. Tomato
2. Carrot
3. Lettuce
4. Onion
5. Celery
6. Potato
A. Root
B. Leafy
C. Stem
D. Bulbs
E. Fruits
F. Tubers
Can you identify what category each of the
vegetables are from?
1. Tomato
2. Carrot
3. Lettuce
E. Fruits
C. Stem
B. Leafy
4. Onion
5. Celery
6. Potato
D. Bulbs
F. Tubers
A. Root