Transcript Plant Parts

Plant Parts
Chapter 1, Lesson 6
Students will:
 Explore the role of leaves on plants.
 Describe the structures and functions of
roots, stems, and leaves.
 Contrast photosynthesis and respiration.
 Compare how evergreen and cactus
plants survive in dry climates.
What Does a Plant Need?
Plants need
◦ Air
◦ Water
◦ Energy from
◦ A place to live
What Does a Plant Need?
Green plants make
their own food.
 Plants need light,
water, and carbon
dioxide to make
◦ Carbon dioxide is a
gas in the air.
What Does a Plant Need?
Plants are made up of
different parts.
◦ Leaves
◦ Stem
◦ Roots
A plant needs all three
parts to live, grow, and
stay alive.
Each part plays a role in
helping a plant get or
make what it needs to
Why are leaves important?
◦ Plants cannot live without leaves.
◦ Leaves make most of a plant’s food.
What Do Leaves Do?
◦ They are bundles of tubes that carry food and water in
stems and roots.
◦ The veins also carry water to the leaf.
◦ They also take food from the leaf to the stem and
What Do Leaves Do?
◦ A thin layer on the leaf’s
top and bottom.
◦ It helps keep the leaf
from losing water and
drying out.
◦ On the lower epidermis
are tiny openings from
which gases and water
vapor pass in and out.
What Do Leaves Do?
◦ A plant uses its stomata to control how quickly it
loses water.
◦ Any extra water exits through the stomata in a
process called transpiration.
Why is a stem important?
◦ Carries food, water,
and other materials
to and from the
roots and leaves.
What Is a Stem’s Job?
A plant’s stem grows
above the ground.
It holds the leaves up
to the light.
What Do Stems Do?
Inside a stem there
are several different
types of tiny tubes.
 They act as a
system, moving things
up and down the
Vascular Tissues - transport water
and food through the plant.
Phloem: straw-like tubes conducting
food downward in a plant.
Xylem: straw-like tubes conducting
water and minerals upward in a plant.
Two Types of Stems
There are two kinds
of stems.
◦ Woody stems
 Shrubs and trees have
woody stems.
 They provide extra
support to these larger
Two Types of Stems
Non-woody Stems
◦ Smaller plants have
stems that are soft,
green, and bendable.
◦ Plants with nonwoody stems rely on
the pressure of the
watery sap in their
stems for support.
They take in some of the
materials a plant needs
to make food.
Roots grow downward
into the soil. You can’t
see them.
They help the plant stay
Roots do three main tasks.
1. Roots absorb water
from the soil.
Just like living things, they need water to stay alive.
As they take in water, they absorb minerals from the soil.
The minerals provide the nutrients that a plant needs to live and
2. Roots hold a plant in
Without roots, a
large plant might
topple to the
A smaller plant
might blow away in
the wind
3. Some plants use their roots to store food.
Some examples include carrots, radishes, and
Many people like to eat these roots.
Two Kinds of Roots
Two Kinds of Roots
Two Kinds of Roots
◦ Plants such as dandelions, carrots, and grapevines
have taproots.
◦ They send a single large root into the soil.
◦ A grapevine’s taproot may grow as long as 49 ½ feet.
Two Kinds of Roots
Fibrous Roots
◦ They spread out into
the surrounding soil.
◦ No one root is larger
or more important
than the others.
◦ Most trees have
fibrous roots.
◦ Grass also has a
fibrous root.
Root Hairs
Root Hairs.
◦ Root hairs are
threadlike cells on a
◦ They take in water
and minerals from the
◦ Most plants have root
How Do Plants Make Food?
Chances are that you
have eaten several plant
Just like plants, we eat
food to get energy.
However, plants make
their own food through
a process called
During daylight a green
plant uses special leaf
cells containing
chlorophyll to trap
There little energy is
used to combine waste
and carbon dioxide from
the air.
The result is sugar and
Veins carry the sugars the plant makes to all parts of
the plant.
These sugars give the sweet taste to fruits such as
strawberries and peaches.
The oxygen the plant makes goes into the air.
Photosynthesis vs. Respiration
They are opposites
They both occur in green plants
◦ It stores energy
◦ It uses carbon dioxide and
gives off oxygen
◦ Occurs during bright
◦ The plant produces more
food than it uses during
◦ Releases energy
◦ It uses oxygen and gives
off carbon dioxide.
◦ Occurs at night.
◦ The plant consumes
food for growth and
other processes.
What is Respiration?
The plant stores food
until it is needed.
Then its cells use oxygen
to break apart sugars.
When sugars break apart,
they give off energy.
This process is called
How are a Cactus and an Evergreen Different?
Each fall the leaves of trees
such as oaks and maples turn
bright colors.
During the winter the trees
stay alive but are dormant:
they save their energy for
growth when warm weather
returns in the spring.
These trees drop their leaves
to save water during the
How are a cactus and an evergreen different?
Plants such as the
cactus and the
evergreen have other
ways to prevent
water loss.
They both can live in
places that are too
dry for other plants.
Designed for a hot,
dry environment
Its stem is often large
and fleshy so it can
store water.
Its roots spread wide
to take in water from
a large area.
Their leaves are sharp
This shape keeps the
plant from losing too
much water through
The sharp spines do not
allow animals to eat the
plant to get water
stored in the stems.
They survive in cool, dry
Unlike the oak and
maple trees, these trees
and shrubs keep their
leaves for 1 to 18 years.
Some evergreens have
broad, flat leaves.
Others, such as spruces
and firs, have needle
shaped leaves.
They both have a thick
outer layer and a coating of
wax which helps reduce
water loss.
Why It Matters
Without plants to make
oxygen, people would not
 We also use the woody
stems, or trunks, of trees
to build houses and
Other plants provide
valuable medicines.
Medicinal Plants
It has been used historically
to reduce tumors.
Research focusing on its role
in cancer reduction is
Also, the main plant extract
has been incorporated into
toothpaste and mouthwash
for years due to its ability to
reduce plaque and gingivitis.
Medicinal Plants
 Boosts the immune system
and aids the body in fighting
 Effective in treating mild to
moderate depression.
 It is also effective for
anxiety and insomnia.
The End