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Questions about
cold, warm and
stationary fronts
Questions about low
and high air
Questions about
meteorologists use
to measure weather
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A cold air mass pushes a warm
air mass up:
a) Cold front
b) Warm front
c) Stationary front
Cold front
Good Luck
A warm air mass stretches over
a cold air mass
a) Cold front
b) Warm front
c) Stationary front
Warm front
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Warm and cold air masses meet
and stand still
a) Cold front
b) Warm front
c) Stationary front
Stationary Front
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Light rain or snow may fall
a) Cold front
b) Warm front
c) Stationary front
Warm front
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Creates a lot of clouds and fog
that may last for days
a) Cold front
b) Warm front
c) Stationary front
Stationary front
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Heavy rain, thunderstorms, or
a) Cold front
b) Warm front
c) Stationary front
Cold front
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Storm is over quickly
a) Cold front
b) Warm front
c) Stationary front
Cold front
Make your favorite
animal noise!
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Storms may last for a few days
a) Cold front
b) Warm front
c) Stationary front
Warm front
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Leaves warm air behind
a) Cold front
b) Warm front
c) Stationary front
Warm front
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Leaves cold air behind
a) Cold front
b) Warm front
c) Stationary front
Cold front
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Sunny weather
a) High Pressure
b) Low Pressure
c) Mickey Mouse
High Pressure
Pretend you are
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Brings light to no wind
a) High Pressure
b) Low Pressure
c) Picachu
High Pressure
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Can bring wind, often at high
a) High Pressure
b) Low Pressure
c) Minnie Mouse
Low Pressure
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Is associated with rising air
a) High pressure
b) Low pressure
c) Batman
Low Pressure
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Expect precipitation
a) High pressure
b) Low pressure
c) Wonder woman
Low pressure
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Air molecules are close together
which makes them heavy
a) High pressure
b) Low pressure
c) Leonardo
High pressure
Tell us an author and two
books he or she wrote
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Sinking air
a) High pressure
b) Low pressure
c) Abraham Lincoln
High pressure
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Air moves counterclockwise in
the Northern Hemisphere
a) High pressure
b) Low pressure
c) George Washington
Low pressure
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Air molecules are further apart
a) High pressure
b) Low pressure
c) Dallas and Karma
Low pressure
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Air spins clockwise in the
Northern Hemisphere
a) High pressure
b) Low pressure
c) Ratata
High pressure
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Measures air pressure
a) barometer
b) anemometer
c) thermometer
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Measures temperature
a) barometer
b) anemometer
c) thermometer
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Measures wind speed
a) Wind vane
b) Anemometer
c) Barometer
Name three famous
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Measures rain fall
a) Rain gauge
b) Rain ruler
c) Rain sock
Rain gauge
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Measures wind directions
a) thermometer
b) anemometer
c) wind vane
Wind vane
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Measures both wind speed and
wind directions
a) Wind sock
b) Wind vane
c) Anemometer
Wind sock
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Measures in degrees
a) Thermometer
b) Barometer
c) Anemometer
Good luck!
Air pushes down on it and the
dial moves
a) Anemometer
b) Thermometer
c) Barometer
Do a cartwheel!
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Has North, South, East, and
West on it
a) Barometer
b) Anemometer
c) Weather Vane
Weather Vane
Good luck!
Measures in millibars
a) Thermometer
b) Barometer
c) Anemometer
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