Transcript Weather

A weather is changeable meteorological conditions on
the given area of the globe. The whole of weather
phenomena on the given area in the long-term period
(at least 30 years) is determined as the climate
Air temperature - one of meteorological basic components,
the determining thermal state of the atmosphere.
Details about the air temperature are being collected by
meteorological stations. They are making the
measurement at 2 m level above land with the
thermometer, shielded from the solar direct radiation in the
Stevenson screen. With separate thermometers they are
effecting the thermometry maximum and minimal appropriately with maximum thermometer and minimal.
The temperature is being given in degrees Celsius [° C], of
Fahrenheit [° F] or Kelvin's [K].
Difference between highest and with low temperature it is
an amplitude of the air temperature.
Atmospheric pressure - relationship of
the value of power, with which the pole
of the atmospheric air is pressing to the
surface of the Earth, to the surface this
pole is pressing which (cf. pressure). It
results from here that in the mountains
the atmospheric pressure is lower and
on lowland higher, since the pole of air
has various heights.
In the molecular presentation the
pressure is a result of the chaotic move
of particles of the atmosphere (cf. ideal
gas law). In including fluid mechanics
he is balancing the gravity of heavenly
Humidity of air - content of steam in air.
The maximum humidity, i.e. the maximum quantity
of steam in the determined amount of air strongly
depend on the air temperature. For them higher air
temperature, all the more can in it find steam.
Exceeding the maximum humidity (e.g. as a result
of lowering the air temperature) liquefying causes
steam. Therefore is just coming into existence
evening (night) dew. Air heated in the day can
contain much steam in itself, when a night is
coming, air is cooling off and because of that a
maximum quantity of steam which can be included
in it is falling. The excess of steam is liquefying,
forming droplets of the dew on the surface of the
The humidity is characterized in different ways.
Most popular it:
ruthless humidity - mass of steam expressed in
grams ³ included in 1 m of air,
appropriate humidity - mass of steam expressed in
grams falling on 1 kg of air (of air weighed with
Wind - horizontal or almost horizontal air
movement relative to the surface of the earth.
The wind is triggered by the pressure difference
and differences in forming the area. Date the wind
is being used in meteorology almost exclusively
for determining the horizontal component of the
wind. However a vertical component of the wind
exists and then this way is being named. The wind
can blow from areas of the high pressure to areas
of the lower pressure, but in average latitudes, on
account of Coriolisa power, the wind is usually
blowing parallel to the line of the same pressure
(geostrophic wind). The wind is one of elements of
the weather, for that purpose the wind speed is
being given (in the m/sec. or the km/h) and
direction, from which he/she is blowing. One
should retain the attention at using the
terminology of the direction of the wind:
meteorologists under the name west winds
understand the wind blowing from west, while
"west ocean currents" are a floating west
electricity (that is difference against 180 steps in
the definition of direction).
Clouds - observed in the
atmosphere, clusters of
condensates of steam. Cooling
down is reducing the ability of air
to stop steam. Cooling the dew
point down to the temperature
causes saturating steam
(saturation), further cooling down
is triggering the supersaturation
and the condensation. The
condensation and the volatilization
(in case of water clouds) and the
deposition and the sublimation (in
case of ice clouds) are occurring in
the atmosphere on chmurowych or
ice nuclei (embryos) nukleacji.
Precipitation - the whole of liquid or permanent
products of the condensation of steam falling
off clouds to the surface of the Earth, airborne
and settling on the surface of the Earth and
objects. They are being divided into vertical and
horizontal fallouts (atmospheric deposits). He
ranks among vertical falls: rain, the drizzle, the
snow, barley groats and the hail. The fall which
isn't reaching the surface of the Earth, is calling
virgÄ… one another.
Horizontal fallouts (atmospheric deposit) is
sharing on
liquid (e.g. dew)
solid deposits, e.g.:
black ice
hoar frost
hoar frost
A rain gauge is applicable to the measurement
of the size of falls (pluviometer). The size of falls
is being given in millimetres of the pole of water
(H2O mm) or litres to the square metre (l/m 2) of
area (these individuals are equal of oneself). In
case of the snow it corresponds to water
incurred after melting it.
Storms - intense rainfall or the rain and
of the hail, with which they are
accompanying of electrical discharge
in the atmosphere (lightnings and
Mushroom growth of intense thick stormclouds (so-called
Cumulonimbi) about the height of 10-16 km and the width of the c 8
km and humid, cool wind, heralding the upcoming storm, are wellknown in the tropical and moderate majority of regions of the world of
the zone. Worldwide in the same time about 1800 storms and about
100 discharges are taking place in a second. Air in the upper
atmosphere is far colder than by the surface of the Earth. Warm air is
lighter than cold and is rising up. In the course of raising air is
expanding as well as is also cooling off. Ascending air in the course
of relaxing is becoming cooler than surroundings, that is heavier and
is falling down.
They performed the
Weronika Bolewicka
Elwira Nowak kl. 2a
source material: wikipedia