The Carbon cycle - Rogue Community College

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Biology 213 Chapter 55
Ecosystems and the Biosphere
You will be able to…
• Compare & contrast food chains, webs, and
• Explain Bioaccumulation & magnification
• Describe C cycle, N cycle, P cycle & H2O
cycle in the biotic and abiotic environment.
• Examine human influence on natural cycles
• Describe role of the sun in
– Creating seasons
– Weather systems
– Developing ocean currents
– Creating a climate and weather
• Energy flow through an ecosystem
– Linear
– Sun to producer to consumer to decomposer
Is the sun the only
source of energy for
food webs?
Energy flow through an ecosystem
A food chain
Food chains, webs, & trophic levels.
Food chains, webs, & trophic levels.
Trophic relationships important in endangered
wildlife management:
e.g. DDT  Bald Eagle & Condors
• Ecological pyramids
Express progressive reduction in #’s of:
– Organisms
– Biomass
– energy
found in
trophic levels
Food chains, webs, & trophic levels.
Not all animals or plants are eaten.
Portions (beaks, shells, bones, etc.)
not digested.
Matter & energy transfer not efficient.
Pyramids of biomass
Usually amount of fixed energy in an ecosystem is
measured in quantity of living material = biomass
Generally amount of biomass decreases at
successively higher trophic levels. Why?
Pyramid of biomass:
If you want to support a lot of humans,
what should you feed them?
Pyramids of energy
What happens to
the energy?
• Undigested parts
• Entropy
• Energy
expended in
“hunting” &
processing food
Bioaccumulation: build up of toxins in an organism
Biological magnification: increasing concentration
in successive trophic levels
• Gross primary productivity (GPP)
– Rate at which photosynthesis captures
• Net primary productivity (NPP)
– Energy remaining after plants and other
producers carry out cellular respiration
What do you think are
the most productive ecosystems?
NPP for selected ecosystems
Avg NPP (g dry matter/m2/yr)
Algal beds & reefs
Tropical rain forest
Swamp & marsh
Temperate evergreen forest
Temperate deciduous forest
Boreal (northern) forest
NPP for selected ecosystems
Avg NPP (g dry matter/m2/yr)
Woodland & shrubland
Agricultural land
Temperate grassland
Upwelling in oceans
Lake and stream
Arctic and alpine tundra
Open ocean
Desert and semi-desert scrubland
Extreme desert (rock, sand, ice)
Why is Carbon important in the ecosystem?
• What form is carbon used by plants?
– CO2 absorbed / O2 released
– Sugars (starch) formed
– Sugar used for Energy (cellular respiration)
• What form is carbon used by animals?
– Sugar used for Energy (cellular respiration)
– CO2 released / O2 absorbed
(see Joseph Priestly’s experiments)
– C forms the “skeleton” for every biomolecule
How does Carbon cycle in the
Biotic factors:
• plants and animals: gaseous form
• Trees store carbon
• Seashells: solid form calcium carbonate
Abiotic factors:
• Atmospheric gas: circulates globally
• Mineral compounds: limestone
• Fossil fuels – remnants of ancient plants
and marine critters
Biogeochemical Cycles:
The Carbon cycle
–Carbon dioxide is the most important
gas (0.038% of air)
• gas phase allows for global
–Carbon enters plants as CO2
Biogeochemical Cycles:
The Carbon cycle
–CO2 returned to the environment:
• Cellular respiration
• Combustion & volcanoes
• Erosion of limestone
• Decomposition
Carbon cycle
Carbon Reservoirs: in billions of metric tons:
Atmosphere: 720
Ocean: 39,000
Carbonates: 100,000,000
Fossil fuels: 4,000
Soils: 1500
Land plants: 560
• most C is in rocks (carbonates & sediments)
• most C not in rocks is dissolved in ocean
• ~ 3 x more C in soils than in land plants
• Methane hydrates under sea floor
Carbon Cycle
Nitrogen cycle
Why is nitrogen
important to living
How is it used?
• Nitrogen cycle
– Five steps:
1. Nitrogen fixation
2. Nitrification
3. Assimilation
4. Ammonification
5. Denitrification
Nitrogen fixation:
2 moles of ammonia produced by prokaryotes
from 1 mole of N2 gas
N2 + 8H+ + 8e- + 16 ATP = 2NH3 + H2 + 16ADP + 16 Pi
Combustion, volcanoes, industry,
and lightning can fix N2 as nitrates & nitrites
Lightning: N2 + O2 --------------> 2 NO (nitric oxide)
Nitric oxide free radical combines with O2 to form NO2.
2 NO + O2 ---------------> 2NO2
Nitrogen dioxide dissolves in water to produce
nitric and nitrous acids;
2 NO2 + H2O -------> HNO3 + HNO2
These acids readily release NO3 & NO2 ions utilized by plants & micro-organisms.
HNO3 --------> H+ + NO3- (nitrate ions)
HNO2 --------> H+ + NO2- (nitrite ions)
Ammonia converted to ammonium to nitrate
• Roots absorb:
– Ammonia (NH3)
– Ammonium ions
– Nitrate ions
• Make plant proteins,
nucleic acids, &
• Nitrogen compounds
released as wastes:
– Urea in urine
– Uric acid in bird
• Compounds are
decomposed into
ammonia by bacteria
• Nitrate ions reduced to gaseous nitrogen by
denitrifying bacteria
• Reverse nitrogen fixing process
• Anaerobic environments: deep soil, swamps,
deep ocean
Nitrogen cycle
Both Carbon & Nitrogen cycles involve
gas, biological, & geochemical
• Phosphorus cycle
–Phosphorus erodes from rock as
inorganic phosphate
–Animals obtain it from their diet
–Plants obtain it from the soil
–Does not have a gaseous phase,
so cycles more locally
Phosphorus cycle: no gas phase
N and P are the major
limiting factors for plant growth
Guano happens!
• Sea bird deposits
• Bat caves
• Used extensively in
agriculture as a
• Used in detergents
• Run-off enters
Eutrophication: enhanced phytoplankton
growth due excess supply of nutrients
• High concentrations of nutrients as run-off
– Sewage
– Agriculture
– Lawns
Eutrophication: enhanced phytoplankton
growth due excess supply of nutrients
• Phytoplankton “bloom”
• Phytoplankton die and are eaten by bacteria
• Oxygen levels depleted & fish die
Dr. David Schindler is an ecologist who
worked at the Experimental Lakes Project in
northern Ontario
– performed several
experiments on
eutrophication that led
to ban on phosphates
in detergents
Phosphates are the culprit
• Hydrologic cycle
– Renews supply of water
– Involves exchange of water btwn land,
ocean, atmosphere, and organisms
– Water enters atmosphere by evaporation
and transpiration
– Water leaves atmosphere as precipitation
– “Distillation” purifies water
Water Basins: Lakes, Oceans, Ice
How much fresh water is
Transpiration and Evaporation
• Solar energy drives
• Evaporation: ocean
surface is main
• Transpiration: plants
release over 95% of
water they absorb
back into air
Condensation and precipitation
• Solar E drives surface
• Winds carry moist air inland
and up over mountains
• Cooling air loses moisture
as condensation
• Precipitation: rain, sleet,
snow, hail, & fog
percolation and ground water
• Aquifers may
take hundreds of
years to replenish
• Underground
supply water for
– Streams
– Agriculture
– Wells
Ogallala Aquifer:
~95 % used for irrigation.
High Plains = 65 % of total
irrigated acreage in USA.
175,000 wells, irrigating
> 15 million acres.
Depleted much faster than
natural rate of recharge.
Some states 40 x higher.
Hydrologic cycle
Bottom-up processes
Availability of resources e.g. nutrient minerals
controls # of producers,
which controls # of herbivores,
which controls # of predators, etc.
Top-down processes:
Increase in top predators cascades down food web
Sunlight: primary source of energy
• Combo of Earth’s spherical shape
& axis tilt concentrate solar E at equator.
• Inclination of Earth’s axis primarily determines
the seasons
Amount of solar radiation reaching Earth
• 30% reflected back
• 47% absorbed by
• 23% runs
hydrologic cycle
• 1% drives wind and
ocean currents
• 0.02% captured
by photosynthesis
• 0.0001% used by
Culhane for
Seasonal changes in temperature
• Visible light & IR radiation warm surface
and lower part of atmosphere
• Atmospheric heat produces air movement,
which moderates the climate
Hadley cells
Global wind map
• Coriolis effect
– Tendency of moving air or water to be deflected
• Right in the Northern Hemisphere
• Left in the Southern Hemisphere
Does your toilet
really flush
straight down
on the equator?
Atmospheric circulation
Trade winds
Oceanic currents
• Generated by uneven
heating of ocean
• Salinity differences
• Surface winds
Major surface ocean currents
Modifies temperatures and affects precipitation patterns
• Regional precipitation differences
– Influenced by latitude, elevation, topography,
vegetation, distance from large bodies of water,
and location
– Precipitation greatest where warm air passes over
ocean & then cools
Small D in sea surface temp D trade winds, which
D sea temp, which continues until atmospheric
circulation patterns & precipitation are disrupted across
Pacific & Indian Oceans, & surrounding continents
Look at the geography of major deserts
Why are they found in these locations?
Rain shadow
Sierra Nevadas
• California side
– Moist and lush
• Nevada side
– Dry and desertlike plant
Much of the sun’s heat is trapped in
the atmosphere by CO2
How has man influenced global climate?
Increased CO2 from burning fossil fuels
What are fossil fuels?
CO2 reservoir depleted: deforestation
Surface algae polluted
What will happen globally? Very complex!
What are the alternatives?