power point - Mr. Forsdike

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Transcript power point - Mr. Forsdike

What Factors Affect the Climate
in Canada
Ms. K. Fawcett
There are 6 Factors that affect
• They are:
– Ocean Currents
–Winds and Air masses
– Elevation
– Near to Water
–A useful acronym to help remember
these factors is: LOWER NEAR WATER
Latitude and Climate
• Latitude: gives the location of a place on
earth, north or south of the border
• Lines of Longitude: horizontal lines running
east to west on a map
• As you move away from the equator (either N
or S) the average temperature decreases, but
the temperature range increase
• Why?
– The amount of energy hitting any spot
on the earth is equal
• But, because the earth is
curved, at certain points this
energy is spread out over larger distances
- low angle of incoming sunlight hits the
north and south poles – less direct sunlight
– Sunlight directly hits the equator overhead
– the rays are spread out in the poles and more
concentrated at the equator
Temperature decreases as you move
north or south of the equator because
due to the curvature of the earth, less
light from the sun is hitting per square
Ocean Currents and Climate
• An Ocean Current is Continuous, directed movement of ocean water.
• The temperature of Ocean Currents can increase or reduce the temperature
of nearby land areas.
• Ocean winds blowing towards the shore will increase or decrease in
temperature depending on the temperature of the ocean water.
• EXAMPLE : North Atlantic Gulf Stream
• Temperature of the current + surrounding water = overall current temperature
Current temperature affects
Air Temperature passing over it.
West Coast:
North Pacific Current = warm
- warmer air
- warmer BC climate
Labrador current meets Gulf
Stream and NFLD = FOG
• Ocean currents affect climate because they
influence the temperature of the air coming
off the water.
Winds and Climate
Air Mass – large volume of air that takes on climate
Wind – movement of air from high pressure to low pressure
Prevailing Wind – well established patterns of wind
Polar Front – boundary between dry, polar air, and warm, wet
tropical air
Jet Stream –west to east movement of air high above polar
• Because air masses takes on their climatic conditions,
• Ocean air masses = lots of moisture and warm/cool
• Land Air masses = very dry and warm/cool
Winds Affect Climate
• Air moves,
– High Pressure  Low pressure
•  creates patterns called PREVAILING (Dominant)
» In Canada, blow west  to East
» (Westerlies)
» Warm winds blow from hot areas and will
raise temperatures
» Cold winds come from cold areas and
decrease the temperature
• = Move air masses  affects and
changes weather
Jet Stream
• The east to west movement of the jet stream controls
the location of the polar front.
• N of jet
Stream = COLD
S of the Jet
stream =
• This can have a MAJOR implications on weather.
• If the jet stream shifts, there can be large shifts in
Active Weather for Canada - Today
• Winds affects climate by moving air masses
that mimic climatic conditions and alter the
position of the jet stream.
Elevation and Climate
• Temperatures decrease with Height.
Increase in elevation = decrease in temperature
• Mountain ranges affect climate on both sides
The air is less dense and cannot hold heat as easily. This is how
we have snow and ice at the tops of mountains
- As air rises up, it expands and
cools ,it will continue till the
forming of clouds, then it
becomes saturated
• Results in precipitation
– Rain, snow, freezing rain, hail
Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya
• Increased elevation causes temperature
decreases and precipitation increases
Elevation and Climate
• The windward coastal side of the mountain
range will receive lots of precipitation as it rises
up over the mountain, the air cools and causes it
to release the moisture.
• This is called Orographic Precipitation
• The other side of the mountain range will be in
an air called the rain shadow, meaning that this
area will not receive any moisture from prevailing
• No precipitation since it was lost on the other
side of the mountain
Relief and Climate
• Mountain barriers create relief precipitation
• The presence of mountains will cause cooler
and wetter climates on windward sides and
drier and warmer climates on leeward sides
Near Water and Climate
• Land heats and cools faster than water
• Therefore, coastal areas have a lower
temperature range than those that are inland.
Near Water and Climate
Continental Climate
(not close to body of
water – Interior
• large temp. range
• hot = summer,
• cold = winter
• Low amounts of
Maritime Climate
(close to large water
bodies – coastal
• Relatively small
temperature range
• A lot of precipitation
• Mild winters and cool
• The temperature range and amount of
precipitation can be influenced by the
proximity of the body of water.
What Climate Factor(s) Affect the
following regions in Canada?
Cold Temperatures in the Arctic
Dry Areas in the B.C Interior
Fog in Newfoundland
Snow in British Columbia Mountains
Snow in Ontario
Heat in Ontario – Sauble Beach