Transcript ALCOHOL

The type of alcohol that can be consumed is called___________. It is
found in beers, wine, hard liquor, etc.
Alcohol is the most abused and ____________ drug in our society.
It is related to 50% of all murders, rapes, auto deaths and ________
80% of all assaults.
Ethyl alcohol is a _____to the body and must be broke down and
Alcohol is not digest like food but is ________ through the mouth,
stomach and small intestine. From there it goes into the blood and
goes _____________ that blood goes – toes to the nose.
The are 2 ways to make alcohol:
 _____________: yeast cells acting on carbohydrates found in
fruits, berries, grains, potatoes ,etc. This changes the
carbohydrates into alcohol, water and carbon dioxide.
 Distillation: boiling the _________ juices to yield a higher
concentration of alcohol.
 Investigate one type of alcohol – how it is made, strength, etc.
One can of beer is equal to one
glass of wine is equal to one
average hard drink.
Do the math and figure out the
amount of alcohol per drink.
12 OZ X 5% =
5 Oz. X 12 % =
1.5 Oz X 40 % =
______ is 2 times the amount of
actual alcohol in the drink.
How much alcohol is in a 80
proof bottle of gin?
95 to 98 percent of the
alcohol that a person drinks
is broken down by the
_____. Less than 5 percent
is eliminated by ________on
– breath, sweat and urine.
______ is an exception.
One of the first organs to be
affected by alcohol is the
stomach and small intestine.
There are 3 complications:
bleeding _____, perforated
ulcer and ___________
A _________ ulcer can cause
anemia, pain and death.
Because alcohol need no
digestion the stomach ______
combine with the ethyl
alcohol to irritate and then
damage the linings of the
stomach and small intestine.
Over time it will ______
through the wall and food
with acids will spill out into
the abdominal cavity. If ____
tissue forms it can obstruct or
block the passage of food
through the stomach or small
You can not live
without a ________.
It make enzymes for
It produces _______
to control blood
sugar levels.
__ percent of all
pancreas diseases
are caused by
alcohol misuse and
This pancreas has been
damaged by the blockage
of _______ (acids) from
leaving the pancreas.
These acids build up and
spill out of the pancreas
causing damage, pain
and _____. Alcohol
contributes to this
blockage .
A person can not ____
without a pancreas.
The liver is the largest
_________ organ in the
body. You can not live
without a liver.
It regulates many ________
reactions in the body.
The liver makes substances
to aid in blood ___________
It produces bile and bile
salts for _________.
It is responsible for the
_______ of fats and proteins
in the body.
The liver __________ toxins
in the blood.
Notice the texture of the
surface of the liver
The small holes are bile
ducts going to the stomach.
Alcohol is a _______ to the
body and must be broken
down by the liver.
About _____ is broken
down in one hour by the
average adult liver.
Over time ________
amounts of alcohol can
cause damage so it can no
longer remove the alcohol
the way it should.
Acute Alcoholic Hepatitis
is cause by ______ misuse
and abuse.
The liver is stained a
____________ from the
build up of bile in the
This is caused yellow
_______ – the eyes, skin
and nails turn yellowish.
The abdomen becomes
swollen and the liver can
not _______ the blood as it
should causing death.
Alcohol is extremely
_________. You can
see the difference in
the size and color of
the liver.
This liver has fat
deposits thorough out
the liver tissue.
It will not function
well and can led to
Cirrhosis- A disease that replaces healthy liver tissue with ____ tissue. It
is a __________ disease. There is no ___ once the damage has been done..
Symptoms of cirrhosis:
– Exhaustion
– Loss of ________
– Nausea weakness
– Weight loss
– Abdominal pain
– And spider like blood vessels that appear on the skin
Effects of related to cirrhosis
– Liver ______
– Problems in other organs
– Itching
– Jaundice (a yellowing of the skin and eyes that occurs when the liver
doesn’t absorb enough bilirubin)
– _____ and Ascites (When the liver loses its ability to make the
protein, water accumulates in the legs and abdomen.)
– Diabetes
Liver with Cirrhosis
Normal liver
The ___ deposits turn
into scare tissue.
Slowly there a re
fewer good cells to
remove the toxins in
the blood.
A person may take
______ to sober up or
will react more to
______ amounts of
If the liver does not
function correctly the
_____ from the liver can
back up into the
esophagus causing
pressure. This pressure
causes the _____ to
become distended and
function poorly. They
can break open causing
________ bleeding and
Repeated prolonged
vomiting from alcohol abuse
can cause the linings in the
esophagus to rupture.
Vomiting is one the bodies
_________ _______ ____
used to rid the body of
toxins. The person will
continue to vomit after there
is nothing left in the stomach
because this is one of the
ways the body get rid of the
toxins in the blood.
The acids from the stomach
can also erode the ______ on
the teeth.
The heart can become
__________ and
weakened by alcohol
misuse and abuse.
This heart functioned
poorly causing _________
_____ ______ and death.
Small amounts of alcohol
can be ____ for the heart
circulatory system.
The _____ in the
cerebellum can be
damaged by excessive
The cells begin to
______ _____ causing a
permanent loss of
coordination, poor
speech and possible
Look how the cells have
wither away in this
Alcohol poisoning is caused by drinking to much in to short of a time.
Signs of alcohol poisoning
 Continuously _______ ___
 And loss of consciousness (not knowing what happened the night
What to do if your with some one who might have drank to much
If you suspect one of your friends has drank to much and they have
passed out, you should call an ambulance or their parent and if there
is no one around to pick them up you should turn the victim over on
their ____ so they can’t choke and die on their own _______ __.
__________ - A disease that causes a person to loose control
of his or her drinking behavior
The 4 stages of alcoholism:
1. Drinking _______- Person begins to drink more often at
______________ times
2. __________ Drinker needs more alcohol to get him/her to
feel drunk. Tries to hide that he/she drinks so much and
starts dinking instead of being with family, friends or
going to work.
3. __________- Drinkers body starts to depend on alcohol to
________ _______. Without alcohol the drinker becomes
sweaty, depressed, paranoid and gets anxiety and nausea.
4. Alcoholism- Drinker has completely lost control of his
drinking habits. The drinker starts to put drinking before
any thing else, starts to substitute alcohol for food which
causes ___________.
The _______ you start drinking the more of a chance you have to become an
alcoholic. Often Teenagers get peer pressured into drinking and they don’t realize
the long term effect it can have on their body.
Also if you have a family member who is an alcoholic (___ of adults have lived with
an alcoholic growing up) statistics show that you have a greater risk of having an
alcohol problem then someone with out an alcoholic relative.
F.A.S.- A set of physical and mental _______ to the fetus that
is caused by a mother drinking while she is pregnant.
Physical symptoms of F.A.S. are the fetus will have a small
head/body, __________ facial characteristics.
Mental symptoms are brain damage, _________ disorders,
attention deficits such as ADD ADHD or OCD, heart defects,
and sight/hearing problems.
FAS is the leading cause of ______ ____________ in western civilization.
Around 2 out of 1,000 babies are born with FAS.
In western civilization more American babies are born with FAS then
the amount of babies with down Syndrome, MD, and HIV combined
If you or someone you know has a drinking problem, don’t just
forget about it, there are ways to get help. There are many
programs and rehabs that you can sign up for, such as A.A.
(alcoholics anonymous). A.A. Is the most common program used
to help people with an alcohol problem. It is a 12 step program
that is bound to work.
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