Transcript File

11 2 Agenda
Objective: Define the “Crusades” and analyze
their significance in the world TODAY!
Do Now: Watch President Bush and discuss
what he means by the word “Crusade”
1. American Muslim Perspective video and
2. Crusade PPT – Causes
3. John Green Crusades
4. Crusade WS due Monday
The Crusades, Black Death, and
Hundred Years’ War
media\high_mid_ages_03\WH07A00563.htmly Interactive: The Crusades, 1096-1204:
The World in 1100
 In 1050 many civilizations had been established
around the world, but Europeans knew little about
them. In the 1050s the Seljuk Turks invaded the
Byzantine empire and came to control the Holy Land,
where Europe’s Christians had made pilgrimages.
Turks take Baghdad
1000 CE
The Crusades
 The Byzantine emperor, Alexis asked Pope
Urban II for help in fighting the Muslim Turks,
and the pope then called for the First Crusade, a
campaign to take back the Holy Land.
Map of the Crusades 1096-1270
Pope Wanted to end Knights
Seljuk Turks Invaded
Holy Land
Pope Wanted to Increase
power and Heal Schism
Some went for Glory,
Adventure opportunity
Trade Increased to Europe and
a money economy
New Ideas and Technology
reached Europe
Religious tensions increased
Jewish Programs
Re-conquest of Spain
Power of Monarchs
Magnetic Compass (China), papermaking, gunpowder, iron
casting, nautical technology- sternpost rudder, arab lateen sail,
Algebra, translations of Greek medicine and science such as
Impact of the Crusades
English and French fight for power
 With the Crusades, trade
between the Byzantine
empire and European
states increased and
money economies were
created. Travelers began to
explore other lands.
Monarchs and the pope
gained power.
The Reconquista
 The Christian campaign to drive the Muslims from the Iberian
peninsula was known as the Reconquista. The Christians were
successful, and Spain and Portugal came into being as states. Spain’s
Ferdinand and Isabella had many non-Christians tried by the
Inquisition and punished.
The Black Death: A Global Epidemic
The Bubonic plague, or Back Death, arrived in Europe from
Asia in 1347 and thereafter kept recurring. It caused
massive deaths and inflation that led to peasant revolts in
England, France, Germany, and elsewhere.
Time permitting go to Black
death slides
Causes and Effects of the Black Death
Upheaval in the Church
The church was unable to answer the
questions or fill the needs of its members
during the Black Death. In 1309, Pope
Clement V moved the papal court to Avignon
in France. Later, reformers elected another
pope to rule from Rome. Popular preachers
such as John Wycliffe taught that the bible
and not the Church held the truth, and his
followers began translating the Bible for
everyone to read.
The Hundred Years’ War
 England and France fought a series of
conflicts between 1337 and 1453 over
French lands that both states claimed and
over control of the English Channel and
regional trade. Joan of Arc helped to turn
the tide for France. In England, the war
gave power and prominence to Parliament,
which had to fund it.
 Time permitting go to 100 years war PPT
Causes and Effects of the Hundred Years’