REC 3020 Injury Mangament Powerpoint

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Transcript REC 3020 Injury Mangament Powerpoint

On the field Acute Care and Emergency Procedures
Emergency Action Plan
 Needs to be implemented immediately
 Determine personnel that will be at the event (coaches,
athletic therapists, students, doctors)
 Make sure the personnel know what their roles are
(charge, call, control)
 Describe and determine what emergency equipment is
available (AED, spine board, oxygen)
 Make sure there is a phone accessible (call person)
 Be familiar with contact information for nearest hospital or
medical center (address, phone number)
 Know the address for the location you are at and what the most
accessible entrance for EMS is
 Charge: head person, takes control of the situation & decides
what actions need to be taken (call ambulance)
 Call: Calls EMS,makes contact with medical authorities and
otherwise assists the person in charge, either creates access for
EMS if locked, or contacts front desk/ facility attendant
 Control: controls the scene, crowd, athletes, can also assist
person in charge or Call person with access for EMS
Scene Survey
 Is the scene safe to enter? (Has the play stopped, are
there any hazardous materials around)
 How many injured athletes are there?
 Are there any noticeable fractures or dislocations?
 Any blood?
 Patients face: skin color, eyes tracking, level of distress
Primary Survey
 Assessing life-threatening injuries
 Determines the existence of potentially life-threatening
situations, including problems with level of
consciousness, airway, breathing, circulation, severe
bleeding, and shock
 Primary survey takes precedence over all other aspects
of the assessment
 Any patient who has a life-threatening situation should
be transported ASAP
Primary Survey
 Life-threatening Conditions:
 Airway obstruction
 No breathing
 No circulation
 Profuse bleeding
 Shock
Primary Survey
 Functional Signs of Evaluation:
 Pulse
 Respiration
 Skin Color/ Condition
 Convulsions
 Breath
 Level of Consciousness: AVPU
 Alert- patient is alert, awake, responsive to voice, and
oriented to person, time and place
 Verbal- patient responds to voice but is not fully
oriented to person, time, or place
 Painful- patient does not respond to voice but does
respond to painful stimulus
 Unconscious/unresponsive- patient does not respond
to verbal or painful stimulus
Primary Survey- ABC’s
 Establish Airway, Breathing and Circulation
 Airway: use head tilt/ chin lift- lift under chin with one
hand while pushing down on the patient’s forehead with
the other
 Tongue is most common cause of obstruction
 ONLY use modified jaw thrust if there is a suspected
cervical injury
 Perform a finger sweep to remove any objects in the
 Breathing: maintain open airway place ear over mouth,
observe chest, look listen and feel for breath sounds 510 seconds
 Listen for rate (how fast they are breathing), rhythm
(regular, deep, shallow), and quality (wheezy, regular,
 Normal rate for adults= 12-20 breaths/ minute
 If airway is obstructed, repeat finger sweep
 Rate may be normal but breath may be shallow, labored,
or noisy could indicate shock
 Circulation: feel for a pulse in the carotid artery along the
side of the neck or in the radial artery at the wrist, feel for 510 seconds
 Feel for rate (how fast the pulse is), rhythm (regular, thready,
irregular), quality (weak, strong)
 Normal rate for adults= 60-100 beats/ minute
 Rapid and weak pulse could mean shock, bleeding, diabetic
coma, or heat exhaustion
 Rapid and strong pulse could mean heatstroke or severe
 Strong but slow pulse could mean skull fracture, stroke
 No pulse= cardiac arrest or death
Skin Temperature
 Skin Temperature: normal= 36.8*C- 37*C, use a
thermometer to get accurate readings (under tongue or
rectal), changes in in body temperature can be
reflected in the skin
 Hot, dry skin can be infection/ disease, or overexposure
to environmental heat
 Cool, clammy can reflect trauma, shock, or heat
 Cool, dry skin can result from overexposure to cold
Skin Color
 Skin Color: Normal= pink or brown
 Flushed or red= heatstroke, sunburn, allergic reaction, HBP,
or elevated temp
 Pale, ashen, or white skin can mean insufficient circulation,
shock, fright, hemorrhage, heat exhaustion, insulin shock
 Skin Bluish in color in lips, fingernail beds= airway
 Yellowish color may indicate liver disease or dysfunction
 Dark skinned person in shock= grayish color outside of
mouth, nose, and bluish color in nail beds, tongue, inside of
 Pupils are extremely sensitive to situations affecting
nervous system
 Normal- both round, equal in size, reactive and
accommodating to light
 Need to know which athletes have irregular and
unequal pupils, or if they are on nervous system
depressant drugs
 If one or both eyes dilated= head injury, shock,
heatstroke, hemorrhage, stimulant drug
 Failure to accommodate= brain injury, alcohol/drug
Blood Pressure
 Blood Pressure: Amount of pressure exerted on arterial
walls, systolic- heart pumping blood, diastolic- residual
pressure between heart beats
 Normal: Males 120/ 80 mm Hg, females are 8-10 mm Hg
 Lowered blood pressure= hemorrhage, shock, heart
attack, or internal organ injury
 High Blood Pressure: Hypertension Primary= 90% all
cases with no disease associated with it. Secondary=
underlying causes: kidney disorder, overactive adrenal
glands, tumors, meds, pregnancy, narrowing of aorta=
coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, stroke
 High= Sys >/= 140-160, Dias >/=90-100
 Occurs when a diminished amount of blood is available
to the circulatory system- dilation of blood vessels in
vascular system= collapse of vascular system leading
to tissue death
 More likely to happen to severe injuries: severe
bleeding, fractures, internal injuries, or certain
conditions= extreme fatigue, extreme exposure to heat
or cold, extreme dehydration, or illnesses ‘
 Different types of shock: hypovolemic, respiratory,
neurogenic, psychogenic, cardiogenic, septic,
anaphylactic, and metabolic
 Signs and Symptoms:
 Moist, pale, cool, clammy skin, weak and rapid pulse,
increased and shallow breathing, decreased blood
pressure, and if severe, urinary retention and fecal
 Blood pressure- systolic is < 90 mm Hg
 Patient may seem drowsy or sluggish
 Management:
 Maintain body temperature as close to normal as
 Elevate feet 8-12 inches for most situations (depends
on type of injury)
 Automated External Defibrillator
 Evaluates heart rhythm of a victim of sudden cardiac arrest
(patient is not breathing and has no pulse), capable of
delivering an electrical charge to the heart
 To prevent human error, the machine evaluates heart rhythm
and decides if employment is appropriate
 Apply two electrodes to the right apex and the left base of
the chest
 Wait for instructions from the AED- machine will shock if
 If shock, no pulse- start CPR (30 compressions; 2
breaths)for 2 mins and the AED will deliver another shock
 If pulse returns, place patient into recovery position
Primary Survey
Scene Survey
Stabilize Csp
TX Decision
and Stabilize
Transport off field
or Call EMS
 Secondary Survey
 Vitals- HR, BR, BP, Pupils, Skin (Temp, Color, Condition)
 History (HOPS- history, observation, palpation, special
tests) and SAM- Skeletal, Articular, Musculoskeletal
 PQRST, Expose and observe site
 Musculoskeletal
 Evaluation
Focused History #1
 Did you hit your head?
 Do you have any neck pain?
 Did you lose consciousness?
 Do you have any numbness or tingling? (bilateral?)
 Are you having difficulty breathing?
 If yes to any of these, call for help (AT, physio, EMS) if
you don’t know
Focused History #2
 Chief Complaint (CC)
 Mechanism of Injury (MOI)/ position of limb at time of
 Type and location of Pain/symptoms
 Sounds or sensations- snap /crackle/ pop
 Do you hurt anywhere else?
 Previous injury (areas involved/ uninvolved)
 S- Symptoms
 A- Allergies
 M- Medications
 P- Past medical history
 L- Last meal
 E- Events prior
 P- provokes
 Q- quality of pain
 R- radiates
 S- Severity
 T- time
Observation- SHARP/D
 S- swelling
 H-heat
 A- altered function
 R- redness
 P- pain
 D- deformity
 Fracture test (SAM- Skeletal)
 TOP- tender on palpation
 Start at either joints above or below
 Bones, ligaments, joints, muscle
Special tests
 Articular tests- ligament testing (SAM- Articular)
 Muscle/ strength testing (SAM- musculoskeletal)
 Any testing specific to joint/ muscle injured
Evaluation + Treatment
 Seriousness of injury
 Type of first aid and immobilization necessary
 Does the injury warrant immediate referral to physician
for further assessment
 The manner of transportation from the injury site to the
sidelines, training room, or hospital
 Splinting
 Stabilize CSP/ Spine
 Complete Primary Survey (ABCD’s) + LOC
 EMS activation
 Secondary survey + vitals
 Evaluate LOC
 Complete AVPU
 Verbal- see if they can answer questions from History
 Painful/ Unconscious= EMS activation
Primary Survey
 Complete ABCD’s
 Check airway/ breathing
 Check circulation
 Check for any deadly bleeds
 Can have circulation and no breathing but not
breathing with no circulation
 Activate EMS (if haven’t already)
Vitals + Secondary Survey
 Complete a round of vitals- pupils, HR, BR, BP, Skin
temp, color and condition
 Complete Secondary survey while waiting for EMS to
 Complete another round of vitals to see if anything has
 Vitals are important for establishing condition- ex.
Deadly Bleeds
 Hemorrhage- abnormal discharge of blood
 Can be venous, capillary, arterial, internal or external
 External Bleeding- open skin wounds- abrasions,
incisions, lacerations, avulsions, open fractures
 Use Direct pressure, elevation and pressure points
Deadly Bleeds
 Direct Pressure- Pressure is directly applied with
gloved hand over a sterile gauze pad, apply firmly
against resistance of a bone
 Elevation- elevation part against gravity reduces
hydrostatic blood pressure and facilitates venous and
lymphatic drainage, which slows bleeding
 Pressure Points- 11 pts on body help control external
bleeding. 2 most commonly used brachial artery
(compressed against medial aspect of humerus) for
upper limb and femoral artery for lower limb (detected
within femoral triangle)
Internal Hemorrhaging
 Invisible to the eye, danger in difficulty of diagnosis due to
obscure symptoms
 Subcutaneous- bruise or contusion
 Intramuscularly- bruise, contusion, joints
 Bleeding within a body cavity- skull, thorax, abdomen, is a
life and death situation
 If suspected- monitor vitals closely, especially blood
 Require hospitalization under complete and constant
observation by medical staff
 All severe hemorrhaging will eventually lead to shock