Transcript Document

with Americans
Presented by,
Professor Tom Grothe
Department of Communication
Arts and Sciences,
California State University, Chico
What is American culture?
The allure of California
Draw a picture of a tree
Visible cultural differences
Invisible cultural roots
Dimensions in Cultural Variability
Individualism - - - - Collectivism
Rights and needs of
individual are primary
Group rights and needs
are primary
Communication Style:
Communication Style:
– Direct
– Concerned with
– Indirect
– Concerned with
What are the Different Ways to
Communicate Nonverbally Across Cultures?
Pitfalls of Nonverbal
 Sending the Wrong Signal
 Missing Signals
Suggestions For Successful Nonverbal
Be aware and delay attributions
Be aware of your own nonverbal
Match your communication behaviors to that
of the new culture
Culture Shock
The anxiety and discomfort felt as a result
of coming in contact with a new culture
Tips for Managing Culture Shock
Realize that culture shock exists
Learn more about your host country
Develop friendships
Suspend ethnocentric evaluations
And above all . . .
Have faith in yourself, in the essential
goodwill of your hosts, and in the
positive outcome of the experience