Complementary & Alternative Therapy

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Complementary & Alternative
Sakura Maillet
Kathy Cress-Waugh
Kendra Miller
“Curing the soul; that is the first thing”
(as cited in Fontaine, 2005)
Experience Your Energy Field
(Fontaine, 2005)
□ To address the issue of utilizing
complementary and alternative therapy
□ 1) The class will be able to identify the different
complementary and alternative therapies
□ 2) The class will be able to compare the positives versus
the negatives of integrating alternate therapies into
nursing practice
□ 3) The class will distinguish for themselves after the
presented material whether they support or are against
the use of alternative therapies
□ 4) The class will be able to list ways that they can
integrate these therapies into their nursing practice
Conventional Medicine
□ Biomedical or
Western medicine
□ Rene Descartes
□ Sir Issac Newton
□ Mechanistic/
(Fontaine, 2005)
Alternative Therapy
□ Holistic
□ Albert Einstein (18791955)
□ Life force
□ Chronic/ debilitating
(Fontaine, 2005)
Complementary Therapy
□ Conventional medicine & alternative
□ Holistic care model
□ Using our hands, heart, and head in
creating healing environments
□ Scientific skills & spiritual commitment
□ Attitude and perspective
□ Holistic
□ Take care of yourself
(Fontaine, 2006)
Basic Concepts in Alternative
□ Balance
□ Spirituality
□ Energy
□ Breath
(Fontaine, 2006)
Complementary & Alternative
□ Systematized Health Care Practices
□ Traditional Chinese Medicine
□ Ayurvedic Medicine
□ Native American Healing and Curanderismo
(Fontaine, 2006)
□Botanical Healing
□Herbs and Nutritional Supplements
(Fontaine, 2006)
□Manual Healing Methods
□Pressure Point Therapies
□Hand-Mediated Biofield Therapies
□Combined Physical and Biofield
(Fontaine, 2006)
□Mind- Body Techniques
□ Yoga
□ Meditation
□ Hypnotherapy and Guided Imagery
□ Dreamwork
□ Intuition
□ Biofeedback
□ Movement-Oriented Therapies
(Fontaine, 2006)
□Spiritual Therapies
□Faith and Prayer
(Fontaine, 2006)
□Other Therapies
□Detoxifying Therapies
□Animal-Assisted Therapy
(Fontaine, 2006)
Factors Influencing Nurses Use of
□ Personal use
□ Perception of legitimacy, efficacy, and
□ Knowledge & experience
□ Nurses stress and environmental stressors
(Tracy, Lindquist, Savik, Watanuki, Sendelbach,
Kreitzer, & Berman, 2005)
□ General openness towards therapies
□ Age
□ Ethnic background
□ Religious affiliation
□ Other sociodemographic factors
□ Concerns about legal issues
□ Ethical issues
□ Lack of equipment, time, training
Pros of Complementary and
Alternative Therapy
Positive attitudes
Physiological and psychological benefits
Combination with conventional medicine
Cost-effective (within hospital)
“Specific to patient and not the disease”
(Helms, 2006).
Pros related to Nursing
• Provided by nurse
• Positive attitudes
• Increased interest of education
Cons of Complimentary and
Alternative Therapies or
Medicine (CAT/ CAM)
□ Unreported use
□ Safety
□ Adverse Drug Reactions
□ Money/ Expenses
□ Nurse related issues
Unreported use of CAM
□ HCP negative feelings.
□ 47% of patient use CAM.
□ 1/3 unreported
□ CAM can effect clinical disorders, and can
have adverse reactions with conventional
Mantle, 2006
□ Misconception: Natural
means safe.
□ Unknown, unmonitored,
□ CAM practitioners are not
always educated on
clinical disorders
□ Adverse nutrition and
dietary advice
□ Side effects of CAM
Mantle, 2006
Adverse Drug and Therapy
□ Unstable blood pressure control
□ Unstable diabetes
□ Herbal remedies (over the counter)
□ 12 adverse drug reactions in 24 months
Mantle, 2006/ Jose, Rao, Kamath, & Jimmy, 2009
Money and Expenses
□ out of the pocket expenses
□ many limitations to insurer reimbursement
□ Consumer demand
□ proven efficacy
□ cost effectiveness
Grimaldi, 2008
Nursing Related Cons
Nurse Related Issues
□ Lack of information in nursing education
related to CAM
□ Not enough time
□ Not enough training
□ Not enough Knowledge
□ Ethical issues
□ Reluctance of peers and physicians
Helms, 2006/ Tracy et al, 2005
Strategies for Incorporating Complementary and
Alternative Therapies into Nursing Curricula
•Provide complementary and alternative medicine
(CAM) learning opportunities for faculty through
workshops, seminars, and online learning modules.
• Revise course objectives to reflect CAM
interventions in
patient care.
Helms, 2006
□ Encourage CAM interventions in care plans
whenever appropriate.
□ Include specific CAM information relevant to
theory and skill courses and clinical experiences.
□ Look for inclusion of CAM in textbooks before
□ Include CAM articles as part of required
□ Provide adequate library resources, such as
CAM journals.
□ Include basic CAM principles on tests.
Information Video about CAM!
Discussion Questions
□ 1) Do you believe there is a value to these
alternative therapies used in nursing?
□ 2) What do you perceive as the barriers to using
these therapies?
□ 3) Would anyone like to share their personal
experience where alternative therapies have been
used? Beneficial or non-beneficial?
□ 4) How would you integrate these therapies into
your nursing practice?
Breathing Clouds
□ Ginger
□Decreases nausea
□Boosts the immune system
□Lowers blood pressure
□ Use 2 tsp of powered or grated root per cup of
boiling water. Steep 20 mins, strain, add juice
from half a lemon and honey for taste. Drink hot
up to 3 cups a day.
(Fontaine, 2006)
□ Mint
□Relaxes the digestive tract
□Used to treat colds, cough, & fever
□ For infusion: use 1 tsp of fresh herb or 2 tsp of
dried leaves per cup of boiling water. Steep 10
mins, strain, and drink up to 3 cups a day.
(Fontaine, 2006)
Adult Cold Cure
drops eucalyptus
drops geranium
drop peppermint
drops rosemary
□ Mix oils together and use in any of these ways:
□ Several drops in a diffuser, 2 drops on a tissue
and breathe in the aroma, 4 drops in a bath, add
8 drops to 2 tbs of massage oil and massage the
chest, back, neck, forehead, nose, cheekbones.
(Fontaine, 2006)