Fall final exam note cards 2016

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Transcript Fall final exam note cards 2016

1. What event marked the end
of the wars between the federal
government and the Plains
• the massacre at Wounded
2. Why did the policy of treating
the Great Plains as a huge
reservation change? White
settlers began wanting the land
on the Plains.
3. What belief did the Native
Americans have in regards to
land ownership?
• you can’t own the land
4. What was the name of the
land act that encouraged white
families to develop the West?
Homestead act
5. What invention was most
responsible for bringing an end
to the era of the wide-open
western frontier?
• Barbed wire
6. What was bimetallism?
• Issuing paper money for either
gold or silver.
7. Who won the 1896
Presidential election because
he had the support of the East
and Midwest?
• William McKinley
8. The election of William
McKinley put an end to what
political party?
• The populist party
9. Why was the Chisholm Trail
• Demand for beef in the East
10. Which invention allowed
manufacturers to build their
factories away from rivers?
11. Government regulation was
discouraged by this scientific
• Social darwinism
12. What steel making process
made it possible to construct
skyscrapers in the 1800s?
Bessemer process
13. What was the goal of the
Interstate Commerce Act?
• to lower excessive railroad
rates and regulate the
14. Why was Crédit Mobilier
• steal railroad money for its
15. A wealth of natural
resources, government support
for business, and a growing
urban population contributed to
what event in the early 1900’s?
• industrial boom
16. Who gained control of the
steel industry by buying out his
suppliers, buying out his
competitors and underselling his
• Andrew Carnegie
17. What act outlawed the
formation of trusts that
interfered with free trade?
• The Sherman Antitrust Act
18. The use of standardized
time and time zones was
introduced in order to benefit?
railroad companies and train
19. What is vertical integration?
• buying out raw material
producers and distributors
20. Which part of the passenger
ships did disease spread
• steerage
21. Which two immigrant
groups mainly arrived on the
West Coast?• Chinese and Japanese
22. What was the main
immigration station in New York
harbor?• Ellis Island
23. The main immigration
processing station in San
Francisco was called? –
• Angel Island.
24. What act decreased
Chinese immigration to the
United States for sixty years?
• Chinese Exclusion Act
25. What was the name of the
movement that assimilated
people of various cultures into
one dominant culture?
Americanization movement
26. The illegal use of political
influence for personal gain is
27. What was the name of New
York City’s famous democratic
political machine? Tammany
28. Appointing a friend to a
political position is called
29. The Pendleton Civil Service
Act required applicants for
government jobs to
• pass examinations.
30. What agreement decreased
Japanese immigration to the
United States?
• Gentlemen's Agreement
31. What was the main interest
of the Social Gospel
• social reform
32. What did the political
machine want from the new
• votes
33. Professional baseball,
vaudeville theater, amusement
parks became popular at the
turn of the
• 20th century
34. Laws that separated the
races were called
• Jim Crow laws
35. Who expressed the belief that racism
would end as blacks acquired practical work
skills and proved their economic value to
• Booker T. Washington
36. The popularity of bicycling and
amusement parks reflected which trend of
the 1900s? leisure activities
37. What were the goals of the progressive
• protecting social welfare, creating
economic reform, and fostering efficiency
in the workplace.
38. What was a muckraker?
• Investigative journalists.
39. A bill that originates from the people
rather than legislators is known as
• _ an initiative ___.
40. Which group got left out of the reform
• African Americans
41. What organization did Susan B. Anthony
and Elizabeth Cady Stanton form in 1890?
• National American Womens’ Suffrage
42. In what book did Upton Sinclair expose
the unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry?
• The Jungle
43. The first person to use the presidency as
a "bully pulpit" was
• Teddy Roosevelt.
44. What law required truthful labels?
• Pure Food and Drug Act.
45. Equality among the races, was the goal
of what organization?
46. What event allowed the Democrats to
win the Presidential election of 1912?
• Roosevelt and Taft split the Republican
47. Who gained most from the ratification of
the Seventeenth Amendment?
• ordinary citizens
48. Which groups goal was to eliminate the
use of alcohol in society?
• prohibitionists
49. Who worked to enact federal bans on
child labor?
• Florence Kelley
50. Which strategies were employed by
woman suffragists to obtain their goal?
They advocated a constitutional
amendment, They tested the Fourteenth
Amendment in court, and They convinced
state legislatures to grant women the right to
51. Who earned the name Trustbuster,
because he broke up trusts that were
harmful to the public interest?
• Teddy Roosevelt
52. Who earned the reputation as a
conservation president, because he set
aside thousands of acres to be used for
national parks? Teddy Roosevelt
53. What was the name of the political party
that formed to re-elect Teddy Roosevelt for
a third term? The Bull Moose Party
54. What amendment was created replace
revenue lost by enacting lower tariffs?
Sixteenth Amendment
55. What government agency was created
to stop unfair business practices? Federal
Trade Commission
56. Thirst for new economic markets, desire
for military strength, belief in the cultural
superiority of the Anglo-Saxon culture led to
• Imperialism
57. Which country's residents became
citizens of the United States in 1917? Puerto
58. Who told the artist Frederic Remington,
"You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the
• William Randolph Hearst
59. For which action did Theodore
Roosevelt win the 1906 Nobel Peace Prize?
• negotiating a peace treaty between Russia
and Japan
60. The U.S. military was not involved in this
war that President Roosevelt negotiated
peace for.
Russo-Japanese war
61. What amendment did the United States
insist that Cuba include in its constitution?
• Platt Amendment
62. On what did the Roosevelt Corollary
build? Monroe Doctrine
63. What was included in the de Lôme
• criticisms of President McKinley
64. What war ended with the Treaty of Paris
of 1898?
• Spanish-American War
65. What was the purpose of the Foraker
• to end military rule and set up civil
government in Puerto Rico
66. Who suggested destroying Americanowned property in Cuba in order to provoke
U.S. intervention?
José Martí
67. Which countries came under some form
of U.S. control as a result of the SpanishAmerican War?
Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines
and Guam
68. General John J. Pershing led a force of
fifteen thousand soldiers in an attempt to
capture Pancho Villa
69. What rebellion started when Chinese
revolutionaries wanted to remove foreign
influence from China?
Boxer Rebellion
70. How did the U. S. gain control of the
land it needed to build the Panama Canal?
encouraging and
• supporting Panamanian independence
71. What policy helped the U.S. trade with
China alongside other imperialistic
• The Open Door Policy
72. The proverb "Speak softly and carry a
big stick"
• means negotiations were always backed
by the threat of military force
73. Who overthrew Queen Liliuokalani in
Hawaii after the King died?
• American businessmen with the help of
the marines
74. Who was known as the hero of San
Juan Hill?
• Teddy Roosevelt
75. Where did the assassination that
triggered World War I occur? Bosnia
76. The devaluation of German currency
caused widespread _starvation in
77. Groups of guarded ships, is what the
United States use to overcome
• the threat of German U-boats.
78. This act required men to register for
military service.
• Selective Service Act
79. Tanks and airplanes were first used in
which war?
• World War I
80. Who rejected Wilson's "Fourteen Points"
peace plan?
• The Senate
81. What reason did Senators give for
opposing U.S. membership in the League of
• It would drag the United States into
European conflicts.
82. Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti
were charged with, and convicted of what
• robbery and murder.
83. Who felt that he needed to protect the
American people from political radicals?
• Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer
84. During the 1920’s, did union
membership rise or fall?
• Fall
85. The main factor causing urban sprawl in
the 1920s was
• the automobile
86. What scandal during Harding’s
presidency had to do with oil rich lands?
• The Teapot Dome scandal
87. To protect their own interests, employers
often accused striking workers of being
• Communists
88. What substance could not be
manufactured, sold, or transported during
the 1920’s?
• Alcohol
89. To obtain liquor illegally, drinkers went
underground to hidden nightclubs known as
• speakeasies
90. A celebration of African-American
culture in literature and art was called
• the Harlem Renaissance
91. John T. Scopes challenged a Tennessee
law that forbade the teaching of
• Evolution
92. Who described the 1920s as the
“Roaring Twenties?”
• F. Scott Fitzgerald
93. Charles Lindbergh was famous as a
Pilot who flew across the Atlantic Ocean
94. Who proposed that African Americans
should move back to Africa?
• Marcus Garvey
95. Louis Armstrong was known for what
type of music?
• Jazz
96. What is a U-boat?
• German Submarine
97. What did they call it when 500,000
African Americans left the south and went
north for factory jobs?
The Great Migration
98. Wilson’s fourteen points described his
plan for _Peace__after the war
99. What do you call people who oppose all
forms of government?
• Anarchists
100. The threat of communist during the
1920’s was called the
• Red Scare
• 101. The quota system of the 1920’s was
created to reduce
• immigration
• 102. What did they call young women who
embraced new fashions and urban
attitudes in the 1920’s.
• Flappers
103.What was FDR’s plan for recovery from
the Great Depression called?
New Deal
104. Which program insures you bank deposit
up to $100,000?
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
105. Which program established
under the FDR Whitehouse is still
active today?
Social Security
106.FDR reached out to the public
through a series of radio
broadcasts called
Fireside Chats
107. What was the primary
reason for the New Deal?
Economic stimulus
108. What was the primary
purpose of FDR’s “Court packing
To preserve the New Deal
109. After the stock market crash,
how did President Hoover try to
help the economy?
by asking businesses not to lay
off employees
110. What factor made it difficult
for farmers to pay their bills in the
late 1920’s?
price of crops declined after
111. Who made up the Bonus
Army that marched on
World War I veterans and their
112. Which candidates ran for
president in 1932?
Herbert Hoover and Franklin
D. Roosevelt
113. What does buying a stock on
margin mean?
borrowing money to help pay
for the stock
114. What $700 million public
work project did Hoover
authorize, that was eventually
named after him?
a dam.
115. Herbert Hoover's approach
to the Depression economy was
based on a belief in
opposing any form of federal
116. What name was given to
the men and boys who rode the
rails as they searched for work?
117. What term describes a
government system for giving
payments or food to the poor?
direct relief
118. In calling shantytowns
"Hoovervilles," people conveyed
disgust with Hoover
119. Buying stocks on the chance
of a quick profit without
considering risks is known as
120. One long-range effect of
the Great Depression was that
many people
developed habits of saving
and thriftiness
121. Within a few years, the
Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act led to
a dramatic drop in world trade
122. What was the first major
action Roosevelt took as
He closed all of the nation's
banks and ordered inspections
123. An example of the
psychological stress caused by
the Great Depression was the
rise in the number of..
people who committed suicide
124. Which New Deal program
was most directly responsible for
creating new jobs and putting
people to work?
Works Progress Administration
125. Which of the following was
the main objective of the
Agricultural Adjustment Act?
to raise prices of farm products
126. Which of the following pieces
of New Deal legislation was ruled
unconstitutional by the Supreme
National Industrial Recovery Act
127. Who wrote the novel “The
Grapes of Wrath” about the grim
lives of Oklahomans fleeing the
Dust Bowl during the
John Steinbeck
128. What was a goal of the
New Deal?
regulate the stock market
129. By decreasing farm
surpluses, New Deal policies
helped to ___.
raise the price of farm goods
130. The Federal Emergency
Relief Administration was most
helpful to___.
mass-production industrial
131. Of the following New Deal
policies, ___ had the biggest longterm impact on the American
Social Security Act
132. The _____ reflected
President Roosevelt's concern for
the natural environment.
Civilian Conservation Corps