The Progressive Presidents

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The Progressive Presidents
Theodore Roosevelt
Established the Department of Commerce and Labor
The “Trustbuster”
Square Deal: National government involved with
disputes between capital and labor
Meat Inspection Act
Pure Food and Drug Act
Conservation: Department of Agriculture
Panic of 1907
Big Stick Policy: Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe
William Taft
Signed a revised tariff bill
Lands were restored to commercial exploitation
Allowed Speaker of the House to deprive committee
chairmanships to party “rebels”
Supported the 16th amendment: federal income tax
Dollar Diplomacy
Republicans split: Bull Moose Party formed in
opposition to Taft
Woodrow Wilson
Lowered tariff walls for first time since Civil War
Federal Reserve Act: District banks to regulate
credit and money supply
Federal Trade Commission: watch out for trusts
Clayton Antitrust Act prohibiting price discrimination
17th amendment: Senators elected by direct vote
Declined to support women’s suffrage
Allowed the Jim Crow system to impose on the
federal government
Nominated Brandeis to Supreme Ct.