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Transcript THE USA GOES WEST!!!

Victory in the Revolutionary War
gave the Americans all land
westward to the Mississippi
River which included the
Northwest Territory. This area
became the states of Ohio,
Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and
President Jefferson purchased land
from Napoleon Bonaparte of
France. This land became known as
the Louisiana Territory. It doubled
the size of the United States, cost 15
million dollars, and stretched from
the Mississippi River to the Rocky
Mountain region.
Jefferson sent Meriwether
Lewis and William Clark
to explore this land and to
find a water route to the
Pacific Ocean. On their
travels, they were led by a
guide named Sacajawea.
Their travels led others
to migrate to this region.
The trail that people
took from Missouri
became know as the
Oregon Trail.
Lewis and Clark
Oregon Trail
Sacajawea, Lewis, and Clark
War of 1812
• As US settlers moved west, they
encountered the Native Americans. Most
settlers thought the Natives resisted them
because they were urged to do so by the
British, who still had forts in the western
territories. The British Navy also
impressed American sailors by taking them
captive and forcing them to serve on British
War of 1812
• Because of these events, the US declared war on
Britain in June 1812. This began the War of 1812,
also known as “Mr. Madison’s War. During the
war, the British burned the city of Washington,
D.C., and won most battles. The “Star Spangled
Banner” was written by Francis Scott Key at the
Battle of Fort McHenry, and Andrew Jackson
defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans.
War of 1812
• On Christmas Eve of 1814 both sides signed
an armistice, or agreement to stop fighting.
The Treaty of Ghent that ended the war did
not give the United States extra land, but it
and a treaty in 1818 did give them control
of the Louisiana Territory northward to the
49th parallel and joint occupation of the
Oregon Territory.
The Era of Good Feelings
• With the end of the War of 1812, the United States
entered a period filled with a strong sense of
nationalism. This political unity was called the
“Era of Good Feelings.” During this period,
James Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine. It
stated that the United States would not tolerate
European interference in the affairs of any
independent nation in the western hemisphere.
This made it clear that North and South America
were no longer options for colonization.
Special Notice: All guests are welcome
But they cannot bring their guns.