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Ch. 14
1. Insight Therapies
A. Psychoanalysis
Free association
 Talk about whatever comes to mind
 Transference
 Client’s feelings about authority figures
transferred to therapist
 Insight
 Awareness of what was unconscious
B. Client-Centered Therapy
C. Gestalt Therapy
Carl Rogers
Heal through unconditional positive regard
Focuses on wholeness
Help people become aware of what they have been
D. Recent Developments
Short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy
Contemporary insight therapists are more active than traditional
psychoanalysts, giving clients direct guidance and feedback. They are also
more focused on clients' immediate problems than on their childhood traumas.
An especially significant development is the trend to short-term
psychodynamic psychotherapy, which recognizes that most people can be
successfully treated within a time-limited framework.
2. Behavior Therapies
A. Using Classical Conditioning Techniques
Systematic desensitization
 Gradually associating relaxation with what was
 Extinction
 Ending of old fears or reactions
 Full-intensity exposure to feared object
 Aversive conditioning
 Eliminate undesirable behavior by associating
it with pain
 Phobia Treatment Movie
B. Operant conditioning
 Behavior contracting
 Token economy
C. Modeling
 A person learns new behaviors by watching
3. Cognitive Therapies
A. Stress-Inoculation Therapy
B. Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET)
Self-talk of positive coping
Changing irrational beliefs
C. Beck’s Cognitive Therapy
Good treatment for depression
Change from self-critical patterns
4. Group Therapies
A. Self-Help Group
B. Family Therapy
C. Couple Therapy
Treatment within the system
Deal with the relationship
Mood Treatment Movie
5. Effectiveness of Psychotherapy
A. Does Psychotherapy Work?
Psychotherapy helps about 2/3rd of people treated
B. Which Type of Therapy is Best for Which
Theory works best for minor problems
Type of therapy less important
Match problem with therapy
6. Biological Treatments
A. Drug Therapies
Antipsychotic drugs
 Used for schizophrenia or psychosis
 Block dopamine receptors in the brain
 Phenothiazines (Thorazine)
 Schizophrenia Movie #1
 Schizophrenia Movie #2
Antidepressant drugs
 Tricyclics - dry mouth, dizzy
 MAO inhibitors- must be on special diet
 Prozac best-selling of all meds- works on serotonin
 Bipolar or manic depression
Other medications
 Psychostimulants
 Antianxiety medications (Valium)
GABA Movie
SSRI Movie
 Click here to view the Major Types of Psychoactive
Medications table
B. Electroconvulsive Therapy
Shock therapy
 Used for severe depression
 Brief convulsion, temporary loss of consciousness
 Unilateral produces less memory problems
C. Psychosurgery
Brain surgery to change behavior or emotions
Rarely done today
7. Institutionalization and Its
A. Deinstitutionalization
Released into community
10-47% of homeless are mentally ill
B. Alternative forms of treatment (many)
Half-way houses
Family-crisis interventions
C. Prevention
 Improve environment to prevent development
 Family planning
 Genetic counseling
Secondary prevention
 Interventions with high risk groups (e.g. suicide
Tertiary - help people adjust after released from
hospital (prevent relapse)
8. Gender Differences in Treatment
More women admit problems and go to therapy
“Male treatment”
Women take more medication
9. Cultural Difference in Treatment
Eye contact and body language varies
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in refugees
Test results vary