Causes of WWI

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Transcript Causes of WWI

What were the origins and impact of the US
involvement in WWI?
Causes of WWI
Germany began to complete
openly and militarily with
Britain’s navy.
Many people groups in Europe want their
own freedom (Serbs, Bosnians, Croats, and
Slovenes) from Austria Hungary an the
Ottoman Empire.
The Serbs are able to create Serbia .
Causes of
Germanic states combine to
create Germany.
Pg 578
Triple Alliance: Germany, AustriaHungary, Italy
Franco-Russian Alliance
Triple Entente: Britain, France, Russia
European nations had take over several
different areas until they have create
empires. Many within these empires
now what freedom.
With your partner…
Come up with at least 3 more examples of each
 Engagement
With your group of 4….
Create a definition for each of the words.
Neutrality: policy of being impartial to and not
taking sides (specifically the US at the beginning
of WWI)
Engagement: Involvement in WWI. Reasons
for engagement include:
Neutrality - Engagement
Turn to a partner. Decide which event you
think was the most significant to helping the US
decide they should go to war.
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Type of fights during WWI with u-boats. One of
the main reasons the US engaged in WWI is
because a u-boat sunk the Lusitania with many
US citizens on board.
Now that the US in going to war. What affect
will that have on Americans who are still at
home and not off fighting the war?
Domestic Impact
War means more government.
People were influenced by the media (movies,
newspapers, magazines) that it was the nation’s
duty to fight and defeat the evil Germans.
Espionage Act
Laws stating that persons could be fined up to
$10,000 and sentenced to 20 years in jail for
interfering with the war effort or for saying
anything disloyal, profane, or abusive about the
government or the war effort.
Eugene Debs
Socialist leader who was imprisoned 10 years for
criticizing the government which violated the
espionage act.
With a Partner
Come up with 3 things you might do during this
time period that would be a violation of the
Espionage Act.
Social Effects of the War:
Great Migration
Movement of many Southern blacks to cities
in the North.
Why would African Americans want to move to
the north?
They move to pursue economic opportunities
and to escape racism.
In a group
Abiding by the rules of the Espionage and
Sedition Acts – create a propaganda poster of
your own about the effects of the war on
African Americans, women, health, or life in
Woodrow Wilson
President during WWI.
After the war, he worked to try to ensure peace
among the nations so this would not happen
Fourteen Points:
Peace program developed by Wilson
He hoped that by doing a few things, another
war could be avoided.
-call for end to secret alliances
 -restoration of freedom of seas
 -reduction in armaments
 -self-determination
Paris Peace Conference
Wilson attends himself as the U.S. delegate
Believed that no one was in this for the rewards WRONG
People did want rewards
France wanted to humiliate and destroy Germany so it could
never conquer again.
Wilson forced to give up self determination idea
(letting people groups like Slavs have their own
League of Nations
Organization in which the nations of the world
would join together to ensure security and peace
for all members.
Although this part of the Fourteen Points was
accepted by other countries, the US Senate
would not allow the US to be a part of it
because they feared it to be sort of an alliance
that would bring them into more wars.
The Peace Treaty
Return to peace conference a few months later “The Big
Britain, France, Italy, and US
Allies accepted Wilson’s plan for a League of Nations with
15 year French control of the mineral resources in Alsace-Lorraine
French insisted on German war guilt and financial responsibility
British want reparations: payment from enemy for the economic
injury suffered in the war.
Ruled that Germany owed Allies $33 billion dollars
As Wilson feared, Germany would never forget or forgive this
You Decide
In your group, read all the material given to you
and on pg 596-597 about “A Flawed Peace”.
Your group must decide whether you are for or
against the Fourteen Points.
You must list 5 facts that support your reason.
You must come up with a Newspaper headline
to support your decision.
Once you have completed part one, your group
will create a written debate that will be
preformed in class.
You should have researchers, a scribe, and a
Everyone must participate. The speaker will
have to know just as much because he/she may
be asked question.
Unrestricted submarine
Roosevelt Corollary
World War I
Panama Canal
Espionage Act
Spanish-American War
League of Nations
Fourteen Points
Eugene Debs
Great Migration
Philippine War
Monroe Doctrine
Woodrow Wilson