Transcript 幻灯片 1

Do you know these?
1. To shell out
2. To make do with
3. We will not get something 10.
for nothing—and we
should not expect to.
4. a mental block
5. Inhibited
6. To limber up your
7. nerve-racking experience
spruce up
a stroke of good fortune
Intro to essay development
• Description
• Narration
• Exposition
– Examples, process, cause & effect,
comparison & contrast, definition, division &
• Argumentation
• Important considerations
– Nature & length of assignments
– Subject
– Purpose & audience
– Determining point of view
– Using peer review
– Personal review
• First-person vs. Third-person
• The third-person approach is by far the
most common point of view in academic
• See the examples on page 164 &165.
• Exemplification
– It is one of the simplest ways to explain our
thoughts, ideas, opinions, etc. We often need
to use examples, i.e. specific details or
instances, to make clear a general idea or
statement. Therefore, how to use examples
effectively is crucial to meaningful
support, clarify, interest, and persuade
• Examples can be used to
1. to support a general topic statement
2. to explain a difficult point or unfamiliar
Explanatory examples help your audience fully
understand your point. Lively, specific examples
also add interest to your paper.
• This term several useful and interesting courses have been
offered. An Introduction to European Culture, for instance,
gives us a lot of background knowledge of the history of
European philosophy, literature, and arts. From time to time
we see slide shows of famous paintings and hear tapes of
famous pieces of music, and they make the lectures all the
more interesting. American Society and Culture is another
course that attracts a large audience. The teacher, who
visited the United States not long ago, discusses new trends
and changes in American life as well as American history and
traditions. We like these and other courses very much,
because they help us not only to improve our English but also
to broaden our vision.
• Develop the following topic sentence into a
paragraph, by using exemplification.
There are a number of ways for us to
keep fit. ____________
There are a number of ways for us to keep fit. First, no
matter how busy we are, we should have exercise every
day to strengthen our muscles. Second, it is important to
keep good hours. For example, if we are in the habit of
going to bed early and getting up early, we can avoid
overworking ourselves and get enough sleep. Finally,
entertainment is also necessary so that we may have some
moments of relaxation. If we follow those instructions, we
will certainly be in good health.
• How many examples?
• Choosing good examples
– Good examples should be specific
– Good examples should be appropriate
– Good examples should be interesting and
• Make examples complete
– You must not only give examples that are
related to your topic, but you must also give
some facts that relate to and support the
controlling idea.
• An example
– Thesis: Technological devices have improved
our lives.
– “Almost everyone has a cell phone these
days, even children.”
– “Almost everyone, even children, has a cell
phone. This means that parents can be less
anxious when away from their children
because they know their children can call for
• Organizing examples
– Time (Dad)
– Familiarity
– Importance
• Transitions between paragraphs
– Transitional expressions
– Repeating key words and phrases
• for example / for
• to illustrate
• another example of
• say
• like
• another illustration of
• be a case in point
• here are a few
give an example
to name but a few
by way of illustration
one illustration of this
• as shown in
• such as
• can be illustrated by
For example, take my neighbor.
One example of a person who is kind is my neighbor.
One area of town that has improved a lot is uptown.
First, consider the case of..
To begin, consider my roommate.
Another example of a good teacher is …
An additional example is…
Second, consider…
Still another example of a good teacher is…
Finally, there is the problem of air pollution.
The most important example of a helpful person is my advisor.
The most significant example of a helpful person ….
• Model essay to analyze: Words that
• Professional essay to analyze: Dad
• Topic for discussions
– Our commonly held stereotypes
Assignment 1:Problems of living in a dorm
Assignment 2: P221
Our commonly held stereotypes
Many groups of people have been victims
of prejudice.
• Clothes can tell a lot about a person. What
are some things that you can tell about
someone judging from the clothes he or
she wears?
• What to read?
– Thank you by Alex Haley
– Propaganda Techniques in Today’s
Advertising by Ann McClintock
• Extremely important
– essential, imperative, vital, indispensable,
• They absolutely wanted to
– they were determined to
– they had resolved to
– they were bent on
– they were insistent upon
• The people have a strong aversion to
graft, bribery, embezzlement, and other
dirty practice.
• I think there will definitely be genuine
stability and unity.
• I firmly believe=I am convinced
Great historic contributions
If there is serious chaos in Hong Kong
Be firmly banned
Strongly demand
Be totally abolished
The broad masses of the people
A tiny handful of troublemakers
• Most adverbs are unnecessary.
• You probably should delete all intensive
adverbs. Very, really, truly, actually and
the like
• Reserve adjectives and adverbs to make
your meaning more precise. (a military
disaster, a terrible disaster, an economic
crisis, an acute crisis, )
Thank You!