Warm-Up Sentences

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Warm-Up Sentences
when a llama gets mad, it spits bad
smelling saliva into their enemies face
lobsters walks around on 8 legs just as
spiders do
Journal #35
What is something that you have
never done, but want to?
Why have you never done it?
When do you plan on doing it?
Warm-Up Sentences
Everyone needs to improve their
writeing and math skills because less
and less jobs require mussels only.
Her and I discovered that before the
Revolutionary War, anyone who
needed money had to borrow from
there friends and family, no banks
Journal #36
Write down the instructions for
how to snap your fingers.
Friday Warm-up
Adverbs (words like quickly, grudgingly, slyly,
completely, and so on) describe or modify
verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.
See how many adverbs you can come up with to modify the verb
approached in the following sentence. Try to include at least ten
adverbs in your list.
Lucy ________________ approached the stranger.