SyllabicationStrategy Share-1

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Transcript SyllabicationStrategy Share-1

Jesica Cruz
SPED 503
 Syllabicate
 Used for decoding to increase fluency
 A great warm-up activity prior to reading
an expository passage
 Time: 15 minutes
 Horizontal
handout of words spread
out (three to four rows of four
 Document camera/Projector
 Or whiteboard
 Open
 Closed syllables
 Long vowel sounds (ū)
 Short vowel sounds (ŭ)
 Schwa (Ə)
 Silent-e
 carbon
 organisms
 sulfur
 atoms
 bonded
 abundant
 functional
 unique
 properties
 components
 attached
 Type
up the words horizontally on a word
 Spread them out and increase the font
 It should take up the entire page
 Use
a dictionary to determine the correct
syllables and sound pronunciation
 For example:
Molecule  mol’Ə-kūl  mol-uh-kyool
Set a timer or specify how much time the students have to put
slashes in between the syllables
Have students complete one row at a time or whole page
Student(s) respond with, “In between the ____ and ____…”
You can have one student at time tell you where to put the slashes or
call on a group of students sitting at the same table
 The student(s) tell you to put the slash in between which two letters
Give feedback
Have another student agree or disagree with the slash and explain
their strategy
 Cue the student(s) by saying, “short /o/…long /u/…schwa…closed
syllable” etc.
 If students miss a syllable, model the strategy again by clapping or
tapping out the word
Reading the word
You say, “first syllable…second syllable… blend”
 While you are saying this, you point or draw a half-circle under the
Randy Palisoc- Co-Founder/Chief Achievement
 References
Open Court Reading
Power Over Words