Transcript Slide 1

Body and Soul
September 2008
Abraham Turull
Jesus enters the temple and speaks the parable “In my
father’s house there are many mansions” he offers proof
of his divinity, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I
will raise it up” Jesus is referring to his Resurrection.
John 2:19
Later, Jesus tell his disciples
“The Body is the Temple of
the Soul”
The Great Debate
Science and Medicine
argue; there is no
evidence of Spirit, of
life after death,
therefore take care of
the body. Compassion
is limited to physical
Philosophers and
religion argue, you
must abstain from
the pleasures of the
flesh to keep the
Spirit pure.
Fanaticism and
blind faith obstruct
Compassion and
weaken Charity.
Mortification: For hundreds of
years Franciscan Monks practice
mortification, a form of severe
physical punishment to purge their
physical desires which they
believed compromised the morality
of the Spirit.
1928 Spain
Josemaria Escriva, organizes Opus Dei a private
society of the Catholic Church that observes an
exaggerated form of abstention practiced by its
St. Francis of Aisis would
remove his robes and roll
in beds of roses, later he
realizes that the purity of
thought establishes the
morality of the Spirit.
“Suppose that both body and soul are in
perfect condition: What should you do to
maintain the balance between their very
differing aptitudes and needs?”
“Love your soul but also take care of the body,
which is the instrument of the soul.”
The Gospel
Chapter 17
Formation and Properties of the Perispirit
“In the perispirit the molecular transformation
operates differently, for the fluid preserves its
imponderability and its ethereal qualities. The
perispiritual and carnal body have, then, their source
in the same primitive element : both are of matter,
although under two different states of it.”
Page 263
In spiritual awareness we are escorted to the “Cosmic
Principal “ of this planet and allowed to select the
essential energy that will later form our perispirit
and body. We actively participate in every stage of
our reincarnation.
The body is what it needs
to be to in order to serve
as a medium for Spiritual
Andre Luis, explains that “Spiritual Guides”
from the “Ministry of Reincarnation,” inject
DNA material into a specific sperm cell that
will fertilize the egg in the womb and
initiate the human embryo. Spiritual guides
escort the incarnating spirit to the fetus and
assist it to begin the incarnation process by
projecting its energy through its perisprit to
its new body.
The Spirit functions in
energy waves at a subatomic level
The Perispirit
functions in electromagnetic fields of energy
at an atomic level
The Body functions in
electro-static -energy
transmitted by neurons
through bodily liquids at
a molecular level
Energy flowing,
from Spirit – to
Perispirit – to body.
From Plasma – to
– to Biological.
The Peri-Spirit
Just as Spirits bring past
experiences that are
today’s moral challenges,
the peri-spirit also brings
past physical conditions.
After Jesus cures the Lepra he later
tells his disciples, “the illness will
return because it is part of his mind.”
Jesus is referring to the Perispirit.
“Spiritual Cures”
“Spiritism teaches us that the law of action and reaction or
cause and effect also applies to the body-soul relationship. The
World Health Organization, some years ago concluded that
there are no diseases but sick people. A sick body, in need of
health is the result of a sick soul. Mental imbalances
somaticize the body during the process of reincarnation into the
material world. Therefore, diseases are consequences rather
than causes. Conventional Medicine is treating the
consequences of diseases, mistaking consequences with causes.
Luis Salazar
Vice president
Bezerra de Menezes, Miami
July 21, 2008
The missing happiness of our lives
motivates us to seek clarification of our
present state of confusion. Spiritual
awareness reveals our need to transition,
to change and grow. Spiritual evolution
is the natural process through which we
achieve our grace. Eventually we
realize that we must surrender our
rebellious nature to the universal laws of
God's creation. If we knowingly
continue to violate God’s Love we
create a state of anxiety and guilt.
Over time and across several
incarnations we develop obsessivecompulsive-disorders and behaviors.
These are the causes of our spiritual
illness recorded and carried in our
Misconceptions of Addictions
Alcohol and substance abuse
Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorders (Consequencias)
Pray, Watch and Act
To understand the Confusion
To submit and Surrender
To direct the Transition
To subdue the Resistance
To release the Anxiety
To begin your inner Transformation
“The Chakras are
thought to vitalize the
physical body and to be
associated with
interactions of a
physical, emotional, and
mental nature.”
“It is noted by many that
there is a marked
similarity between the
positions and roles
described for Chakras,
and the positions and
roles of the endocrine
Just as disease result
from an imbalance in
the molecular fields
which are responsible
for the functional
harmony of the cells,
health is fostered when
the Divine current of
energy flows regularly
through the system,
maintaining the
cohesive functions of
such particles.
God’s Will, #11 pg 56
Child of God
Divaldo Franco/Joanna de Angelis
Mirror Neurons
Mirror Neurons
When we feel happy we smile, this is our body language. Mirror
Neurons are part of the Limbic Nervous System, they connect our
emotional self to our physical self. Identical areas of the brain are
equally active when we see others do what we do, this is to say
that our Spirit projects our level of sympathy and empathy with
others. When we see someone smile, we are inclined to smile with
them. We are able to emotionally experience what others are
physically doing by watching them.
This is why the law of attraction is so important. Our Spiritual
vibrations attract identical vibrations from others in our
proximity. Disincarnate Spirits can also identify with similar
patterns of behavior to their own. Positive to positive, negative to
negative. Therefore, we feel inspired or depressed by the same
energy we project and attract.
For The Spirit
You must be receptive to Divine thought
which permeates everything and everybody, so
that you may absorb it and put it into action.
God’s Will
#5 pg 33
Child of God
Divaldo Franco/Joanna de Angelis
Attitudes express the sentiments and emotions that we
apply to our thoughts and actions
When we neglect ourselves we neglect others, the
Doctrine teaches us that we suffer from –Immature
Attitudes of Choice
“Attitude is your acceptance of the natural laws, or your
rejection of the natural laws” Stuart Chase 1888
“I am convinced that life is 10% of what happens to me
and 90% of how I react to it.” Charles Swindoll 1934
Our “Attitude should be Gratitude”
The idea of Holistic treatment is used as a mental health intervention.
Treating the phobia of clients in isolation transitioned into a more effective
form of intervention by applying treatment to all of the affected aspects in
the clients life. Its intent is to avoid treating the parts of a puzzle, and
focus on all of the puzzle.
The Spiritist Doctrine directs us to treat the body and
soul as one integrated entity during each incarnation.
Establish and maintain balance and harmony between
the spirit and the body “Holistically.” This is “Inner
Transformation.” In this way we gradually cure the
illnesses we carry in the perispirit.
Events like these offer the world
“The End of the Begining, of a New Era.”
Discarding the Mystical to embrace the Natural .
“Science without religion is lame,
religion without science is blind”
Albert Einstein
We should not care how much we Love,
until they know how much we Love.