Transcript Document

11th REReP Task Force meeting
November 20th, 2008
Becici, Montenegro
RENA: how it could help to address
environmental challenges
Strategic Planning & Investments
(incl. Progress Monitoring & Compliance
• Key Challenges
– Responsibility for environmental policy at the national level go to
Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration
(MoEFWA) and the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and
Telecommunications. These are in charge of developing strategies,
drafting laws and setting tariffs in the waste and water sectors.
(MoPWTT) manages a capital investment programme which
contributes to the development of communal environmental
infrastructure – drinking water supply, wastewater collection and
treatment, and solid waste management.
– Until recently the National Strategy for Socio-Economic Development
replaced by the National Strategy for Development and Integration
(NSDI) is to be implemented over the period 2007-2013. As regards
environmental protection, the Ministry (MoEFWA) has prepared the
2007 Environment Sector and Cross-Cutting Strategy (ESCCS) which
forms an integral part of the NSDI.
Strategic Planning & Investments
(incl. Progress Monitoring & Compliance
• Key Challenges
– The Strategy sets out a number of strategic priorities, including:
» Enforcement of environmental legislation
» Adoption of EU legal (technical) standards
» Financial support for environmental infrastructure
» Capital investment in environmental protection
» Environmental resource management
» Improved communication and awareness
» Decentralisation and land ownership.
– Following the recommendation of EC Progress Report 2007 a strategy
for further harmonization of the environmental legislation with the
acquis and its proper implementation is needed for Albania
Strategic Planning & Investments
(incl. Progress Monitoring & Compliance
• Key Challenges
The Environment Sector and Cross-Cutting Strategy (ESCSS) has identified in the field of
the waste management some measures to be undertaken , one of them is :
• Definition of best practice for waste management in the medium term (Develop
guidance documents for local authorities on planning and operation of waste collection
and disposal services)- CARDS 2006
• Waste Management Planning System (Preparation of waste management plans in
accordance with the best practice guidelines by 2008 and to implement these plans until
2014)- CARDS 2006
• Implement Priority Projects for Waste Management – Phase 1 (On the basis of
existing waste management plans and feasibility studies for regional landfill sites,
investments should be made using government and donor finance to ensure the
completion of five regional landfills by 2012)
• Implement Priority Projects for Waste Management – Phase 2 (On the basis of the
developed waste management plans further priority projects should be identified and
implemented so as to ensure that engineered sanitary landfill sites are available for
disposal of municipal waste throughout the country by 2014)
Strategic Planning & Investments
(incl. Progress Monitoring &
Compliance Check
• Possible ways to address them
The EU CARDS 2006 project: “Implementation of
National Plan for Approximation of Environmental
Legislation in Albania”.
The overall objective of the project is to “ensure that
sustainable development of the country will be achieved
in concomitance with the implementation of the
European Community environmental legislation”.
Strategic Planning & Investments
(incl. Progress Monitoring & Compliance Check
Possible ways to address them
Environmental investment projects are almost fully financed with assistance from
foreign sources of financing from bilateral donors and IFIs. The Donor coordination in
this regard is needed
There is an on-going process of preparation of different inter-sectoral strategies, which
can include environment and directions for investments in different fields. (draft
strategy for reforms in water sector, draft strategy for water used, )
The government has allocated a considerable state budget for the years 2007-2011 for
investment projects mostly in the field of water. Both the governmental programme and
the National Environmental Strategy call for the establishment of a national
environmental fund to be fed by income from environmental taxation.
Other needs:
– the capacity building for the identification and prioritization of investments needs through
maintaining and updating the national list of priority environmental projects, assistance in
drafting investment and financing strategies, identifying the best practices on project
– capacity building on the strategic planning of approximation process and effective
development of implementation and enforcement of environmental legislation , and public
participation in the planning process as well.
– “Support for implementation of National Environmental Strategy” which will deliver, among
other outputs, the draft law for establishment of Environmental Fund.
Climate Change
• Key Challenges
– Albania is a Party to the UNFCCC (as of 1995) and the Kyoto Protocol
(as of 2005) and holds the status of Non Annex 1 to both treaties which
means the Albania has no commitments to reduce certain amount of
greenhouse gas emissions.
– As defined under the article 4.1 of the UNFCCC Albania as all Parties
has a commitment to report on the following: (i) an national inventory of
greenhouse gas emissions; (ii) formulate, implement and report measures
to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and (iii) facilitate adequate
adaptation to climate change.
– With the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, given the status of nonAnnex 1 Party, Albania started to work on enabling the environment to
hosting Clean Development Mechanism projects and get advantage of
the emerging carbon financing.
– Albania is a relatively low net emitter country and will be highly affected
to the expected climate changes
Climate Change
• Key Challenges
– Reducing the growth rate of greenhouse gas emissions
– Adaptation to the expected climate change (water resources, hydropower
generation, health, ecosystems)
– With the assitance of the UNDP, Albania has in process of
implementation the “Program of Climate Change” from 2001. In this
frame :
In 2002, submitted the First National Communication Report to the
Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC. In 2004, Albania finalized the
Needs Assessment for climate friendly technologies for adaptation and
mitigation. In 2005, Albania started the process of preparation of the
Second National Communication to the CoP of the UNFCCC and is still
working on that.The national inventory of greenhouse gas emissions for
the base year 2000 and time series from 1990-2000 has been compiled; An
updated baseline scenario of the greenhouse gas emissions for the time
horizon: 2007-2030 has been developed. A set of activities has been
carried out to increase the level of awareness of climate change at all
levels of population
Climate Change
Possible ways to address them
– Addressing mitigation and adaptation to the national development
– Enforcing institutions and legislation to get advantage of the carbon
finance and flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol
– Capacity building/information exchange on developments of EU
regional policies on Climate Change Programme, assistance for
adoption strategies relating with the Monitoring Mechanisms are
– UNDP will continue its support to the national government in
implementation of main international conventions such as UNFCCC to
ensure environmental sustainability (until 2010).
– A Memorandum of Understanding signed by the MoEFWA with the Italian
Ministry for Environment and Territory to develop a programme of technical
assisitance for evaluation of interventions to reduce the GHG emissions.
Cross-Border Cooperation on water,
nature, EIA and SEA
• Key Challenges
To increase the cooperation in the cross-border context for protection of
biodiversity and , cross-border lakes, and nature protection
To transpose the requirements of the respective EU-Directives in to the
national EIA and SEA system, and to promote the cross border
cooperation in this context
Cross-Border Cooperation on water,
nature, EIA and SEA
Possible ways to address them
During 2008 in implementation of the NPSAA are approved this acts:
• Decision of the Council of the Ministers “For the approval of rules and
procedures for the assessment of the projects and activities with significant
negative impacts on the environment of the neighbouring countries” (under
publishing on the Official Journal)
• Guidance no. 5 date 3.11.2008 “On the format of notification of the
neighbouring countries for the environmental impact assessment in
transboundary context”
• Guidance no. 6 date 3.11.2008 “On expenses list and criteria for calculation
of the value in process of environmental impact assessment in
transboundary context”
(All these acts transpose the requirements of the Directive 85/337/EEC of 27 June 1985 on
the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment as
amended by Directive 97/11/EC and by Directive 2003/35/EC and the Convention “On
the environmental impact assessment in transboundary context” (Espoo 1991).)
Cross-Border Cooperation on water,
nature, EIA and SEA
Possible ways to address them
• A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Ministry for the
Environment Land and Sea of the Republic of Italy and the Ministry of
Environment, Forestry and Water Administration of the Republic of Albania
on “Cooperation for Environmental Protection” is signed. The aim of this
MoU is the development of joint programs, initiatives and projects dealing
with the prevention and/or reduction of environmental pollution,
environmental protection and promotion of sustainable development.
• Technical secretariat for Ohri Lake protection (Albania and Macedonia)
• Implementation of the projects:
– “Integrated Ecosystem Management in the Prespa Lakes Basin of Albania,
Macedonia and Greece”
– Lake Shkoder/Skadar Integrated Ecosystem Management Project
(Albania and Montenegro)
– Other cooperation to be defined
Enforcement and Compliance,
• Key Challenges
– Harmonizing the legislation which regulates the Environmental
– Law Enforcement/further improvement of enforcement of
sanction measures: administrative and penal.
– Improvement and capacity building for permit writers
– Improved human resources management
– Public access to the inspection reports
Enforcement and Compliance,
Possible ways to address them
• Capacity building and Information exchange in the framework of
ECENA (Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network for
• MoEFWA will intensively worked for completion of the legal frame work
on the issue of public participation.
• Albania commits in its National Action Plan for the Implementation of
the Stabilization and Association Agreement (2007) to establish an IPPC
Unit within MEFWA for 2010. This Unit will be the authority responsible
for issuing permits.
• Albania still needs to strengthen its technical and human capacities as
well as to offer training sessions to all relevant staff that will be dealing
with IPPC issues.
• Competencies and skills for issuing integrated permits are planned to be
increased under the new CARDS 2006 project on “Implementation of the
environmental plan for approximation of legislation”.
11th REReP Task Force meeting
November 20th, 2008
Becici, Montenegro