Transcript - SlideBoom
Yoga has been around for hundreds of years. Yoga aims to still
the mind. In modern day yoga we are most familiar with
asanas, a series of physical poses used to get us into our
bodies and out of our heads, thus ‘stilling’ the mind. In many
lives today there is constant stimulation from computers,
mobile phones, TV, driving and generally having busy and
demanding lives. This stimulates the body physically and
eventually leads to stress and can result in aches and pains or
Some Useful Poses
1. Child's Pose- Get down onto all fours. Then sit hips back
onto feet. Stretch arms out in front and touch forehead to
ground. Stay there for 10 slow deep breaths. Feel the lungs
fill up in your mid to lower back.
2. Mountain Pose - standing with good posture for 2 minutes.
Weight through mid foot, knees soft, hips soft, pelvis neutral
position, sternum lifted and lined up with pubic bone, neck
long and lifted under back of skull, looking straight ahead. It
helps to be assessed for your individual posture by a
3. Savagsana - relaxation pose at the end of exercise or yoga;
lie flat on back, let feet fall outward, keep neck long, arms
resting slightly out from your side with palms resting up. Stay
there for 5 - 10 minutes observing your breath.
You can use specific poses to return you body to optimal
health. Yoga can unwind your body out of stressful and injury
prone patterns. Yoga can help you undo patterns that have
built up over time. A home program can be given, and its more
fun than general stretching. For those already doing yoga, you
may be stuck on particular poses. You can be helped by
massage (‘hands on treatment’) or joint releases.
Yoga and Physio together may include
• Assessment of movement patterns and muscle activation by
moving through a series of poses
• Correction techniques; knowing where to touch for enhancing
muscle control or lengthening tight muscles
• Specific exercise or yoga home program
• Video analysis available
• Aim to relieve muscular tightness, realign, restore and reconnect
the body to return it to optimal health sooner.
Foot and Ankle Physiotherapy
Namaste :-)