Transcript The Heart

The Heart
Heart Function Example
Intact Heart…
This shows the pig heart
from the front, with the
portion on the right of the
picture being the left side
of the heart and vice
The aorta is clearly visible at
the top, with an atrium on
either side, while the
ventricles are in the
bottom left.
Heart Attack
– Prolonged blockage of blood to an area of the
heart resulting in muscle tissue damage.
• Symptoms of a heart attack
– Pressure in chest, fullness, squeezing pain.
– Pain spreading to shoulders, neck, or arms
– Lightheadedness, fainting, sweating, nausea
High blood cholesterol
High blood pressure
Lack of physical activity
What is a stroke?
• Tissue damage to area of the brain due to
disruption in blood supply, depriving that
area of the brain of oxygen.
Causes of Strokes
1. Blockage in cerebral artery that cuts off or
reduces blood supply
a) blood clot
b) piece of plaque becomes lodged in the
2. Hemorrhage – happens suddenly. Less
frequent than infarction but more
damaging and more likely to cause death.
Symptoms of a Stroke
• Sudden
– weakness or numbness of the face, arm, or leg
(usually on one side of the body)
– dimness or loss of vision (usually one eye)
– Loss of speech or trouble talking or
understanding speech
– Unexplained, severe headache
– Dizziness, unsteadiness, or sudden fall
Stroke Risk Factors
• High blood pressure
• Cigarette smoking
• Heart disease, diabetes, and their risk
factors such as obesity and physical
• High red blood cell count (making the
blood thicker and likelier to clot).
• Mini-strokes – transient ischemic attacks
Effects of Stroke
• Motor impairments often due to paralysis
on one side of the body (side opposite to
brain damage).
– After about 6 weeks of rehab about 50% of
patients can perform independently (many with
cane or walker).
• Language, learning, memory, and
perception problems depend on location of
the injury.
• A blood filled, balloon-like bulge in a blood
How does this happen?
• The walls of blood vessels (almost
exclusively arteries) are weakened and
begin to bulge
• What weakens the vessel walls?
– Disease
– Infection
– Copper deficiency
– Genetics
Aneurysm Effects
• Depends on placement of aneurysm
– Massive bleeding
(Answer these on a sheet of loose leaf paper)
• Are you currently doing anything that would put you at risk for any of
these circulatory disorders?
• Are you currently doing anything that would prevent these circulatory
• Are you aware that you have any family history of the circulatory
system disorders we went over today?
• You are made the Premier of Nova Scotia for a day and your
platform was entirely focussed on health care reform. You are given
the power to make 2 laws that will increase overall circulatory
system health in the province. What 2 laws do you make and why?