Transcript Review

Chapter 7
Graphing Linear Equations
Section 7.1
Cartesian Coordinate System is formed by two axes drawn
perpendicular to each other.
Origin is the points of intersection for the x- and y-axis (0, 0)
Horizontal axis is the x-axis
Vertical axis is the y-axis
Ordered Pairs are of the form of (x, y)
Section 7.1
Linear Equations in two variables is an equation that can be
put in the form ax2 + bx = c where a, b and c are real
numbers. Also called standard form
A Graph of an equation is in two variables is an illustration
of a set of points whose coordinates satisfy the equation
Collinear points are point that lie in a straight line
Non-collinear points are not on the line
Section 7.2
Graphing Linear Equations by Plotting Points
Solve the linear equation for y
Select a value for x and substitute in the equations to find a value for y
Select two additional values for x and find two additional values for y
Plot the three ordered pairs
Draw a straight line with arrows on the ends through the three points
Section 7.2
x-intercept is the point where the graph crosses the x-axis
y-intercept is the point where the graph crosses the y-axis
Horizontal Line
 Graph is in the form of y = b
 y-intercept is (0, b)
 Slope is 0
Vertical Line
 Graph is in the form of x = a
 x-intercept is (a, 0)
 Slope is undefined
Section 7.2
Graphing Linear Equations using x- and y-intercept
Find y-intercept by setting x equal to 0
Find x-intercept by setting y equal to 0
Determine a checkpoint with a non-zero value for x and find
the corresponding y
Plot the x- and y-intercept and the checkpoint
Draw a straight line with arrows on the ends through the three
Section 7.3
Slope of the Line is the ratio of the vertical change to the
horizontal change between two selected points on the line.
y2  y1 y
vertical change (y)
slope =
horizontal change (x) x2  x1 x
Positive Slope is a straight line where the value of y
increases as x increases.
Negative Slope is a straight line where the value of y
decreases as x increases.
Section 7.3
Parallel Lines – two nonvertical lines with the same slope
and different y-intercepts
Any two vertical lines are parallel
Perpendicular Lines – two lines whose slopes are negative
reciprocals of each other
Any vertical line is perpendicular to any horizontal line
Section 7.4
Slope-intercept Form of a linear equation
y = mx + b
where m is the slope, and (0, y) is the y-intercept of the line
To graph ac + by = c, write the equation in slope-intercept
form by solving the equation for y. Then use the slope and
y-intercept to sketch the graph.
Point-Slope Form of a linear equation
y – y1 = m(x – x1)
where m is the slope of the line and (x1 , y1) is a point on
the line.
Section 7.5
Linear inequality occurs when the equal sign in a linear
equation is replaced with an inequality sign
> ≤ ≥
To graph in Linear Inequality in Two Variables
Replace the inequality with an equal sign
Draw a graph of the equation.
If symbol is ≥ or ≤ draw a solid line
If symbol is > or < draw a dotted line
Select a point not on line.
If solution shade the region
If not a solution shade the side not containing the points
Section 7.6
Relation is any set of ordered pairs
Function is a set of ordered pairs in which each first component
corresponds to exactly one second component
Domain of a relation or function is the set of first components in
the set of ordered pairs
Range of a relation or function is the set of second components
on the set of ordered pairs
Section 7.6
Vertical Line Test
A vertical line can be drawn through any part of a graph and the
vertical line intersects another part of the graph. The graph is not a
A vertical line cannot be drawn to intersect the graph at more than
one point. The graph is a function
Function Notation is f(x)
y = mx + b
is a linear equation
f(x) = mx + b
is a linear function