Welcome to our Maths Talk

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Welcome to our Maths Talk
Aim of the Presentation
To provide an overview of the different
calculation strategies taught at North Ealing
as pupils’s knowledge and understanding
progresses from Reception through Key
Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 to the end of Year 6.
National Curriculum expectations
EYFS - Expected
Mathematics – Number Early Learning Goals
Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in
order and say which number is one more or one less than a given
number. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two
single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. They
solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing.
Mathematics – Shape, Space and Measure Early Learning
Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity,
position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and
objects and to solve problems. They recognise, create and describe
patterns. They explore characteristics of everyday objects and
shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.
National Curriculum expectations
Year 2 and Year 6 – currently still working on
the old National Curriculum.
 The end of year expectation in Year 2 is a Level 2.
 The end of year expectations in Year 6 is a Level 4.
National Curriculum expectations
Years 1, 3, 4 & 5 – are working to the new
National Curriculum.
 The end of year expectations in Year 1 is
– Stage 1 secure.
 The end of year expectations in Year 3 is
– Stage 3 secure.
 The end of year expectation in Year 4 is
– Stage 4 secure.
 The end of year expectation in Year 5 is
– Stage 5 secure.
The early stages of counting and calculating
There are four main skills that children need to develop
before they can count.
Recognition of the sounds of the numbers.
The understanding of one-to-one correspondence.
The understanding of "How many are there?"
The number of objects is the same however they are
The next stage is for your child to recognise numbers as
symbols which can taught by playing number recognition
Once children recognise numbers they will want to start
writing them themselves.
Skill 1
Children need to learn the sounds of the numbers 'one, two, three...'.
Children can start to recognise the sound of numbers from an early age if they hear
number songs and rhymes and hear people counting. Some examples of rhymes are:
Five currant buns in the baker's shop
 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Once I caught a fish alive
 Five fat sausages frying in a pan
 1 potato, 2 potato, 3 potato, 4
Books and stories that include numbers can help too. At story time make a point of
counting the characters and the key items in the pictures. Some examples of books are:
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
 The Three Billy Goats Gruff
 The Very Hungry Caterpillar
 The Three Little Pigs
Skill 2
Before learning to count a child needs to understand 'one to
one correspondence'. This means being able to match one
object to one other object or person.
You can practice 'one to one correspondence' in all sorts of different
contexts. Laying the table is a good idea. Alternatively you can do this
in a play situation as indicated below.
Dough Cakes
Make some dough cakes and ask your child to give one to each of their
soft toys. Use very small numbers at first.
Skill 3
Children need to understand what is meant by 'How many are there?'
As you count objects together touch each one. This helps children to understand they are counting one
thing at a time. Also, only count up to three at first and do not progress until your child can do this
successfully. Gradually add one more number at a time. Counting opportunities arise with everyday
objects such as cutlery or biscuits. Ask your child to guess how many objects there are before counting
them together. It is important to build confidence through positive comments.
Counting Game/Throwing games
Games which involve throwing a number of objects, such as rolled up socks, in a waste paper bin or
cardboard box can give good counting practice.
Counting trays
Use paper plates for this activity. Write a number on the plate. Provide a pile of dried pasta or bricks
and show your child how to count the appropriate number onto each plate before he or she has a try.
Underline 6 and 9 to avoid confusion.
Counting everyday objects
You will find many daily opportunities to count aloud together. Cooking is a wonderful way to
introduce a child to practical maths and extend vocabulary. You can count baking cases, spoons of
sugar or chocolate button decorations. Later you can use buns for simple addition and subtraction
Skill 4
The number of objects is the same however they are arranged.
Ordering Numbers
Make some cards with numbers on one side and the corresponding number of spots on the reverse.
Developing the ability to estimate is also a useful skill. Asking a child to guess how many items are on a
tray will help to develop this. Always count them out together afterwards, so that the child can see how
close he or she was.
Recognising the Symbols
A fun way to help recognition of numbers is to select a few number cards. Take one from the pile
without letting your child see it. Ask him or her to guess which one you have as you gradually expose
the number from behind a screen (e.g. a book) If your child guesses wrongly explain what the number
is. Introduce a few numbers at first and build up slowly.
Number Formation Guide
Encourage your child to form numbers in the standard way. Bad habits are difficult to break, so
following our simple guide can help to prevent problems at a later stage
Number Formation Guide
Spots indicate the starting position of the pencil.
The pencil should remain on the paper, following the
arrows. For the numbers four and five, the pencil
must be raised before completing the second part of
each number. Crosses indicate the second starting
Early stages of Addition
Children begin to relate addition to combining two groups of objects.
Make a record in pictures, words or symbols construct number sentences to go with practical activities.
Construct number sentences to go with practical activities (movable and non-movable objects).
Use games, songs and practical activities to begin using vocabulary.
Solve simple word problems using their fingers.
Can find one more to ten.
1 to 1 number recognition:
The children continue to use counters or other
objects to support their addition.
As they progress they are encouraged to hold the
larger number in their head. Then they count on the
lower number. Children are encouraged to then
record this as a sum.
Using a number line, by starting on the biggest
number and counting on the number they are adding
Children will begin to use blank number lines where
they draw a line starting with the larger number and
counting on the number they are adding. First
counting on in jumps of tens and then ones.
Children may also use a hundred-square to support
their understanding. They will be encouraged to
jump down in 10s and forwards in units.
Expanded method
200 + 20 + 2
0 + 50 + 3
200 + 70 + 5
Early stages of Subtraction
Begin to relate subtraction to ‘Taking away’
Make a record in pictures, words or symbols of subtraction activities already carried out.
Use of games, songs and practical activities to begin using vocabulary.
Construct numbers sentences to go with practical activities.
Relate subtraction to taking away and counting how many objects are left.
Can find one less to 10
The children use counters or other objects to support
their subtraction. They count out the right amount of
counters and they move away the number of
counters they are taking away. They then count how
many they have left.
Children are encouraged to then record this as a
11 – 7 = 4
-1 -1 -1 -1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 10 11
47 - 32 =
The expanded method of Subtraction:
Partitioning both numbers leads to the opportunity
to use more formal methods of subtraction.
Brain Break
Are you smarter than a 10 year old?
Use the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
only once to fill in the slots below
X _
5 4
x 3
Early stages of Multiplication
Real life contexts and use of practical equipment to
count in repeated groups of the same size.
Count in twos, fives and tens.
Also chanting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Array: _ rows of _
Repeated addition:
3 times 5 is 5 + 5 + 5 = 15
or 3 lots of 5 or 5 x3
Repeated addition can be shown easily on a number
Repeated addition using times table facts:
By using known times table facts shortcuts can be
taken to reduce the number of steps to multiply.
The grid method:
The expanded method:
2 3
x 4
(4 x 3 = 12 )
(4 x 2 0 = 8 0)
Early stages of Division
Sort objects.
Share objects into equal groups
Use related vocabulary
Activities might include:
Separating a given number of objects into two groups
Repeated addition / subtraction:
18 ÷ 3
Number line using times table facts:
Chunking using times table facts:
Short division:
1 8 r2
7 1 2 8
Key things to remember
The aim is for pupils to be able to select an efficient method of
their choice.
Having a good grasp of mental maths will help pupils achieve
better results and also increase their confidence in
This includes:
- Knowing number bonds to 10, 20, 100, 100 etc.
- The ability to add and subtract any numbers between 1 -20.
- Being able to double and halve any number.
- Recalling all multiplication facts with speed.
- Learning the corresponding division facts.
- Secure understanding of place value.
Partitioning – splitting a number up according to place value e.g. HTU
Recombining – putting a number back together after partitioning (usually after a
calculation) e.g. 23 + 13
Inverse – opposite calculations e.g. addition and subtraction or multiplication and
Grid Method – method used for short and long multiplication using partitioning of
Chunking – method used for short and long division involving repeated subtraction.
Expanded – method of addition and subtraction involving the skills of partitioning
to aid understanding of place value
Decomposition – method of subtraction (traditional) often known as the formal
vertical method
Number line – Visual tool that can be used for all 4 number operations
Counting on – term used to aid subtraction of numbers that are close together e.g.
32 – 29 = ? Count on from the smaller number to find the difference between the two
Finding the difference – a term used when referring to subtraction.
Exchange – term used when carrying numbers from one place to another,
traditionally referred to as borrowing.
Arrays – visual way of showing ‘groups of’ when learning about multiplication /
Number bonds – the different pairs of numbers which make up the same number.