Music Reading - Thurgood Marshall Middle School

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Transcript Music Reading - Thurgood Marshall Middle School

Music Syllables
Note/Rest Values
Quarter Note (Too) = 1 beat
Half Note (Too-oo) = 2 beats
Whole Note (Too-oo-oo-oo) = 4 beats
Note Values--cont.
Eighth Note (Ta) = 1/2 of a beat
Sixteenth Note (Ti) = 1/4 of a beat
A Dot (.) after a note adds 1/2 of its value!
Q: Huh? What does that mean???
A: A Half Note = 2 beats
1/2 of 2=1, right?
So, a dot adds 1 beat to a Half Note which
normally gets 2 beats adding up to 3 beats
Dotted Notes-Cont.
remember: a dot adds 1/2 the
value to a note!
A Dotted Half Note (Too-oo-oo) = 3 beats
A Dotted Quarter Note (Too-oo) = 1 1/2 beats
(yes, same syllable as a half note because…it
gets 2 pulses, or taps of your foot)
A Dotted Eighth Note (Tie) = 3/4 of a beat
(equal to 3 sixteenth notes tied together)
Review - Lines and Spaces
The 4 spaces of TREBLE clef spell
From bottom to top
Review - Lines and Spaces
The 5 LINES of TREBLE clef are named
E, G, B, D, F from bottom to top
“Every Good Boy Does Fine”
“Even George Bush Drives Fast”
“Empty Garbage Before Dad Flips”
Review: Lines - Bass Clef
In Bass Clef, the 5 lines are named
G, B, D, F, A from bottom to top
 “Good Boys Do Fine Always”
 “George Bush Drives Fast Always”
 “Great Big Dogs Fight Animals”
Review: Spaces - Bass Clef
The 4 spaces of bass clef are
 “All
Cows Eat Grass”
 “All Cars Eat Gas”
 “All Californians Eat Guacamole”
What Do You Remember?
A Staff has _____ lines and _____spaces
Lines and Spaces are numbered 1-5
from ____________ to _______________
What Do You Remember?
Name a sentence to remember the Lines in
your clef
Name a sentence (or word) to remember the
Spaces in your clef
What Do You Remember?
Too is the syllable for a _____________ note
Ta is the syllable for an ____________ note
Too-oo is the syllable for a __________note
Too-oo-oo is the syllable for a ________ _________ note
Too-oo-oo-oo is the syllable for a _____________ note
What Do You Remember?
A Dotted Half Note gets _____________ beats
An Eighth Note gets ____________ of a beat
A Sixteenth Note gets __________of a beat
A Dotted Eighth Note gets ___________of a beat
A Dotted Quarter Note gets _____________ beats
Practice - Treble Clef
Read the Words:
Practice - Bass Clef
Read the Words:
Practice - Syllables
Clap the following rhythms:
Practice - Syllables w/rests
Clap the following rhythms:
On-Line Note Practice
Note-Reading Practice (online)
Music Value Dictation (online)
Music Theory Games (online)