Subjuntivo: A Grammatical Mood

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Subjuntivo: A Grammatical Mood
View the following video to learn about the
subjunctive. Take notes in your journal on key
points from the video in the following format:
3 facts about the subjunctive
2 things you found interesting
1 question you still have
Formar el subjuntivo
1. Indicative present, yo form
2. Drop the “o”
3. Add ending:
Task 1
¿Qué esperas que pase hoy, esta semana, y este
1. Yo espero que __________________ hoy.
2. Yo espero que __________________ esta
3. Yo espero que __________________ este
Task 2
Ojalá is a Spanish word with Arabic origins. Originally, it
meant “Oh, Allah!" and may have been used in prayers.
Nowadays, it has taken on several more general
meanings: "I hope to God..." "I hope..." or "If only..." Ojalá
can introduce a subjunctive phrase with or without the
relative pronoun que.
1. ¡Ojalá que recuerde nuestro aniversario!
2. ¡Ojalá llueva!
3. ¡Ojalá que venga el padre Noel.
Escribe tres oraciones con ojalá y el subjuntivo
Task 3
Open the following
Scroll down until you find the list of phrases
often used with the subjunctive. Write 5
sentences using your favorite phrases.
Task 4
Use the verb charts to translate the following
into Spanish:
1. I hope he knows where we are.
2. It’s good to know your street address.
3. He wishes we’ll go to Disneyland.
4. I don’t doubt we’ll go on a field trip this year.
Task 5
Use the verb charts to translate the following into Spanish:
1. I hope you’ll be safe on your trip.
2. It’s good that you’re traveling with family.
3. He wishes Mr. Suber’ll give him a good grade.
4. I doubt we’ll give each other X-mas presents.
Task 6
Use the verb charts to translate the following from
Spanish into English:
1. Espero que hayas encontrado tu calculadora.
2. No creo que hayan terminado todavía.
3. ¿Quieres que sea tu novia?
4. Es duduso que sea mucho tiempo para esperar.
Task 7
Busca en el Tuiter de Ms. Dunlap para “Subjunctive
WEIRDO.” Escoge una frase de los ejemplos de cada
letra y escribe una oración.
Ej) W- Insisto que vengas a mi fiesta.
E- Me alegro que estés mejor.
I- Es una lástima que no pueda venir.