Grammar Chapter 1 Lesson 7

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Transcript Grammar Chapter 1 Lesson 7

The Sentence and Its
Subjects in Unusual Order
Subjects in Unusual Order
O In most questions, the subject comes after
the verb or between parts of the verb
Are you ready? Have you packed a bag?
O The subject of a command is usually you.
Often, you doesn’t appear in the sentence
because it is implied, or understood.
Get into the car.
Inverted Sentences
O In an inverted sentence, the subject comes
after the verb.
Off on a trip went the happy family.
Here or There
O In some sentences beginning with the words
here or there, the subject follows the verb.
O You find the subject by looking at the words
that follow the verb.
Here is the state park. There are many
campsites available.
Finding Subjects and Verbs in
Unusual Positions
O In the following sentences, underline the
simple subject once and the verb or verb
phrase twice. Is the subject is understood,
write (You) in parentheses next to the
1. Over the hill came a park ranger.
2. Start the campfire carefully.
3. Here is the food for our supper.
4. Near our tent stood a large deer.
5. Was the deer alone or with a group?
6. Look at the stars in the sky tonight.
7. Can you spot the big dipper?
8. Here comes and owl above the treetops.
Using Active Voice
O In the following sentence, underline the
simple subject once and the verb twice.
Then rewrite each sentence so that the
subject comes before the verb.
Example: Through the woods scurried a
frightened rabbit.
A frightened rabbit scurried through the
Try It!
1. Around the campfire sat the entire family.
2. In the deep lake swam many fish.
3. In the meadow grew beautiful wildflowers.