Data validation and MSFD interaction

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EMODnet Chemistry
WP3: Data validation and MSFD interaction
Partner WP coordinator: ISPRA
Steering Committee, December 3-4 2015, Venice
QA/QC Questionnaire
• On 10th November 2015 a Reminder for QA/QC
Questionnaire was requested again to all partners.
To be sent by emails to [email protected]
It consists of two separate files:
 Questionnaire QA_QC_May 2014.docx
 QA_QC_Questionnaire seawater_biota_sediment_May 2014.xlsx
Such Questionnaire is intended to be a tool to collect information on
QA/QC applied to parameters analysis and monitoring prior to data
management process, so called ex-ante quality controls.
Questionnaire should be filled by data producers or data providers
that are directly responsible for data collection or monitoring. Partner’s
Steering Committee, December 3-4 2015, Venice
QA/QC Questionnaires collection: current status
We received 19 questionnaires on a total of 41 data providers
Not for all matrices there are data. Probably not all matrices are
• Very few data for Antifoulants, Pharmaceuticals, Heavy metals,
Radionuclides, plastics
• Some problems with LOQ/LOD that will need to be checked
• General remark: what kind of difficulties arise to obtain QA/QC
• New reminder by email will be directed only to partners that did
not send Questionnaires
Steering Committee, December 3-4 2015, Venice
QA/QC and MSFD interactions: current status
QA/QC fundamental for Environmental Reporting on MSFD,
EQSD with new priority substances, WFD.
• Point of discussion: interaction between EMODNet and WFD
(Inventory of Priority Substances requested by EQS Directive)
• WG DIKE is involved mainly in next reporting on Programme of
measures due by MS by march 2016
• TG Data meetings have not been scheduled but it is still in the CIS
Working Plan
• On monitoring data: EEA has proposed new information standards
(INSPIRE and WISE compliant so far) for Inland and Groundwater
EIONET/SOE but not for Coastal and Marine Water. For such waters
MS are preparing monitoring data with old standards.
Steering Committee, December 3-4 2015, Venice
EQSD: new priority substances
Steering Committee, December 3-4 2015, Venice
EQSD: pharmaceutical substances
Steering Committee, December 3-4 2015, Venice