3 Why are we sick? - Shepherd Webpages

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Transcript 3 Why are we sick? - Shepherd Webpages

#3 Why are we sick?
2. The Allopathic Explanation
A. Bacteria…..so we got antibiotics
B. Virus ……..so we get inhibitors (ie.
Protease for the HIV virus)
C. Genetic Defect – Obesity, Diabetes and
suppression of Herpes, use the prescribed
3. But you don’t catch the following:
A. Cancer
B. Diabetes
C. Obesity
D. Acid Reflux or heartburn
E. Headaches
F. Fibrymyalgia or Arthritis
G. Impotence
4. Why are we sick, when……
A. Animals are immune to so many of our diseases
until they are impounded and get vaccines, drugs
and human processed food..then they succumb….
B. People from other cultures do not have our
ailments until they live a Western lifestyle
This is one of the greatest deceptions of all
The evidence is
paid for and
manufactured by
the companies that
it will benefit
6. Ponder this……………..
 “if
the scientific evidence is so
accurate, why are the
conclusions and results being
disproved when new research is
produced…..” (ie. Cox-2
inhibitors like celebrex, vioxx
and bextra……..
7. You will only hear…………
“…..medical doctors make
statements of fact , when, in reality,
they are only opinions…”
8. Different perspective on sickness…
We have bought into the notion of germ
theory which has been supported by the
concept of “scientific evidence”...that is we
can only understand things when we break
them down to their smallest parts…
Yet the rest of the world does not fully
subscribe this is ideal…they prefer to treat
the whole patient and the cause of the
problem, not the symptoms.
9. Try this approach….
We get sick for two reasons:
You “catch” something..a germ, bacteria or
You “develop” a disease or illness. This
means there is something imbalanced in
your body…something is not working right
10. In order to find out the problem,
ask, “What caused the disease?”
A. This is where traditional medicine stops
because it treats the bacteria or virus
They are asking the wrong question!
The question is, “ Why do some people
succumb to virus/bacteria and others do not,
when our body systems are loaded with
these “germs”?
(Anthrax in Post Offices)
11. So why are you getting sick?
A. Body is out of balance
B. Immune System is weak (not putting the
right foods and supplements into your body)
C. Toxins (poisons) are getting into your
And the big problem is that we need to know
when, how and why the toxins are entering
our sytem
12. The basics of illness…
A. What goes in the body
B. What comes out of the body
C. Exercise
D. Rest
E. Thoughts
F. What you say
13. What goes in the body….
A. Do you eat organic or man-made foods?
(is it genetically modified or range free?)
B. Is the food free from chemical fertilizers or
C. Is it free of antibiotics, preservatives,
additives, food coloring, growth hormones
D. Is it aged? Dairy products..yes…Meat..no!
14. What about dairy products…..
A. The law says milk must be pasteurized which
means it kills the living enzymes in the milk
B. But milk does not have to be homogenized
Homogenized milk breaks down the cream in the
milk so it won’t spoil so soon. But these molecules
are so small, once ingested, they scar your arteries
(LDL attach to it causing vascular disease), clog up
your digestive tract..leads to obesity, heartburn and
C. The truth about margarine or trans-fatty acids or
hydrogenated oils
15. What about fish…..
A. Most fish today is farmed using toxic feed
and chemicals…wild fish is much better..
16. What about additives….
A. Most additives are not put on the food
B. They suppress the immune system
C. They make you age quicker
D. Turn your body acidic making you more
susceptible to disease
E. The additives are one-fifth the nutritional
value of the natural elements
17. The dirty little secret of the fast food
A. There are additives that make a person
hungry, fat and addicted to the food
B. Do you remember coca-cola..the cola nut
had the caffeine and the coca got the person
physically addicted
Some of the additives in the food make you
depressed. These additives are made by the
same company that makes anti-depressants!
18. Problems with additives…
A. They block the absorption of regular
nutrients (mostly B and C vitamins)
B. They block the energy which you get from
the foodstuffs.
IE. The Pot, Soil and Plant
19. Energy happens to human beings…
Science can’t give you the answer.
The answer is that it comes from the energy
from the food, the sunlight and the air
There are over 15,000 toxic chemicals that
are allowed that do not have to be added to a
food label which preserve the food, affect
taste and texture, make you hungry, addict
you to the product and give you disease.
20.What about “irradiated” foods..
Radioactive beams zap foods to kill bacteria.
The reason for doing this is because the
processed food is producing food that has a
higher chance of having deadly pathogens
therefore causing sickness and death.
Kirilian Photography shows the energy is
21. What about the water….
A. Chlorine and Fluorine in the water that you
drink and shower and bathe in or swim in
causes massive scarring of the arteries.
Regardless of the amount of cholesterol,
there will be increased atherosclerosis.
Showers and steam baths with chlorine and
fluorine are the worst…steam drops loaded
with chemicals
22. Carbonated soda….
Diet drinks…make you hungrier and want
more and the artificial sweeteners are toxic
to arteries
Blocks the absorption of calcium
23. What about skin toxins
Lotions, moisturizers, sun screens,
cosmetics, soap, shampoo, deodorants. The
FDA agrees that you cannot take these
elements internally
24. Air Toxins
Air Freshners are the worst. Read the label, they will
tell you how deadly the ingredients are.
Kills the nose receptors.They don’t kill the odor, they
kill the receptors to the odor
Mold, dust and pollens
Fumes from carpets, glue, paint, mattresses and
soap used in cleaning sheets and clothing
Air conditioning units
Affects the appetite, digetion, moods, depresion,
anxiety, irritability and sleep disorders
25. The eyes…..
Think of the garbage you put in through your
eyes; negative, ugly, disturbing images
Television, movies, videos, magazines and
Exposed to one thousand the times the
amount of negative images than 20 yrs. ago
26. The Ears…………..
Vibrations and Frequencies can cause
degeneration and death
The low hum of an air conditioner
The computer running
Certain “kinds” of music
The washing machine, dryer, dish washer
Car engine, honking horns
Put your noise here!!!!!!!
27. The Electromagnet Field around
Medical Science does not accept the
notion that there is an electromagnetic
field surrounding the body
But they do acknowledge that EM does
The reason why M.S. does not
acknowledge EM is that it holds promise
for medical intervention besides drugs
28. Remember history…
There was no scientific evidence for:
A. The earth being round
B. The earth revolved around the sun
C. Nutrition having no effect on health
D. Cigarettes were addictive
E. Vitamins and Minerals added in health
29. The following energies pass
through our bodies daily…….
A. Satellites…twenty four hours a day
B. Radar…national security and weather
C. Cell Phone Towers …twenty four hours
D. Cell Phones ..
E. High Tension Power Lines..
F. Electric Wiring..
G. Computers, televisions and radios
H. Fluorescent Lights
Microwave Ovens
Other People