Transcript Document

History of Microbiology
Chapter 1
The study of organisms too small to be
seen individually with the naked eye
during part or all of their life cycle.
Types of Organisms
Scientific Nomenclature
Bacillus anthracis
Why the Latin?
• Scholarly language of Western Europe
• Dead Language
– No National Connection
– No Changes to Grammar
Before Microbiology
Early History of Microbiology
Robert Hooke (1665)
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1676)
The Golden Age of Microbiology
Louis Pasteur
French School
Robert Koch
German School
The Age of Antibiotics
Alexander Fleming
John Tyndall
Antibiotics Commercialized
Howard Florey
Ernest Chain
Stephen Jay Gould
There is no Age of Dinosaurs or Age
of Man, it has always been and will
always be the Age of Bacteria