How did ideas travel from Italy to the rest of the world?

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Transcript How did ideas travel from Italy to the rest of the world?

Renaissance Europe:
The Rebirth
Yep! Everything
is important!
“Rebirth”; begins in Florence, Italy
Classical culture revival (Greco-Roman)
Emphasis on the individual
Focus on humanism (study of Classical
texts and an emphasis on human potential)
Economic Recovery (banking – Medici
Family of Florence, trade, manufacturing)
Emerging Middle Class (Castiglione’s Book
of the Courtier to teach manners)
Political Thought: Machiavelli’s The Prince
New Literature & Interests
Written in vernacular languages (NOT
Italian Writers = Dante (Divine
Comedy); Boccaccio (Decameron);
Petrarch (Sonnets); books written
about regular (secular) topics, not
Civic Humanism = people should be
involved in political life
Italian Renaissance Art
Natural human forms
Realistic perspective
- use of shading to create depth
and a 3-D look
Expulsion from
the Garden
Masters of High
 Leonardo da Vinci
 Raphael
 Michelangelo
 Donatello
 Did realistic painting,
dissected human
bodies, goal to capture
the beauty of nature
 Admired for
Madonna's (Virgin
Mary)/School of
 Accomplished painter,
sculptor, architect
 David (the boy one –
first sculpture in the
round since Roman
Da Vinci,
Vitruvian Man
12: Socrates 13: Heraclitus (Michelangelo) 14: Plato
(Leonardo da Vinci) 15: Aristotle 17: Plotinus (Donatello)
R: Apelles (Raphael)
Sistine Chapel
David (the boy
one – first
sculpture in the
round since
Roman period)
Uses of Art
 Patronizing art helped rulers and elites
solidify and legitimize their power
Art communicated social, political, and spiritual
Therefore, the consumption of art was used as
a form of competition for social & political
 Glorious art and impressive architecture
impressed people with the rulers’ power
Cathedral--Big Dome = $
and Power
Renaissance begins in
Italy  Spreads to the
rest of Europe
How did technology allow ideas to
The importance of being
 *In about 1440, the German
goldsmith Johannes
Gutenberg developed movable
type. Gutenberg made
separate pieces of metal type
for each letter to be printed.
 *The same pieces of type
could be used again and again,
to print many different books.
 *Printing soon became the
first means of mass
 *What was the first printed
Renaissance Art in Northern Europe
 Should not be considered a branch of Italian art.
 But, Italian influence was strong.
/ Painting in OIL, developed in Flanders, was widely
adopted in Italy.
 The differences between the two cultures:
/ Italy  change was inspired by humanism with its
focus on the revival of the classics.
/ Northern Europe  change was driven by religious
reform, the return to Christian values, and the
revolt against the authority of the Church.
 More princes & kings were patrons of artists, rather
than the church.
 Characteristics
Detailed pieces
Realistic [less emphasis on the “classical ideal”]
Middle-class, peasant life, portraits
Arnolfini and
His Wife
Jan Van Eyck
Jan van Eyck - Giovanni Arnolfini
& His Wife
Erasmus of Rotterdam
Most important
Wrote In Praise of
Desire to reform the
Spread the Christian
message in his works
and blended his
writings with moral
and social concerns.
In addition, Erasmus
also was committed
to educating youth
and studying ancient
To be or not to be that is the
 William Shakespeare
/ Primary example of the
development of use of
 Wrote about thirty-eight
plays and 154 sonnets, as
well as a variety of other
 In addition, Shakespeare is
the most quoted writer in
the literature and history of
the English-speaking world.
Can you quote
 The Merry Wives of Windsor
"Why, then the world 's mine oyster" - (Act II, Scene
"This is the short and the long of it". - (Act II, Scene
"I cannot tell what the dickens his name is". - (Act
III, Scene II).
"As good luck would have it". - (Act III, Scene V).
 King Henry IV, Part I
 "He will give the devil his due". - (Act I, Scene
 Taming of the Shrew
"I'll not budge an inch". - (Induction, Scene I).
 Julius Caesar
"But, for my own part, it was Greek to me". - (Act I,
Scene II).
 Macbeth
"There 's daggers in men's smiles". - (Act II, Scene
"what 's done is done".- (Act III, Scene II).
 Cymbeline
"The game is up." - (Act III, Scene III).
"I have not slept one wink.". - (Act III, Scene III).
• Eaten out of house and home
• Pomp and circumstance
• Foregone conclusion
• Full circle
• The makings of
• Method in the madness
• Neither rhyme nor reason
• One fell swoop
• Seen better days
• It smells to heaven
• A sorry sight
• A spotless reputation
• Strange bedfellows
Prepare yourself
for something cute!