Transcript Polish NFP

Community agencies:
partners in accession
Cooperation with EMCDDA
- Polish experience
Boguslawa Bukowska, National Bureau for
Drug Prevention
25-27.11.2009, Sintra
Polish road to accession
Process for accession started in mid1990s
Phare 1994, 1996, 1998
Multi-beneficiary Program on Drug
Information System, 2001-2002,
coordinated by EMCDDA
Phare 2000, Phare 2003 – major
instrument of pre-accession assistance
Main objectives
Improvement of public health and
Strenghtening the institutional and
administrative capacity at the national,
regional and local level in order to
improve the implementation of the EU
drug acquis and develop administrative
When we start……
In the beginning the idea of joining the EU
– rather distant and abstract
Objectives - imprecise
Insufficient knowledge on expectations
and standards to be achieved
Red tape formalities
Bumpy road
EMCDDA as crucial partner
Political support
Informal influence
Professional support
Know-how, standards, procedures
Drawing on experience and achievements of
beneficiary country
Friendly, patient, open-minded team
What should be attained?
Development of Drug Information System and
Focal Point
Setting up interministerial Council for
Counteracting Drug Addiction
Strenghtening the mechanisms of
interministerial cooperation
Establishing Early Warning System
Development of civil society
Supportive factors
Pressure of EU
EMCDDA support
Participation in many workshops and
conferences to support the process
Presenting results of monitoring to policy
Realistic approach to create new structures
Creating useful instruments to meet acquis
communautaire – twinning project and
technical assistance
What is twinning?
A cooperation tool between a BC Public
Administration and the equivalent MS
It aims at upgrading the BC institution
through training, reorganisation as well
as drafting of laws and regulations
It consists of sending public officials from
MS to BC
Twinning – useful instrument
Provides unique opportunity:
To transfer of know how and best practices from EU
Member States and European Agencies
to strengthen human resources of BC
to strengthen internal mechanisms of cooperation
to build up international network of information
Support of twinning partners external factors of progress
Sensitivity to cultural differences
Drawing on experience, knowledge and
competence of BC
Avoiding mechanical transfer of solutions
from the MS to BC
Readiness to provide political support
Internal supportive factors –
useful assumptions
External experts may support the change process;
however, they will not do implement changes for
beneficiary country
Strategy of cooperation building
Using existing resources
Welcoming participation of stakeholders and their
involvement, avoiding exclusion and competition
Sustainability of results
Building management structures – the role of PL
and cooperation with decision makers
Technical Assistance
Very useful when there is a relevant
technical gap in the level of development
of the Beneficiary institution
• Development of software
• Purchase of hardware
• Purchase of transport vehicles
Adjusting legislation to EU
• Legal grounds for Council for Couneracting
Drug Addiction and Focal Point
Development of institutional structure
Strengthening human resources at
national, regional and local level
Gap between operational engagement and
policy makers
Shortening timeline between designing a
project fiche, its approval by EC and the
Ensuring adequate co-financing as a factor
contributing to the optimal effects of the
twinning. BC cofinancing with human
resources, office space, training/ conference
venues and interpretation etc.
More practical information in manual for BC
Added value
Implementing legislative solutions in
favour of counteracting drug addiction
Strengthening the material
infrustructure of BC institutions
Valuable human relationship
Thank you for your attention
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